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Ron J

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Posts posted by Ron J

  1. Hmm...

    -clip your fingernails short so you don't scratch your grafts.

    -stock up on food, & movies so you don't have to go out, and you have something to do.

    -make sure you have a loose fitting hat you like for the first few weeks post op.


    that's all that comes to mind. congrats on your upcoming ht. the procedure is a breeze & you've chosen an excellent surgeon.

  2. I'm sincerely not trying to be argumentative here, but just for the record, I believe the gentleman who I linked did NOT mean he only smokes 4-5 ciggarretes a DAY; but on THE day of his ht. As that is all he could fit in. I had a ht w/H&W and they said it won't affect it at all, nor coffee...every clinic is entitled to their own opinioins, I'm just clarifying what theirs are.

  3. Severn,


    you have a very interesting case. Where were your scalp reductions performed: in the crown or midscalp area? I'm curious because the concern w/them is that they'll stretch back. If they were in the mid scalp, have they not stretched at all? If they were in the crown, are any of the dr.'s concerned about scar tissue limiting yield?



    Re Surgery--


    I think your in a solid spot to get a great transformation, as it appears it is ONLY your crown that needs work done. Your right to not allow money to be a determinging factor. This is PERMANENT cosmetic surgery that will be on the top of your head for the rest of your life, & just like virtually anything else, THE best are charging more money because their work dictates such.


    One very important factor to take note is that the crown is a unique beast in that it requires more grafts per sq cm than any other area on the head. I have heard that this is due to it's unique angulation & the way the eyes perceive it as opposed to the flatter surface areas of the hairline, mid scalp. Either way, look at any ht blog and you'll see that the crown exhausts significantly more grafts to create an adequate illusion of density.


    In spite of what others are alluding, there is a direct causal relation to the total # of grafts used & the over all result. As thana' stated, even the best surgeons in the world can't create some masterful illusion w/out the proper tools, namely grafts. And you'll be wise to note that this is demonstrably true by looking at those dr.'s work who consistently produce the best results & noting the significant # of grafts used, case by case. This is even truer do to the fact that your having surgery in the crown. I would go w/the 2,500-3K # for sure.


    Best of luck.

  4. H&W claim it doesn't impact growth/yield whatsoever; & as a matter of fact this patient said he smoked during his procedure (on HLH):


    Here's his quote:

    "i am smoking for 25 years. During my surgery with Dr. Hasson, i smoked 4 or 5

    cigarettes on the balcony. No probleme about that!"



    I'm almost certain Feller doesn't believe it affects yield either.

  5. looking good comb! those babies have already began to sprout. no doubt, many of them are still in a slumber...a beauty sleep, if you will. hopefully they will arise, rejuvinated, refreshed, and as beautiful as a bright sun shinining summers day.


    your in for one hell of a transformation! can't wait to see your updates man!

  6. Originally posted by Leeson:

    Not too bad, not too bad at all. You look like a Hitler youth! icon_smile.gif


    Leeson, I would kindly suggest that you refrain from ANY use of satirical humor; it's for your own personal safety. You see, any use of sarcasm on this community will likely get you treated as some child-rapist by a victims advocacy group. For refference, just look at any attempts of my use of sarcasm & the recipients treating me as such.

    Best regards...



    *******DISCLAIMER---if ANY children(or children rapists) suffering from abuse are reading this, it is not the intent of the writer to abuse, subjugate ( I know another multi-syllabic word, which is NOT intended to be of esoteric or pedantic nature..sighs...I merely expect the reading audience to have a post 4th grade vocabulary) or disenfranchise your cause...it is merely used as a comedic reply to a satirical post....TY, in advance for your cooperation...

  7. Originally posted by Bill - Associate Publisher:

    Ron J,


    I have to agree with TC17. If you're going to make a point, be clear about it without antagonizing him.




    ok...sighs...where's the fun in that? icon_mad.gif What about hurling personal insults---calling me a douche, is that not over the line?

  8. ...the guy is THREE months post op. What is Feller supposed to do, take every single call and continually tell him the same thing?


    Dr. F was hired to perform surgery & stand by his work, NOT be the guys therapist.



    I call it how I see it & back up the GOOD dr.'s because they're so far & few in this field; and choose to remain silet towards the poor results from hacks as they speak for themselves.


    PGP love the new avatar! icon_biggrin.gif

  9. Originally posted by TC17:

    Further, and more importantly, I think you and your posts are of no value to this forum. Ease up on the douchebaggy...stop being a douche, OK?

    yes, yes your vocabulary is much more prudent to the ears of hair loss sufferers world wide. Playing mod today while pleading your ignorance and trying to put in place a PROVEN world-class surgeon?


  10. Originally posted by Dr. Alan Feller:

    ..most will see this situation for what it truly is.

    we do dr. feller. the very fact that he's FREAKING out at three months w/no growth, show's he's OCD about the situation & clearly un-informed/mollested from his old work. you don't have to save your name, it's already been tried & tested, & come out righteous---to all who aren't ignorant.

  11. Originally posted by TC17:

    I don't understand what purpose your post serves...

    I thought it was self-evident, but apparently not: perhaps you shouldn't so sanctimoniously speak out if you are absolutely CLUELESS to the situation, rather than taking it upon yourself to "put in place" a world-renokwn dr. (?). Your taking an instructive/parental tone w/a world-class surgeon & now me as well, yet at the same time pleading your absolute IGNORANCE.

  12. http://hassonandwong.com/


    ..."Hasson & Wong leads the way in providing natural, consistently amazing results. We change lives every day, providing world-class hair transplants using proven, leading techniques. Best of all, our results are guaranteed! "

    Dreams really do come true icon_redface.gif


    BTW the day of my ht I was ready to sign my life away on a medical waiver; I assumed they would even have some clause covering their a$$ if I died during my ht. Rather, to my complete shock, I signed a form stating that they guarenteed my grafts would grow.

  13. Originally posted by stilldeciding:


    Though it is not always temporary, I've seen some results 5-10 years down the line where those characteristics remain.


    I've honestly never seen this or heard of anyone complain about it. I agree if it was permanent that would be a real pain the ass, but I would still take that over the bald look any day & have it straightened. Do you have a link of a case to which your reff to? Would be interested to see it. thanks.

  14. From my understanding, the kinky/frizziness in appearance the grafts take on is a result of the 'shock' from being transplanted. In the vast majority of men it's very common & in time (even 18 months+) the hair returns to it's natural characteristics. It's really not too surprising that the transplanted hair doesn't initially grow in w/the same characteristics from which it was taken; since it goes through various cycles as a result of the transplant: dormant resting phase, return as fine baby hairs, etc. But, once the process of maturation takes place the hairs soften & return to their normal chaaracteristics.


    In the meantime, you could always straighten your hair via chemicals at the barber/stylist. I would rather have to TEMPORARILY deal w/curly hair than a big flaming bald sea of scalp. icon_eek.gif

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