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Ron J

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Posts posted by Ron J

  1. when I passed through customs & the man asked me why I went to Canada I told him--- "to get a ht," to which he replied "the things *we* go through, huh?" (he was bald). icon_redface.gif


    then when I passed through the security check at LAX the lady asked me to remove my hat. to my surprise she didn't even LOOK at my head...not a single glance. she looked overwhelmed 'inspecting' my hat (just a normal, plain baseball cap)---oggling every angle, exhausting every ounce of her mental prowess inspecting the seams w/the care & mental complexity of a caveman measuring the fat of a dead cow in exchange for his first born daughter. then the x-ray machine went off. the elderly gentleman spent five minutes inspecting my bag, to chastise me on the size of my shampoo bottles - provided by the clinic - & yet left the 7 inch stainless steel staple remover unnoticed. I felt very reassured about our homeland security.

  2. I agree. LMS's mind is set, & my words keep getting misconstrued to be some radical on the other end of the spectrum. When in fact, I personally am only a fan of 3 dr.'s in the world, & of those would only consider 1.




    I hope you get your case resolved. IMO if anything this just shows how much individual responsibility is key. I would never settle for that small of a graft count in that size area.

  3. Hey Aaron,


    it's a bit alarming that any clinic would propose 1,900 grafts for that area ESPECIALLY if you have fine hair, let alone 1K (?); & the statement that 'x' amount would lead to 'y' amount is also bewildering. Unless they were reff. to hairs & not grafts (?). Overall, not a good situation.


    PS did the dr. know that $6K was your cieling prior to giving you a suggested graft #?

  4. Originally posted by lost my swagger:

    ... we are in a situation where we are FORCED to continue... but above all i wish i could do something that could keep others from ending up like judge holden, and aaron, i bet they BOTH hoped for much more, i bet they BOTH went into this HT world thinking they would have much more, and i dont believe its completly their faults for expecting such.......


    maybe thats why i dont cheerlead for HTs, and thow praise left and right.




    I'd like to be able to engage in *genuine* dialogue w/you, without it becoming emotional/nasty. Can we do that?


    You don't remedy an uneducated person (or one w/unrealistic expectations) by feeding them another poor education on the other end of the pendelum; & this is precisely where I feel you depart from any objective, rational, perspective. Aaron paid for ~1,900 grafts into his hair line, and he got what he paid for. Everyone here is an adult, & as such has to take individual responsibility/accountability for their actions. Playing a victim/being fooled, doesn't bode well w/being a rational agent IMO. There are plenty of leeches in the ht world trying to feed off of people's desperation (it doesn't take a genious to figure this out) but this forum is not a place filled w/those leeches. If someone is fooled into thinking their going to get their original density back, never require additional surgery, etc than I'm sorry, but it's their own fualt for not using some common sense & doing more research. I'm NOT saying that reff. to Aaron, as he does NOT take this tone at all; but in response to your general attitude towards ht's. This doesn't mean however, that people can't get a result their TRULY pleased with, and most who go to excellent surgeons are.


    A Few Axiomatic Truths Re/HT's:


    -$ should NEVER be a mitigating factor. If you don't have the dough to get what's required, than you should NOT get a ht.


    -ANYONE getting a ht must know that additional surgery is a very real possibility.


    -ht's will NEVER give you original density back, a mathematic impossibility.


    LMS, you yourself COULD remedy your situation & go to an elite dr as many others have done in your situation. You act as though NOONE has good options. But, this simply is not true. I'm just curious, is $ what's holding you back? And out of frustration you vent about ht's?

  5. Aaron,


    I'm truly sorry your left less than satisfied after undergoing the entire ht process. Something I would wish upon no one. The good news is, it does not look unnatural to me & is not pluggy. Thin____? Yes. But, tbh 1,900 -- you said you had a couple hundred in the crown -- is NOT enough to create an adequate illusion of density in the hairline/frontal third; *especially* if you have fine donor hair. Based off of some of your comments, I'm assuming $ was an issue. Is this correct? Did the dr. initally propose more grafts, yet money was a mitigating factor? Any good dr. is going to front load grafts (i.e. allocate significantly more to the hairline/frontal third) than the rest of your head. This means that just because your headed to a NW6 does not mean that the dr. leaves an equal amount of grafts to be distributed per sq cm to the rest of the head. I'm saying this wondering what the understanding was between you & your dr. pre-op? Did you do much research to know that 1,900 grafts is not typically enough to create an adequate illusion of density in your frontal third, or what were your expectations from this surgery?




    Fin Results- am I the only one that is absolutely BLOWN away by his before/after shots? It appears you have virtually ZERO native hair on the top of your scalp in the befores, is this correct or am I not seeing things how they truly are here?

  6. Originally posted by Bill - Associate Publisher:


    I'm confused. Are you a patient or physician? There is no indication in your forum signature that you are or work with a hair restoration clinic.


    My apologies if I caused any confusion, allow me to clarify. I am undergoing a non accredited, self-instructed, home school medical exploration study. The syllabus, entitled 'From Fruits to Follicles', currently limits the scope of my practices to various fruits w/a broader objective of applying the concepts to lab rats. My personal expertise is the cantaloupe (& an occasional dabbling on the coconut when the season permits) on which my proprietary 'CHOP 'N DICE' incision is being perfected, incidentally the subjects serve as a wonderful garnish on most breakfasts.


    In short, I am not a physician nor am I affiliated w/one. Just a boy w/a dream. I should have been clearer in my original post. My apologies.

  7. bllorayne,


    I have a few thoughts on the matter, but in the interest of full disclosure, I have to forewarn you that I'm NOT currently in The Coalition, although I have aspirations to be, I can't currently find the application form on HTN. I like to think of The Coalition as a big, beautiful peacock. When gazed upon from a distance it's a colorful collage of fantastic proportions; a surreal splendor for the senses, causing all w/in its path to gaze in wonder. Upon closer scrutiny one finds unique variations among the feathers, various nuances if you will. Some of the feathers are brighter, bolder, & bigger, thereby drawing more attention than the rest. Other feathers are less pronounced. There are many flavors of the feather, but one will not flavor them all. When evaluating the peacock one would be wise to choose a feather that fits their unique fancies.


    If your question is out of concern for the safety & consistency of megasessions, then I give you indisputable, demonstrable evidence from the mouths' of the maestro's themselves:



    Megasessions aren't some new experimental procedure, far from it. There are thousands of documented cases showing consistent results that have w/stood the test of time. I can't say why some of the smaller feathers don't perform as large as sessions as the larger feathers. It's purely SPECULATIVE but it's possible some of them don't believe in their use or haven't evolved at the same rate as the other feathers. Why, just last night I was watching a documentary about Amish people, a fantastic sect of society! They don't believe in the use of: electricity, telephones, automobiles. They believe their use is nefarious. I sat in my air conditioned condo, watching in wonder on my 100 inch plasma tv, calling all of my friends on my cell phone about their nobel deeds. I drove around in my SUV for hours marveling at them. I was even inclined to join the Amish, but I couldn't find their website. My point is, the Amish are just as valuable to society as the rest of the members, they merely subscribe to a different set of practices. So, the question becomes which feather best suits your individual needs. I really don't see how the unique variations of specialties among the feathers really matters. They are all world class feathers. Pick a feather from the peacock that fits your fancy.

  8. it's *possible* it could happen anywhere, but extremely unlikely. the two things which minimize the risks of shock loss I'm sure you've heard of:

    -shaving recipient area for surgery.

    -use of meds prior to surgery to strengthen native hair.


    AFAIK shock loss occurs as a result of trauma/shock to the scalp during surgery. A good dr. who shaves down the area will greatly minimize the possibility, even when it does occur it's typically temporary w/the exception of those hairs which were too weak to sustain the surgery & were destined to fall out anyway.

  9. Originally posted by Judge Holden:

    Its not that it doesn't look natural, its just that its not as dense as I'd like it to be.

    Well, that's good it's only a density issue & has nothing to do w/naturalness. Have you looked into getting another ht? If money is an issue have you tried nanogen (a concealer)? It's supposed to work wonders in exponentially aiding in the illusion of density.

  10. I agree my last post was a bit petty, it's just a bit difficult to take the moral high ground when I have someone hurling fruity Huckleberry Fin statements at me---"why, I swear on my momma if we were in the same room I'd beat the living JESUS outa' ya!".


    This is truly proving to be an exercise in futility. Lost juxtaposes two cases, states the difference in grafts isn't very significant, then states he hates the inconsistency in the industry. What is one to logically conclude based on those sets of statements (?) Then when asked, in return I get a 500 word reply of PMS:

    'stop ATTACKING Meeeeeeee!!!!'


    Lost, I truly wish you the best of luck & hope you find a remedy to your situation. I truly do. On reflection, I can understand how you always feel like your attacked. It's like dealing w/a victim of a traumatic experience who suffers from post traumatic stress disorder. Much like a wounded war veteran or someone suffering from a sexual assault any time their confronted w/anything resembling their trauma they have flash backs of their attacker (a la butcher) & go into fight or flight mode. Perhaps every time I post you see Dr. Bosley coming at you w/the scalpel & your natural compensatory mechanism kicks in---

    'wahahahha why are you ATTACKING me!?!?!?' (hands gesticulating wildly in the air).



    I wish you no harm & truly wish you the best, regardless of the fact that you seem to never have a point, other than that ht results will vary from individual to individual which is a self-evident truth one stumbles upon in there first five minutes of research, since we each have singularly unique donor characteristics.


    Nonetheless, I wish you well my friend. If I can ever be of help to you, even merely for moral support, just let me know. We are brothers in hair loss. I look forward to our new relationship together brother.

  11. Originally posted by Winston baby:

    This post is petty, you fat man...I not trust person who not give details of own transplant, something not right about that..


    ht-I had 4K grafts w/Dr. Hasson almost two months ago. Nothing to hide, I just didn't see how it was relative to the discussion at hand.


    LOoOOOooL--I like you Winston Baby, I laughed so hard at this! icon_biggrin.gif FWIW I have lost 3 pounds since I hired Renaldo to paint that portrait of me, & I truly shouldn't have gone topless, but it was a fireside bedroom portrait; & in my defense the flaming flamino thong I'm wearing (which didn't fit in the avatar box) takes ~four pounds off, and really brings out the inner flare in my soul. At lest thats what Renaldo tells me.

  12. My friend, you have just opened a pandoras box; hell fire & brimstone awaits you & the first fruits of your loins. Your seed shall be cast off from the face of the earth & not even the lepers shall be envious of your cursed skin. May god have mercy on your soul...



    I've really never seen any kind of evidence or claims among competing world class surgeons as to better 'closures'/scars. So long as it's performed by an elite dr. & it's trychophytic, I think the difference -if any- is negligible.

  13. Originally posted by Acrobaz:

    Apologies to Eman for plagiarising his "Yay! I have a hairline!" caption ...

    I think some form of royalties are in due order icon_redface.gif


    At four months post op your looking really good! That's a solid # of grafts for that area, & your donor appears relatively coarse which should really maximize the illusion of density. Coming along very nicely & it's only just begun.



  14. Sorry to hear this. As a temporary solution you could try using nanogen &/or some combination of concealers in the scar; although at a #1 grade it's probably going to be difficult to conceal. Do you have to go that short to hide the pluginess &/or lack of density? How short is your hair now? I think at a #2-#3 it would be much easier to try and pull off. As a permanent solution you could look into FUE into scar, but yield can be dicey and I don't even know your situation. How many months post op are you & what's the status of your growth so far?

  15. 'The grafts won't ALL come in/grow at the same time, but they will ALL come in'--I'm sure this sounds like little more than a vacuous platitude right now, but hopefully it's encouraging in that the patch in question isn't an anomaly & your still relatively early out. You still have 7 months of growth/maturation to come. Your hairline is extremely bold & looks killer. I suspect w/THAT many grafts dense packed in your frontal third, you won't be left w/some gimp illusion, but actual density & the ability to style however you desire. Best of all you've chosen a world class surgeon w/a consistent track record of providing world class results. Not to mention you've permanently rid yourself of the 'pluggy' look, & in it's place have a completely natural looking hair line. Rest assured, I'm sure your result will leave you very happy when all is said & done. I look forward to following your progress.

  16. Personal threats? Check.....

    Constant victimization? Check....

    Refusal to respond to contentions within the debate? Check.....

    Refusal to post w/in fantastic ht result threads? Check....

    Expectation of future radical generalizations w/out supporting evidence? Check...


    Lost, you didnt just waive the white surrender flag in the first debate, you dug your own grave in this one as well.


  17. Originally posted by lost my swagger:

    ...to me the only thing that can be "learned" from RonJ is that hair transplants are the GREATEST thing ever created and you will be saved if you get one...if this guy wants to SUCK THE TIT of an industry thats done plenty of damage to plenty of guys so be it..BUT UNDERSTAND THIS, ITS COMING FROM SOMONE WHO IS NOT EVEN 2 MONTHS OUT OF HIS FIRST HT HIMSELF.. ITS COMING FROM SOMONE WHO, BECAUSE HES NOT SEEN POOR RESULTS ONLINE, BELIEVES THAT TOP DOCTORS DONT MESS UP, HE TRULY BELIEVES EVERY PATIENT THESE "ELITE" DRS WORK ON GETS A RESULT THEY ARE PLEASED WITH...... perhaps when your transplant grows out and is AMAZING your words will carry more weight.. til then your nothing more than a loud cheerleader for the HT indusrty.


    lol just unreal! I'm going to keep this as simple as possible since your so fond of fantastical exaggerations, of which none of my words even remotely resemble.


    The fact that I'm only 2 months post op doesn't make my position any more plausible or implausible.

    -can't you see that my position is w/respect to a large sample size , & not a single case? According to your criteria, would you only allow a Dr. to perform a life saving surgery on you, if he himself was the successful recipient of the same surgery? Your reasoning skills are truly a work of wonder. icon_redface.gif


    I am a HUGE critic of the ht industry .

    -doesn't the fact that my personal choice of clinics reach a grand total of 3 speak volumes to you?

    -if I were to post every result I personally deem substandard from every clinic in the world, this thread could not contain them all.

    -unlike you however, I have chosen to be constructive & focus my energy on those clinics which DO consistently produce an appreciable positive improvement for men w/hair loss & be silent w/respect to those who do not. Just as if I was lending moral support to a friend who was depressed over breaking up w/his girlfriend I wouldn't point him to the 90% of women I deemed unsuitable & conclude he is destined to a lonely life as a monk, I would point him to the small sample size I would believe make him happy.


    I am only voicing my opinion to put your radical claims into perspective & here they are:

    " Show me a dr. & I'll show you a patient left worse off"

    -this was your initial position. you couldn't show a single case from my choice of clinics, so after watching your feet dangle gimp from the noose you wrapped so snugly around your own neck, I decided to loosen it up a bit & ask you to merely show 3 cases from each clinic, that you deemed to be substandard. Your efforts EVEN STILL proved to be fruitless, like a rotten dead tree that provides no fruit or shade from the sun, only dead branches & a foul scent to all who pass by. You laid limp & impotent, & even spoke fondly of the results you did post.


    All Dr.'s have patients that were in some way dissatisfied.

    I never said they didn't, the difference is your extremely hard pressed to find them from the good dr.'s, & even then they always look MUCH better than they did pre op.



    Having a debate w/you is like trying to play on the seesaw w/the chubba-lub FAT tub loud mouth kid in school. There is absolutely no middle ground, just radical swings and loud THUMPS of the rolls of his butt slapping against the wood.

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