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Ron J

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Posts posted by Ron J

  1. You look (and must feel) like a transformed man. Your profile has drastically changed, giving you a much bolder/stronger look. Your case truly exemplifies the importance of a hair line to one's over all appearance, and conversely the limitations & deficiencies we all experience in it's absence. Question-- how would the density hold up if you pushed up the frontal thirdish area? Even now at seven months it appears you could get away w/a pushed forward/spikey-messy look. Any chance of some pics like this to give us an idea?


    The work is fantastic & the scar is simply amazing. Congrats.

  2. Predator,


    I'm glad your "content" w/your hair situation now, but I can't help but be brutally honest here: I would be over the fu$king moon and I don't think I would be "regretting it" at ANY stage you went through! Your hair looks AMAZING! In your last two pictures (8 months) your hair literally looks like James Dean and the wet slick back one (the WORST condition you can make it) is dense as hell w/a juvenile hair line to boot. It looks enviable even among men w/no hair loss. Women HALF your age (20 yrs old) are giving you looks; I'm sorry dude, but I would be giving this experience a 20 out of 10.


    Did you do your research? What exactly were you expecting? Even in your "worst" of phases it really wasn't that bad. Some guys w/native hair lose ALL of their native hair and take three steps backwards (totally bald) for many months. And LOL complaining about the "grey" hair. I can't even see ANY grey hairs!?!? Even *if* it was significantly grey, which it's not, everyone knows mens hair tends to grey from the bottom up so you would know that your donor hair is going to grey earlier than your native. Besides, your 40 years old man, your going to grey! Heard of hair dye? Itchiness? If I had to choose between a bald head or an itchy head full of HAIR for LIFE I would choose the latter seven days a week and twice on Sunday; let alone a head of hair as enviable as yours!


    Your result is nothing short of fantastic. I really don't know what you were expecting going into this. If I were Rahal I might want to refuse a patient such as yourself, but on the other hand I'd want to make you my poster boy because surely most people have some common sense. Sorry, just some tough love because I give your results a 20 out of 10! icon_redface.gif


    Now stop counting your two grey hairS, rubbing vaseline on your "itchy" spots, and get out there and get some of those 20 year old girls a la your Rahal pelo! icon_eek.gif


    PS perhaps a 50 year old bottle of scotch is in order to thank a certain someone in Ottawa.

  3. what is that, a slight recession of the temples you say?

    olive oil ( warmed )---BAM!

    come again, a diffusely thinning frontal third?


    what's more, a barren crown?

    cinnamon---BAM! BAM!BAM, BAM-BAM!



    Substitute egg whites for olive oil for thicker hair; gently beat egg whites for 22 mins; warm over open flame, temper egg whites prior to garnishing head; use a meat brush to marinate balded areas---make sure you 'comb' the marinate over head in direction you want hair to grow; Wrap your head in saran wrap, salt & season to taste, apply garnish...let sit at room temperature for approximately 15 minutes or until internal degree reaches 185; if marinate drips don't let it go to waste, compliments sea salted tortilla chips marvelously as dip, don't be shy, you'll be the center of the party, let your friends circle around your head of dip. Remove saran wrap, can use as a tapa after process. Enjoy your tapa w/your new hair!

  4. xxy,


    I'm going to go out on a limb here & propose perhaps your father was unfortunate and inherited the 'unlucky' gene out of the pool of siblings; genes can be a crap shoot in that respect. In addition, statistical studies always seem to confuse correlation/causation & tend to draw conclusions based on factors that correlate (or don't correlate) w/two sample groups, but have no causal factor('s). I asked a Dr. friend I know about this, and he said the "conclusion" of said studies are primarily dependent upon who paid for it; in other words the studies are typically paid for by businesses or lobby/interest groups who have a vested interest in swaying opinion for financial (or other) gain.


    Either way, I'm sticking w/my Western diet. Like an after dinner mint, proscar shall compliment my steak & beer.

  5. -H&W claim to consistently move a significantly greater # of grafts than that of any other clinic.


    -That claim is being challenged in this thread; w/respect to "true" follicular groupings, that is that other clinics allegedly move just as many hairs but have a smaller total graft count as a result of having grafts containing 3 & 4 hair groupings.


    -If H&W's claim is false, then we should see a multitude of cases from a variety of clinics which achieve similar amounts of coverage & density w/SIGNIFICANTLY less grafts.


    *I have yet to see this.


    The case you showed above is nice work, but it is what I would expect to see for ~3K grafts; note his crown is bare and received zero coverage. In contrast, take a look at London Lad (a NW 6) who received coverage both on top and in his crown:



    wouldn't you expect at LEAST an additional 3-4K grafts be used to fill in the Shapiro patients crown?


    I have yet to see any evidence that other clinics are achieving similar coverage & density w/significantly fewer grafts. It doesn't even matter how many sessions it took, the same principle holds true. Just like in these NW6 examples, where it was not only the top or frontal third that received excellent coverage & density but also the crown:






    Let alone these "wow" results I have not seen done w/significantly fewer grafts from any other clinic:








    If we can't find a multitude of cases from a variety of clinics which achieve similar coverage and density w/significantly fewer grafts, then why should we contest their graft counts?

  6. If anyone is concerned that H&W are being disingenuous w/their graft counts by artificially inflating #'s w/nefarious intent, then how precisely would an additional graft count (of hairs) persuade you one way or the other? If you don't take them at their word now, why would you take them at their word later? I doubt too many guys (if any) are going to be counting each follicular groupings after their procedure. From reading many blogs on here, the fact is most guys don't even bother to ask for the total hair count because they don't care, since their results speak for themselves. I would also take their close up high quality pics & HD videos including comb through's, as opposed to the distant "portrait" looking pics we get from most clinics, over hair counts any day of the week.


    I'm actually shocked this is such a controversial topic because no other clinic, I've seen, has been able to replicate anything approximating the amount of coverage & density in a single procedure as to that of H&W.Could anyone please show me ANY one clinic who has at least THREE cases which achieve as much coverage & density in a SINLGE procedure as any of the following:



















    Not to mention many of their amazing cases of two procedures. I'd be much happier w/the unparalleled amount of coverage & density they achieve in a single pass then I would be w/a piece of paper w/some additonal #'s on it.



    Now there's speculation that perhaps they really do move higher graft #'s, but that they do so at the cost of a larger scar. If H&W were really producing significantly larger scars than that of other clinics don't you think we would see at least SOME of their patients complaining about this, let alone (by my research) NONE of their patients are complaining about this (?). It would be one thing if H&W were telling tales of significantly larger sessions than any other clinic W/OUT pics to back it up, but the simple fact is they have been a leader in the most transparent documentation in the industry.



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