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Everything posted by Arminius

  1. I understand that you worry about the side effects of Finasteride. However, it is a very slim chance that you will develop such side effects. I have nothing. Zilch side effects, besides more dense hair. :-) And yes, I take 1.25 mg per day (I cut one 5 mg Proscar pill into four pieces). If you are already thinning, I strongly suggest you try Finasteride. Your HT will only be a very short-term success (maybe 5 years). Why not give yourself long-term chances for hair, possibly with only a single HT?
  2. Your hair looks great! But your crown is certainly thinning. I had the same issue but Finasteride has already improved my density (been on it for roughly 15 weeks). I don't quite comprehend why your doctor would recommend delaying taking Finasteride, by even 24 hours! My doctor told me to get on it IMMEDIATELY (prior to the surgery).
  3. I agree. I was diffusing as well and got on Finasteride right away. Seems to be helping big time. I caution this patient to go very conservative with his hairline. I think you are going to be much higher than a NW3. Likely NW5 or NW6. Diffuse pattern is quite noticeable. Your crown seems to be very low density and the diffusing pattern is moving down the centre of your head towards the front. You are still in your 20s, so I cannot overemphasize how important it is for you to begin preventative treatment via meds.
  4. I second this poster's comments exactly! I had my hairline restored 15 weeks ago. I went EXTREMELY conservative because I didn't want to chase my hairline for 25 years. People who get their hairline placed almost straight without the typical mature recessions in the temple areas are doing themselves a giant disservice.
  5. First things first. You need to get on Finasteride ASAP. As in, today. Second, I believe 2000 grafts is selling yourself way short. I suggest that you get 2000 to lower your receding hairline and an additional 1000 to increase the crown and midpoint density.
  6. Arminius

    15 weeks and 4 days post-op

  7. Are you able to go into the sun for ten minutes a day? I always wonder about this when walking downtown because the sun hits my head for about 10 minutes during my walk and I am not wearing a hat any longer.
  8. Arminius

    15 weeks post-op

  9. Arminius

    From the album: 15 weeks post-op

  10. Arminius

    From the album: 15 weeks post-op

  11. Was thinking same. Would be pretty terrifying to be in his shoes without hair transplant surgeries. No way he could shave his head and look decent with those folds.
  12. Without question, a full head of hair. If you're in great shape while balding, it is still really shitty. Girls always stare at that bald dome.
  13. How is your recipient area feeling to the touch? It seems to be inflamed and I may be seeing signs of recipient area scarring. Are you washing your head regularly?
  14. Another update at exactly 15 weeks post-op (changed some of the photo colours to give different perspectives). Also, please excuse the sweaty forehead... was at the gym:
  15. Arminius

    From the album: 15 weeks post-op

  16. Arminius

    From the album: 15 weeks post-op

  17. Arminius

    From the album: 15 weeks post-op

  18. I don't have any photos besides the one posted in my profile. However, I can assure you that there is no noticeable scarring in my donor area, even shaved down to 2 millimetres. I did not use any lotion or creams on my donor area.
  19. If you have a good head shape, it is the only way to do FUE. Also very freeing. See my photos...
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