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Everything posted by Skeeter

  1. Morning all, Here is a couple of pictures 4 mos. From the day of surgery. So far everything is going ok. It’s hard to see the new grafts sprouting because there is still a fair amount of native hair in the areas Dr Gabel worked in. I expect the growth to accelerate from this point forward! Patience is the key! Best to all, Mark
  2. Hi Chris Dr Gabel has moved away from per graft pricing. If you consult with him send pics etc he will give you his cost.
  3. Hi Gatsby, The last set of photos is actually 3 months out. I’m excited for the growth to take off! Take care…
  4. Here is 3 months post FUE with Dr Gabel, so far things seem to be going fine. Scalp is starting to itch and tingle a bit. Here’s to hoping growth will start to accelerate! sorry about the upside down pics… they will not load correctly no matter what I do!i
  5. Will do… and I agree! Dr. Gabel is a great Hair Transplant surgeon!
  6. Thanks Melvin, I’ll try to post a few more but you’ll have to re-orient them so thanks in advance! Mark
  7. Hi Melvin, for some reason I cannot get the picture to post right side up… no matter how I try to format them so please excuse the orientation. Anyhow, this is exactly two months post surgery, all is going well and I’m hoping for a great final outcome down the road. Best of luck to all! Mark
  8. Hi Melvin, I’ll get some fresh pictures and update this evening! I’m just exactly two months out now and all is going really well…
  9. Thanks Melvin, Dr Gabel definitely knows what he is doing…
  10. Hey all, here are a couple of pic’s 5 weeks after Initial surgery on January 2nd. Everything is going well so far, been shedding for a few weeks but it seems to be settling down now. All soreness is gone and it’s back to my busy life again… Best to all, Mark
  11. Just got back home after having second FUE procedure with Dr Gabel in Portland. This procedure was just as good as the first one I had several years ago and I could not have had a better experience. Dr. Gabel has a beautiful facility in Tigard and his staff is awesome. I had 1577 grafts inserted into my frontal area, mid-scalp and crown to thicken up the top. The front was originally done in 2018 and it turned out really nice, but after examining me, Dr Gabel wanted to do a small touch up to fill in a few areas that he felt would strengthen the overall procedure; so he included that in this procedure as well. Not only is Dr Gabel and excellent clinician but he is ethical and caring as well. He was always listening to me and my wife and only suggested work that was in my best interests. I was really well cared for and had a great experience and I couldn’t be more pleased. That’s it for now, pics don’t want to load in the right orientation for some reason but I’ll load them anyway!
  12. Steve Gabel is excellent, I have had work done by him and can’t say enough good things about him and his team. You will be in very good hands… Mark
  13. Steve Gabel in Portland Oregon is amazing, I would seriously consider him. He does all extraction’s himself and the majority of implantations along with an assistant. 1 patient per day… I have had work done by him and it’s amazing. Mark
  14. Sorry I forgot to answer the question about lead time with Dr. G... I waited two months... Mark
  15. Thank you everyone for the kind compliments, I really appreciate it. Vinzaf19, I would be interested in a PRP treatment except for the cost. Dr Gabel wasn’t offering it at the time of my surgery but he may be now I’m not sure, you’d have to call his office to find out for sure. There is a very good hair restoration doctor here in Orange County who offers it by the name of Ken Williams so I might talk to him about it in the future if the science supports the potential benefits, I think it’s expensive though... we’ll see. I don’t know why I still have little gray in my hair at this age, genes I guess, my parents are both in their 80’s and still act like they are 50, travel, dance and completely independent and mobile. Hell, my dad at 82 was roofing his house a month ago, I told him to get down he just laughed at me! They are from a tough generation... Best of luck to all, I have some before pics I’ll try to post if I can get my lady friend who is an expert at photo shop,to help me out! thanks again everyone, Mark
  16. Thanks KelmfO1, how are things with you? All good?
  17. Hello all, Here are my photos 14 mos. from the day of surgery. I don’t know if I should expect any further changes at this point. I’m really pleased with the outcome, all in all this has been a smooth journey and I am forever grateful to Dr Gabel and his team, I think his work speaks for itself. If I need further work at some time in the future I can guarantee I’m going back to Dr G. He’s very talented. I’m 57 years old now so who knows maybe in 10 years or so I might need a tune up! Best of luck to all, any questions feel free to ask! Mark
  18. Loo looking really nice! This is going to be a great result! Congratulations!! Mark
  19. Thank you kelmf01! How are you coming along?
  20. Hi everyone! here are a few update photos from my FUE with Dr Gabel, I’m about a week shy of nine months in these photos. Everything is going well, I still have a little numbness from the procedure but it’s slowly fading. That’s it for now!
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