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Posts posted by JON86

  1. Who are the doctors you spoke with? Shock loss happens and it's unpredictable. If you have a bunch of shrunken hairs you will probably lose them. This is one of the risks with doing surgery. Some hair lost to shock loss grows back but hair that was on the way out anyway does not regrow.

    It's a gamble you need to be willing to take if you do surgery.

  2. The good thing is you were examined by someone that knows what he is talking about and not just a sales person. I have dealt with that and it's not a road I want to take again. I do however believe anyone getting surgery should be able to talk with their doctor and map out a plan. Not only for the surgery they are about to undergo but also a plan that addresses hair loss in the future. Hair loss is progressive and you will lose more hair need to remember that is the most important thing. You need to have a doctor that will look at the big picture. I understand why you are concerned and I would look around if I was you. Don't do anything if your gut tells you something is wrong. I have been there had bad consults and false promises but luckily didn't make the wrong choice. I would have been butchered if I went with the first doctor I chose. I thank God that I didn't.

  3. I do not like online consults and I think they should not be legal. Who chooses surgery in any other field like this with pictures? Why don't dentists do this? Because it's wrong and there is no way to tell what should be done without being examined in person. I would never do surgery without meeting the doctor in person. It's one of the biggest fails of this industry. Also patients can be mentally unstable and not equipped to endure a transplant and the long waiting period of growth. Your case is a bit different . You were looked over by one of the pioneers in hair transplantation. Dr Rassman is one of the original real doctors. If you really research him you will see how important he is to the evolution of hair transplantation. His age might not let his hands do surgery anymore but he has seen it all and I would trust his judgement. On another note Doctor Mohebi has produced some nice results.

  4. It's not just the cost the skill is better outside of the US. I have been sold that with my fine hair that I need fut but there is a doctor in Belgium that is putting out fue mind blowing results on a consistent basis. I am blown away by what he does he gets better results with fue than most of the fut cases I have seen . He is the only doctor that has made me second think what I will do. He is not recommended on here but is amazing . Anyone that says fue in the US is even close to going abroad is lying .

  5. You need to wait a year since you just had a procedure. No way I would waste precious grafts in the crown area without seeing how the frontal third looks. You may need the grafts to fix the front if your last procedure doesn't grow right. 1500 is nothing for the crown it will not fill it in if you are asking. Crown will need almost double of that and will still look thin. You should let this procedure finish before thinking of doing anything else. The human body can only heal so fast and if you subject it to more tramua you may be risking losing grafts from the procedure you just had. You will up the chances for shock loss by a ton.

  6. A friend told me to drop my consideration with Bosley but didn't go into detail why. He just said to go to this site...


    I had a consultation with them and they wanted $5000 down and 180 a month until $12,000 is paid. They also said they couldn't give me the hairline I had described, because it woulnd't look natural... even though I was describing the hairline I used to have. I'm only a 2 on the Norwood scale, so that sound ridiculously expensive anyway. The person that suggested I go here also said there were cheaper alternatives... but do they look natural, still?


    So... why does Bosley possibly have a bad rep, outside of outrageous pricing?


    I just sent you a private message with a link to a page that tells you all you need to know about them. Go to your home page click on the message link and it should be there.

  7. Yes it will be nearly impossible to find a doctor in New York that charges around 5 or 6 a graft. You should never let price persuade you on who you choose. We have all seen on here that often ends bad. Most of the best fue results come from out of the US. The most affordable fue doctor recommended in the States on this site is Vories in North Carolina. He charges five dollars a graft.

  8. There is no clear answer to this question everyone is different and that is the way it is. Some need meds some don't, some respond, some get sides ,some don't. I have personally gotten sides from meds but they went away when I cut down the dosing. There is a radio show that I can't name here that had on a bunch of well known doctors and they reported that patients that had suffered sides from generic when switching to name brand propecia saw those sides go away. If you are destined to be a low norwood then you might get away without using meds. I know some people simply can't use them due to sides and that sucks. I personally and it's just my opinion would never get a procedure without them. To me it's like paying for braces but never brushing your teeth again. The result will not be good. If you have great donor you can exist without them I think but if not seems like a road I don't ever want to take. Like I said just an opinion and that's all it is.

  9. If you look up in the top right portion of this page you will see a box that says multimedia center. Just below it is a box that says find a great surgeon in your area. That is where the doctors recommended on this site are. There are lots of great doctors listed here but there are also lots of really great doctors not listed here. You need to make this your decision not let anyone else make it for you. Diep does a great job on African American hair. I like Yates too I actually talked with both of them. I am not African American but Yates is not far from me.

  10. Happy you had a great experience with Dr. Mohebi. He seems like a real caring person. He made my year by picking Sanjar. It's not an easy fix shows he has great courage to take on such a repair case. Wish you a great recovery on your procedure.

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