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Everything posted by GTDL

  1. Can finasteride and minoxidil be used simultaneously?
  2. Can finasteride and minoxidil be used simultaneously?
  3. Here's something that I've always wondered about, but never actually thought of asking anyone about. Now I know how a hair transplant works to an extent. Basically it's the removal of healthy donor follicles from the back of the head and redistributing them to the balding or thinning areas of the head, that part I'm fine with. My question is this, since follicles are removed from the back of the head, why is there never a bald patch left there after the donor follicles have been removed? I know it sounds like a stupid question, but I'm genuinely intrigued as to how that part of a HT works. What's the secret?
  4. Here's something that I've always wondered about, but never actually thought of asking anyone about. Now I know how a hair transplant works to an extent. Basically it's the removal of healthy donor follicles from the back of the head and redistributing them to the balding or thinning areas of the head, that part I'm fine with. My question is this, since follicles are removed from the back of the head, why is there never a bald patch left there after the donor follicles have been removed? I know it sounds like a stupid question, but I'm genuinely intrigued as to how that part of a HT works. What's the secret?
  5. In regards to who celebrities usually go to for hair treatment, I don't know. However, what I do know is that it's pretty disturbing that quite a few celebrities have no qualms about endorsing ADVANCED HAIR STUDIO claiming to have 'availed' of their 'services'!
  6. I don't know anything about the surgeon in Turkey that you mentioned, therefore I can't comment one way or the other. However, the Farjo's in Manchester have an excellent reputation going on the research I have done so far. You should also do some research on what the US/Canada have to offer. As I've heard time and time again, the the no.1 rule is NEVER let distance be a deciding factor when it comes to choosing a HT surgeon. You only have a limited amount of donor supply, so make sure it's not wasted in the hands of an incompetent surgeon. I myself have decided to go to New York (I'm from Ireland) to have mine done with Dr. Feller. Best of luck with whatever you decide to do. And do your homework thoroughly on a surgeon before you decide on them.
  7. Hey Space, I know what you're going through. I too am in my 20s with a similar hair loss pattern to yours by the sound of it. Now I know everyone is different, and what doesn't affect me, may affect someone else drastically. But to echo what Marvin said, why not just be honest about it? I've told everyone who has asked me what I'm having done, and not one of them has said anything derogatory so far. In fact, the response I've got from people on average has been something like 'Oh cool, I hope it goes well for you.' My attitude towards it is that IT'S YOUR OWN HAIR that is being moved to a different part of your head that will grow naturally from then on, it's not like you'll be getting a wig that will be hiding your bald head underneath. It's a medical procedure like any other, and hence NOTHING to be ashamed of. And if certain people have a problem with it, it's THEIR problem, not yours! Just my two cents mate, hope it helps somewhat. Best of luck with your HT.
  8. GTDL


    And just for the record, I do in fact like the English people I've met, despite what God had in mind ha ha!
  9. GTDL


    I think it's time to get the jokes flowing once again, new members like myself can bring plenty more to the table, here's a classic Irish one that you may not have heard across the pond. When God had created the Earth, he stood back and gazed down upon it with a satisfied smile. One of his angels came to his side and said 'That's beautiful! What is it?' God: 'This is Earth, my proudest creation yet. It shall be a place where my children shall go to learn and grow. For every good, there shall be bad, for every day, there shall be night, for every winter, there shall be summer, for every positive, there shall be negative.' The angel then pointed towards a small dot in the North Atlantic and said 'What is that?' God: 'Ahhhhh, that! That is my favourite little creation on this planet, that I have named Ireland. A land where the lakes are clear, the fields are green and the skies are blue. My very best work as far as the eye can see.' Angel: 'But I don't get it, you said that for every positive, there shall be negative. There is no negative with this.' God: 'Ah but there is! Wait until you see the neighbours I'm giving them!'
  10. I really hope that justice does prevail for you mate. To say that you got a raw deal would be a vast understatement. And here's hoping that others contemplating going to him will see these posts before doing so. Just to reiterate to people in Ireland who are considering having a HT, the man in the attached photo, Dr. Conor Kiely of Cork, Ireland, is to be AVOIDED AT ALL COSTS! Do your research and don't get conned. And don't be a stranger Trebor, keep in contact mate. All the best and hope you eventually get the results you were after. Kiely.bmp
  11. Just another thing, I have decided to go to the States Trebor, no way would I even think about having a HT in Ireland now. I'm going to go to Dr. Feller in New York, proven track record over and over again, top doctor, top results. And with the amount Kiely is charging for a paltry 1000 grafts, you could get a world class HT PLUS a nice little break across the pond. I really hope you get a refund and go to one of the top docs and get it fixed (with a top doc like Feller, it can be done, so all is not lost).
  12. Cheers Trebor mate, Although to be honest, I consider myself VERY fortunate to have only lost a grand (and NO donor follicles) at the hands of this shyster! It's guys like yourself who I feel really bad for, having been screwed over by him and his bogus claims. As great as this and other forums may be, they simply aren't enough to fully expose the likes of Kiely. I mean there are so many people out there who may be in the same boat as you were last year (and as I was when I was looking to have a HT) who would see Kiely's website and believe what he tells them (And why wouldn't you? On paper he would look impressive to a person who knows little about hair restoration or the doctors who practice it, and we ourselves both believed him at one stage). I had thought of maybe writing to one of the papers or perhaps one of these consumer watchdogs. As he is clearly misleading people and doing them out of large amounts of money, it's not on. But don't beat yourself up over it mate, even the brightest among us can easily fall victim to a conman when they present a solution to your problem. Have you thought of seeking a refund? The reason I wont get my deposit back is because I cancelled my surgery way too late. But you're in a different boat altogether, because he DIDN'T actually deliver what he said he would (1000 grafts/2500 hairs). You have the physical proof to back it up and also (if you wanted to really stick it to him) you could mention how he falsely advertised his work with PHOTOSHOPPED pictures (which are there for all to see on his website). Honestly mate, if I were in your shoes I would seek legal advice if he refuses to give you a refund. A grand is not worth chasing (and it's my fault for losing it by signing the contract). But ?‚¬6.5K is a whole different ball game, especially when you didn't get what you paid for.
  13. I see what you mean imissthebarber. You never know how you may feel about certain situations ten or twenty years from now. Actually, after reading your comment just there and having re-read Dalew's story, I think I may have missed the central point that Dalew was trying to make when I read it first. That being, that what seems terrible now, may not be so bad in the future. And if he could go back in time he would probably reconsider having surgery. It's certainly a big step, not to be taken lightly. I must agree with Acrobaz too, I think Dalew's story is certainly a must read for any young person considering having such a procedure.
  14. I see where you're coming from Dalew mate, it certainly is a road from which there is no return. But there is so much that can be done now. How is your current situation? Are you reasonably happy with your hair or does it still bother you somewhat. I posted elsewhere on this forum about whether or not surgery would be a good idea for me (I have recession at the temples). And Dr. Glenn Charles made a very good point. He said that it's not about what others think, it's about what I think. And if I wasn't happy with what I had right now, the chances are I would never be happy with it. Hence, I've decided to do something about it and go ahead with having surgery. What I'm trying to say is that you shouldn't just settle for something if it's not what you want. I do believe that there are doctors who could repair the old plugs (please correct me if I'm wrong?) And there's no job so bad that it can't be improved, if not repaired fully, in the hands of a good doctor.
  15. That's some story Dalew, kudos to you for sharing it on here, not an easy story to tell I would imagine. Glad to hear it all worked out well for you in the end though. Regarding what women think about hair loss, it's a gray area. Ironically, my female friends all said to me that I would look great with the shaven 'Vin Diesel' look ha ha, and that I'm mad having hair transplantation (I'm not ashamed to be having one so if people ask, I tell them, doesn't bother me). But the fact is that women have their types like us lads do (some of us like blondes, some of us like brunettes etc). Likewise, losing your hair doesn't mean women will find you less attractive, some will find you MORE attractive. I'm no expert on what women want by any stretch of the imagination , but that's just my two cents.
  16. Cheers Dazed, I appreciate your comment but I don't think there is much that I can do. You see Dr. Kiely gives you a contract to sign that you must return to him with the ?‚¬1000 deposit. It's written into the contract that once the deposit is paid, it will not be refunded if you cancel the surgery (unless you cancel it a month or more before the surgery is due to take place). I cancelled it one day before I was due to have it done (because I discovered this forum as luck would have it completely by chance). They are a very hard sell clinic. My 'consultation' lasted all but a couple of minutes. He spent maybe twenty seconds 'examining' my scalp and the rest of it was focused on how I intended to pay and how soon could I come in for the session. I know I should have known better, but when you're completely new to something and seeking an answer to your problem you tend to trust the 'expert'. Thank God for this forum is all I can say.
  17. I don't mean to insult anyone here if they do use a hairpiece, but with the advances made in the medical treatment of hair loss and what is available to hair loss sufferers today, hair pieces (in my opinion) are obsolete. Sure, there may be better wigs out there now than in the past. But at the end of the day, a wig is a wig regardless of whatever fancy name someone sticks on it, and they will always require lifetime maintenance (and a lifetime financial commitment too). I know that some people may not like the thought of having hair transplantation, or may not be suitable for it for whatever reason, but is wearing a wig really better than being bald? I know I'd certainly rather look like Kojak than EVER put a hairpiece on my head. Just my opinion.
  18. That's tragic! Not to mention deplorable! I think the people who run these 'clinics' should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law and made an example of (after all, although he took his own life, it was THEIR incompetence that drove him to do it). Maybe then, tighter and proper regulations will be put in place. It seems that in the UK and also here in Ireland that cosmetic surgery is very loosely regulated (if it's even regulated at all?).
  19. Thanks for your replies guys. Sounds like you're in the very same boat as me ShavedDethMonk, I too style it aggressively to cover the balding temples and it does look ok after pumping it full of Dax Wax and hair spray to hold it in place. But the wind is a sworn enemy as you know, even the strongest hair products are no match for the strongest wind. And like Dr. Charles pointed out earlier, if YOU yourself aren't happy, you probably never will be. So I reckon surgery is the best way to go. Are you having your operation with Dr. Feller too? I certainly hope you're right Flyby, although it would be difficult to predict my hairloss from family history as my father and grandfather both died quite young, in their 40s so who knows how they would have turned out. Although in saying that, they both had the same kind of hair line as I do when they died and they were about 15 years older than I am right now at the time of their deaths so maybe it won't progress any further. You're absolutely right, the sightseeing would be a better idea before the op, don't know why I didn't think of that ha ha! I certainly will stay on the proscar latinlotus, I've seen some superb results from it so far, like Flavio,a poster on this site. He's been on it 10 years and has a fantastic head of hair (and I don't think he has ever had surgery either). Although (and correct me if I'm wrong here) isn't proscar most effective for retaining hair on the crown or has it been known to prevent hair loss and regenerate growth at the front as well? I've spoken to different people about it, but the general consensus seems to be that it's a good 'prevention' rather than a 'cure'.
  20. I never even noticed that on his site, that's quite troubling as people who know little about hair transplantation and are considering it could wrongly assume that he is a coalition doctor or in some way affiliated. Although in saying that, it's good if a prospective patient considering him clicks on the link to this website and then sees what his work is REALLY like. And to them patients who are reading this I say: AVOID HIM! And do your research!
  21. Haven't booked a date just yet Petchski mate, but I'd be looking towards maybe September as I'm currently saving for it, and I'm going to make a holiday out of it too while I'm in New York. Never been, so it would be good to do a bit of sightseeing and do the whole tourist thing (even if I have to do it with a hat on) . From the photos they reckon it would be around 2000 grafts strip to reconstruct the hairline, but again, that number is just an estimate and Spex explained that once Dr. Feller does the examination, only then could they know for certain the exact amount of grafts needed. But I'm looking forward to the trip, seems a long way off but it'll come around quick enough.
  22. This is priceless! I'm sorry, I'm not trying to stir s**t but when I saw these 'before and after' pictures just now, I laughed out loud and simply HAD to post the link (I still visit Kiely's website once in a while to see if it's actually still THERE, in the hope that trading standards have finally caught up with him and shut the website down) Check this out, this seems to be the very SAME picture of the 'patient' in the before and after shots, but photoshopped to make him appear balding in one and not the other. Good God Kiely, if you're going to deceive people at least make your claims SLIGHTLY believable! http://www.kielyhealthcare.ie/...ableName=beforeafter
  23. Hey TNTKHAN, Welcome to the forum, you found it in the nick of time just like I did. I also believed I was the only one out there who was considering a hair transplant, and shelled out ?‚¬1000 to book a surgery with an Irish doctor whose results and reputation were VERY questionable as I discovered when I saw photos of one of his former (very unhappy) patients on this forum. I lost my deposit but hey, it's only money, that can be replaced, your donor supply CAN'T! Don't be sucked in by fancy websites who promise you the world with outstanding 'before and after' pics (photoshop can transform any bald man in a picture). And never accept a doctor's/clinic's claims until you have done your homework on them. There ARE unfortunately a lot of shysters out there who give the industry a bad name, however the doctor's recommended on this forum who are also listed on The Coalition are there thanks to thorough research and consistently good results. If you're considering having surgery in the UK, from the research I have done thus far then Dr. B. Farjo and Dr. N. Farjo are the ONLY doctors to consider, they're based in Manchester. A few of their patients post on here and one in particular, 'Balody', had a great transplant done with them. Otherwise, I would say go to the States (as I plan to do) or Canada, as Ireland and the UK (with the exception of Drs. B & N Farjo) are not up to the same standard. I'm only on here a month, but what I have learned from the guys on here has been phenomenal. As Spex says: 'RESEARCH! RESEARCH! RESEARCH!' Best of luck mate. G
  24. Cheers for that Balody, I'm certainly going to stick with the proscar to help keep what I have. However, I have been in touch with Spex (who was very helpful I might add) and sent some pictures for them to look at. Their opinion is EXACTLY what I thought I've needed all along which was very encouraging to hear, because to echo what Dr. Charles was talking about earlier, I don't like my hair line and I never will. Spex clearly explained what the doctor said would need to be done if I choose to go ahead with the op, and I was left with a very good feeling about it all as they hit the nail on the head in regards to what I'm after. And with Dr. Feller's glowing reputation I would say that his opinion you can pretty much take to the bank. So I think I've finally found the road down which to travel with Dr. Feller. Thanks again for all your feedback lads. G
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