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Everything posted by Dutchie

  1. ^^^ all good points Dr. Lindsey. The 50% divorce rate is a bit of a myth though, its somewhere around 20 to 35% depending on who's stats you wanna believe. But I also think many couples stay married in loveless marriages because of their children, so perhaps it isnt that far off from 50%. Love is a very strange thing. Always will be very strange
  2. I read somewhere Spaniards and Italians are the best HT candidates in the world because they have both donor density and thick hair diameter
  3. It almost looks like a wig, doesnt it?? (not saying it IS a wig, I'm saying it LOOKS like one)
  4. I would like to know who the surgeon was for Conte, cause he did an amazing job
  5. Pretty amazing what they can do with wigs now. I would never get one, but its still pretty amazing:
  6. Google images has quite a few before/after pics of celebrities. Some good HT's, and some horrible ones: https://www.google.ca/search?q=celebrity+hair+transplant&lr=&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwit3p2MipnKAhWPsh4KHdKdBy8Q_AUICCgB&biw=960&bih=498
  7. Click on this link and scroll down to the bottom of page. Half of Hollywood pops up: Los Angeles Hair Restoration | Parsa Mohebi
  8. But hairline is less if an issue with me because of my massive forelock, remember?? Look at that sucker, you could practically land a plane on it
  9. I dont know which one yet. I assume there isnt a whole lot of difference between Hasson and Wong, no??
  10. If I can get 3500+ grafts my first surgery, and another 3000 my 2nd surgery I'll be happy customer. I was gonna focus my first 2 surgeries mostly on frontal and midscalp, and perhaps fill in my crown with beardhair and chesthair at a later date
  11. They're doing a FUT and they're gonna shoot for 3500 to 4000 grafts. I'm doing my laxity exercises as we speak I'd love to hook up for some beers but not until I do my 2nd surgery next year. Right now I'm not the most social person because of my ugly, bald head
  12. H&W has agreed to take me on as a patient. I'm soooooooooo happy right now *starts jumping up and down like a little boy*
  13. BTW this is what my massive forelock looks like in proper light. This sucker is huge, it never balds, and it helps disguise any future transplanted hairline
  14. Love you too Stig (no homo). How's your head coming along???
  15. Right, except in this day and age where anyone can write a review aboot anyone, you need to be very careful and try to sort out the bullshit from the truth
  16. There are actually quite a few horror stories on Dr. Rahal as well
  17. I havent landed on anyone yet. I'm trying to gather as much information as I can on every well reviewed HT doctors out there. So far there are only 5 contenders: H&W Jones Rahal Seager SureHair (^^in no particular order)
  18. Still havent made up my mind yet. H&W is a strong candidate, but I'm still deciding
  19. Does Dr. Jones in Oakville belong to this list?? http://www.drrobertjones.com/ I dont know, thats why I'm asking
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