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Ron J

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Posts posted by Ron J

  1. TC, do you truly think those two cases are similar? What's getting old is using every thread to make general conclusions about an entire field w/out supporting evidence IMO.


    .." your a scum bag and i swear on my mother id beat the jesus out of you if we were in the same room " Lost My Swagger .

    yes, yes *I* feel so out of line. icon_confused.gif


    FWIW I've only seen a couple results from Dr. Wolf & can't attest to his abilities. For FUE- Feller hands down.

  2. Originally posted by lost my swagger:

    if you open your eyes instead of lookin for ever chance to talk shit youd see im not trying to compare the two cases as if they were mirror images of eachother... im not saying one way or the other.... thats not a whole lot more than farrel recieved... i hate the inconsistancy of this industry


    You contrasted two disanalogous cases, then in typical Lost fashion, made a general conclusion about the entire ht industry. I'm merely pointing out the radical flaw in your reasoning, which retards your perception, and as a result - of this perpetual cycle of folly - invariably brings you to the same malformed conclusions .

    Whenever someone questions your positions you do the following:

    - modify your position.

    - victimize yourself by claiming the other person is personally attacking you, rather than realize the person is attacking your position .

    -then proceed to personally attack those who question you. Now you would like to have a physical altercation w/me?


    This forum serves to educate people on both the benefits & risks of ht surgery; & how the risks can be greatly minimized by choosing an excellent surgeon. If I question your radical views it's only because I would hate to see anyone whose just begun their research be dissuaded from reaching a viable solution to something that deeply bothers them as a result of your fallacious reasoning .


    This forum is much like a sexual education class, and rather than allow the loudest child in the class (who incidentally was violated by an untrustworthy man in a hasty youthful decision) to tout his extreme views carte blanche, I'm asking that you support your positions w/evidence. But based on your obvious inability to provide examples from excellent surgeons you deem to be poor, it's clear your allowing your decision of indiscretion to molest your judgement. I wish you didn't so you could be repaired of your alleged disfigurement; but nonetheless I don't want others to live in misery believing there are no sensible solutions. After all, I've seen men who go to excellent surgeons use the same description time and time again---


    " it was the best decision I've made in my life ".


    PS for your personal enlightenment:

    -pointing out flawed reasoning is NEITHER personally attacking someone, nor is it " uncivil ".

    -I'm almost two months post op surgery by an excellent surgeon who is recommended on this forum & am VERY happy w/my decision thus far.

  3. Originally posted by lost my swagger:
    Originally posted by vincehair:

    Heres a link for everybody. The pics on the first page are at only 6 months,we all know FUE is slow to grow.



    id like you all to have a look at farrels results in the link posted by 'vincehair'.... then have a look at THIS GUYS results...


    hes more bald and does not have the curl that

    farrel has.... AND this guy apparently recieved FULL COVERAGE and solid density with a only like 3800 grafts..thats not a whole lot more than farrel recieved.

    i hate the inconsistancy of this industry ..

    The only thing inconsistent are your examples .

    I'd like you all to have a look at what Farrel said about his procedure---"Ok here are my 6 1/2 month pics finally. To recap I had 1,800 scalp FUE grafts placed in the front of my head, and 212 BHT from my thighs that were put in the mid scalp section."


    So, now your comparing a 6 1/2 month 1,800 FUE procedure w/212 BODY HAIRS TAKEN FROM ***THIGHS*** to a 3,800 graft case that the dr said had excellent donor ? The guy you posted had OVER DOUBLE the amount of grafts placed. If you want some consistency, you could begin by using sound logic and by looking at comparable cases. If not, then I assume we can expect the same radical conspiratorial conclusions regarding an ENTIRE FIELD w/out qualifying not only the dr.'s at hand, but the type of procedure, graft total, hair caliber, or NW level.

  4. Originally posted by Paul Shapiro, MD:

    We do see that propecia losses its efficacy with time in a lot of men. In how many I am sorry I can't tell you. That would be a good study to do. I would say that maybe 20% to 50% of men start to see a loss in efficacy after 5 years.

    Even in the crown/vertex area or hairline mid scalp alone? I've heard quite the opposite from a leading clinic who have been prescribing it for 10+ years.

  5. Your scar looks VERY clean. Absolutely fantastic documentation as well. I had no idea the strip was actually this thick, looks like a nice cut of filet. Under your post op pics, link 'E', what is that greyish area on the left side of your head where it appears no grafts were put? Regardless, fantastic so far & I look forward to following your progress.

  6. Congrats!


    You chose THE best surgeon (IMO) & only have a few more days until these bad boys are locked in place for the rest of your life. 15K+ patients & only 3 which were dissatisfied -and even amongst those they were always left off looking better than when they arrived- is simply astounding! One could not ask for more in a surgeon(s). 8K grafts left in your donor is insane! With approximately 11K grafts (available) in total, I wouldn't be overly concerned about future loss as this puts you in the upper echelon of density & will leave you w/excellent coverage/density should you need additional surgery.




    -NW level?


    -any pre op pics?

    -w/so many grafts available was there any specific reason you did not have a larger session or did your loss simply not call for it?


    Can't wait to follow your progress & congrats again, you've made a fantastic choice!

  7. Freeman,


    tremendous difference! These pictures - along w/Emans - prove what a pivotal role patients play in utilizing the full potential of their ht. If your hair looks *this* much denser w/ZERO product, I can only imagine the appearance of density you could achieve w/a waxy/putty which virtually doubles the appearance of density on me personally. In addition just as in Emans case, I'm sure you could get away w/a myriad of modern killer styles, *especially* w/the right hair cut. I don't known about anyone else, but I'm MUCH less 'wow-ed' by ht's that are presented w/a very conservative 'style;' & previously assumed it was a result of a lack of options. Now I wonder how many of these guys are merely content w/that look.


    It's similar if you were responsible for presenting a Lamborghini Gallardo at a car show, and rather than getting it washed, waxed, & detailed before the show you took it for an off road drive & showed up w/it covered in mud & bird bowel excrement. It's a sexy car, but it's not going to "show" well soaking in stool. I'm sure Dr. F appreciates that you posted some non-soaking wet pics to show his work.

  8. Wow, that's killer! Looks completely natural & THICK; love the whorl pattern. At ten months I wouldn't expect anything more too radical to occur, possibly some thickening as the grafts mature, not that you need it---I honestly wouldn't think you suffered from loss judging by these pics. The 'cow lick' area you refer to just appears like a natural whorl pattern to me, where you can see scalp in many men who aren't even plagued w/MPB.



  9. Freeman,


    congrats on your surgery/growth so far! Vast change, for the better, in appearance w/more months of thickening/maturing to come.

    how many grafts did you receive?

    is your hair styled w/a water based product in this pic?

    if so, wouldn't mind seeing some shots of it in less punishing conditions to get a better gauge of what type of illusion is possible - i.e. wax/putty or some other non-water based styling product which will stick the hair together as opposed to separating it, & not slicked back which is THE most punishing style. Either way, you have a much improved look w/more to come. you must be thrilled.



  10. Originally posted by hdude46:

    Plus with FUE, you can get more graphs now safely than ever. Will be interested to hear Dr. Shapiro's response...

    I used to think this as well, but I no longer do. If a patient is truly 'stripped out' by an excellent surgeon, then how could ANY dr. obtain more grafts via FUE *WITHOUT* going outside the safe zone (?). In addition, even in FUE cases where patients have had zero strip procedures, I've seen MANY Dr.s' go well outside what is considered the "textbook safe zone". I'd be very interested to hear Dr.s takes on both of these issues.

  11. Originally posted by Dr. Bernard Arocha:

    The ???black hole??? of hair restoration is the crown, in which the area grows exponentially with increases in the crown radius.

    Dr. Arocha, could you elaborate on this? I've heard that it is due to the crowns unique angulation, as opposed to the flatter surface areas of the hair line/mid scalp, which make it require so many grafts to create an adequate illusion of density. Is this true? We've all seen cases where copious #'s of grafts have gone into the crown, and yet the density is still lacking; I have seen a FEW cases where density was achieved w/a modest # of grafts. If a larger 'whorl pattern' is created does this exponentially aid in the illusion of density, to the extent that more layering/shingling is possible?

  12. Originally posted by SpaceBetween:

    Is getting around 3,000 grafts in the frontal 3rd too agressive for a guy whose loss will further progress?


    Barring any unique mitigating conditions (your: 55+, have no extensive family history of loss, & have demonstrably stabilized loss via meds) ANY Dr. is going to assume your loss will progress w/time, because hair loss is a progressive condition. Assuming proper hair line placement and average + donor density, anything LESS than 3K grafts in the frontal third would be unsatisfactory to most in that it would fail in creating an illusion of density. By allocating an uneven distribution of grafts, skilled surgeons create an illusion of greater density than that which is actually achievable to the entire head, & the hair line/frontal third is the constitution of this illusion as they are the most conspicuous areas.

  13. Bishal,


    -get on fin (proscar/propecia) ASAP.

    -do research, & have an online consultation w/the dr.('s) of your choice.

    -what guard # is your hair shaved to in the pics?

    -if your donor area is thinning then you might have DUPA (Diffused Unpatterned Alopecia); BUT you shouldn't accept anyone's prognosis of this except that of a top dr. Incidentally people on forums told this gentleman he wasn't a ht candidate & look how great his results turned out:



    Best of luck.

  14. Age?

    NW level?


    If it bothers you this much, have you looked into getting a ht? I didn't read one mention of ht's in your post (?)

    Originally posted by Pk-hair:

    My girlfriend defended me, but still it's not fair. That night I was not happy with myself,so to make me feel better I would tell my girlfriend that I can get that girl or that girl if I wanted to and she was looking at me like I was crazy.

    Your girlfriend sounds top notch. I understand your insecurity over the issue, but acting in this way to compensate only makes YOUR feelings of inadequacy transparent to her. It sounds as though your hair loss is not an issue to her and she's happy w/you for who you are. If a girlfriend used her insecurity about her breast size to continually point out to me which men she could get, not only would I think her actions were selfish and juvenile, but I wouldn't keep her as a girlfriend for very long. I'd be careful w/your attitude or you might have to deal w/another loss in addition to hair.

  15. P40,


    soo glad you came back w/an update. Your hair is astounding. The density you have doesn't even look like an illusion, but the real deal. Would you say it feels & styles close to original density? I can't imagine that pelo looking thin under any circumstances. Now you look like your pushing 30!




  16. Originally posted by Eman:


    ...What do I ask?? How should I style it? What should I use (in terms of product) in my hair? All new to me. I just need to find a time to get in to a stylist.


    Find a legit salon & a stylist who specializes in younger mens hair.

    Find a pic of a style you want.

    Take pic to stylist.


    Personally I like the spikey/messy look as well; which you pull off very well in that wet pic. I attached a pic of a really cool version of it. I would have the stylist TEXTURIZE your hair (i.e. the ends are cut at different lengths so it achieves this spikey/messy style) and buy a pliable wax/putty to style it with...that is, IF you like this style.


    All the best, keep us posted w/pics of your killer pelo! icon_razz.gif


  17. Let's review the various modifications you've had to make in your claims & just what has & hasn't been proven:

    -" pick a dr and I can show you patients who were left worse off ".

    -posts a paltry 3 cases: 1 w/imm. post op pics only, 1 case that was only 9 months post op then said the following when I posted his 12 month pics

    " i must agree with you ron.. wongs patient at 1 year looks very good ."... and 1 case of a NW 6 getting only 3K grafts.


    "i must admit, a quick search for "poor" rahal results was quite difficult, i found a couple things but the cases im referring to did not include pics "


    " id like to believe in HTs, my god id like to, but HTs will never be able to give me what i truly want. my hair back ."


    I'd like to known precisely how you came to the conclusion ht's can't "give you your hair back" (?). All I hear from you is harsh, negative generalizations about ht's and how they can't give you your hair back, yet I haven't seen any cases from these dr.'s you think are legitametly poor. So, then what are you basing all of your negative comments on? That's all I've been asking for this entire time, yet I still haven't seen anything from you.


    then this:


    "...i recieved a PRIVATE MESSAGE FROM A PATIENT OF ONE OF THE ABOVE MENTIONED DRS being discussed in this thread.. he not only agree with me, but seems to have first hand knowledge of unhappy patients from 2 of the named doctors ..."

    So now your changing the argument to be that out of the THOUSANDS of cases those three clinics have performed over the years there have been some unhappy patients and STILL we have zero pic's to make a clear judgement call with what exactly they were unhappy with, and if it was warranted (?) What precisely does this prove?



  18. Originally posted by Eman:

    **I have attached a couple of pics with the hair slicked back (more spiked than anything) as much as possible both wet and dry...























    ....you are one SICK, SICK, SICK puppy; do you know that? icon_eek.gif The way your hair looks in the soaking wet pics is PRECISELY how I would LOVE to wear my hair; and all the while your hiding this gem tucked neatly away under a variant of the Anchor Man Do (?). Dude, you look EXPONENTIALLY better w/your hair styled that way IMO. You don't need to be "re-educated" on 'styling' like a pregnant woman getting a divorce from her husband who tells her friends she's going to go to junior college to become a registered nurse. Just buy some wax/putty and do it exactly the way you did it for those pics.


    Most importantly, do you know what you just single handedly did for me (and every other balded bozo) Eman? You have broken the eternal enigma the hair gods have spoken in wise riddles which has bewildered, nay tormented the hairless heads of many a men:

    this means that many of the 75%+ men sporting the anchor man do on dr.'s websites, surely most of them could get away w/some variant of a fresh, modern, looking style! They have all merely been ignorant beasts and abusing the power of their follicle, JUST as yourself!


    Men such as myself sit and ponder these puzzles, and enigmas, FAMISHED for answers; all the while men such as yourself have feasted upon the forbidden fruit of the follicle; sit w/the fruits of the hair gods at your feet & stare down at it as a monkey awaiting for a lesson on how to use a fork. As Moses raised his staff & parted the Red Sea sending men out of bondage and slavery into freedom; w/the baptismal blessing of Emans pictures, I raise the comb and send you who have pondered the possibilities of ht's out of your bondage to the wig, and across the sea of scalp, and into the mother land of hair.

  19. Your hair looks absolutely amazing & this is nothing short of a truly remarkable transformation. I honestly can't see ANY difference in the hair color, in the recipient area &/or donor, that would leave me ever questioning your hair; I wouldn't think twice about it. 100% natural & the density appears to be fantastic. Appreciate including some w/out flash as well.

    Originally posted by Eman:

    I think I will need to have a professional cut my hair next??¦I want to style it in some fun ways!


    Many guys get ht's specifically because their loss leaves them w/limited to zero styling options (i.e. comb forward or over)and when they see guys w/ht's who don't spend extra time and money (on products & hair cuts) but are content w/simply combing their hair to the side, it leaves them wondering if this is a direct result of the ht itself as a result of a lack of density. In reading that your still cutting your hair yourself, I take this not to be the case w/you and thought it was noteworthy. Your hair looks perfectly fine w/this style, it's just personally I can't imagine dropping $15K on a ht then not paying for a cut and some gel.


    QUESTION-if you pushed your hair up in the front does the density diminish? It doesn't appear it would. If the rigorous task of taking a comb to your head--after living w/hair loss for years on end, shelling out copious amounts of money & undergoing surgery, then patiently waiting months for it to grow in--- proves to be a formidable foe & an insurmountable conquest (it does indeed seem to be a dying art these days) then it would be great to see a pic of it where you pushed it up (after it's wet and let it dry this way).


    Nevertheless, congrats! You look amazing & I would never suspect you even suffered from hair loss now.

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