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Posts posted by HairJo

  1. I agree it's a shame he had to go through all of that I probably would have given up at that point but I have to say nice job using body hair he's lucky he had body hair or he would have been unhappy with those before results for the rest of his life really a nice fix.I guess if you don't have body hair to use you'd have to look like a baby bird for the rest of your life. This is my main reason why I would go with Strip you can always switch to FUE later if you choose to do so for a touch up or fill in .

  2. Not everyone gets a hidious scar from a strip some scars are nearly undetectable if the person heals well and the scar doesn't stretch . With a large FUE you have a lot more tiny holes and you usually have no donor area left after it's been depleted by thousands of mini scars in your head . Fue take hair from everywhere on your head . I would still choose strip and only have one area affected vs thinning out hairs from the whole back and sides of my head . I'm not against FUE if it's done for a small area but to loose 3 to 4 thousand hairs all over my head bothers me. Plus FUE takes a lot longer so you have to have the patience to sit there or lie on your face for several hours or go back the next day for them to finish ,plus the damage that may occur to that many grafts when they are plucking them out of your head is not for me . They may get 4 thousand grafts but they could be of much less quality then a graft cut under a microscope from a strip.

  3. I also have a favorite plastic surgeon that I feel does the best rhinoplasty in New York and I recommend him to everyone because I've seen his fantastic results. I stand by his work for that particular procedure. I say the same for Dr. Feller it's just my opinion I've seen his work and results like I've stated before. Maybe if I went to Turkey or where ever and I was impressed there I'd do the same. I have met with at least 9 different HT docs and have researched all of them so I may be new here but I'm not new to the HT world

  4. Go by what you think you know you look better you said you have full hair now so you must look better. Kids and adults can say things to upset you and get you thinking but go by how you feel and how you perceive yourself life is filled with negative comments even the so called perfect looking people get negative comments. Plus little kids are not experts they say crazy things . I've received negative statements from my daughter too and then the next day she compliments me their just kids take it with a grain of salt .

  5. like I keep saying try a small area for Fue first you may have grafts that can handle the extraction method and may get good quality grafts then I might consider a larger session down the road . If my hair is fragile or my skin isn't right for an Fue I'd rather not waste what good donor I have left . Try a small session with a reputable FUE doc and see how well you grow if it doesn't look good then you still have enough to do a strip.

  6. if you told him you had a nose job and he didn't reveal to you that he did something he's still uptight about sharing that information. As time goes by and you are still together I'm sure he will confide in you. Maybe say your girlfriends boyfriend had it done and he looks great and say you know I wouldn't object to a guy having it done my friend loves it and he looks so much better act like you are all for a man enhancing his looks and you don't have a problem with it . I wouldn't tell him I know he probably assumes you know anyway so why bring it up you are both enjoying each other leave it at that.

  7. well just being on here a short time I've learned a lot about people and this forum it's really not what I expected you get attacked and accused of things not enjoyable at all. I feel like I have to watch everything I say or it will be picked to death by a few people that are obviously anti Dr. Feller . I have never said anything bad about any other doctors and I have met a few that I can slam but that,s not my style . I just report things as I see them and I have my favorites like all of you do so why single me out . I see patients brag about their doctors and experiences with them . Are they ALL BEING ACCUSED LIKE ME . I thought this was a place to give advise and share knowledge. I feel that to remain active on this site then I can't voice my opinion I have to cower down and just agree and praise ALL the Fue doctors in the world and say yes everyone should do Fue then I'd be well liked on this forum . My belief and I stick by it I do believe in Fue for small cases try it out if your graft yield is good and everything looks great then go for a larger session or do a little at a time . I believe in both procedures but like I said it depends on the individual. I personally would take my doctors advise into consideration as to if he thinks I'm a good candidate for Fue and I would try a small area just in case I don't like my results I will still have a good amount of donor for a strip if that's what I need . A lot of people do both procedures to achieve a great final result. I don't think I did anything wrong with my posts and I will continue to give my advise . This thread is getting worn out . I think I'll go on other threads were people really want help and advise genuine people who are grateful for some advise and even compassion this thread is just turning into baby games I'm right .no your right how about we're all right we all have our own opinion and If you want to accuse me of something then go right a head if that's how you get your jollies then say what you want. You can accuse me for everything I'm OK with it you still can't change my opinions I have just as much rights as you do. I'm waiting for my lie detection test I'm sure that will come next

  8. Have you gone back to the doctor who did the surgery and show him what's going on . If not that's what you need to do . I know it takes a year for almost all cosmetic procedures to show their true results . It's a great idea that you are also going to a dermatologist it's always good to check all the possibilities maybe they will set your mind at ease. Good Luck I hope you get good news

  9. That may be your agenda but it's not mine. Maybe I'm partial because I've seen his work first hand on not one but 4 of my friends and I WILL stand by his work especially when people like you MR. know everything try to discredit him . Why are you so bitter don't you like YOUR HAIR . I bet if I said something bad about Dr. Feller we would be best buds right? Do not EVER ACCUSE ME OF WHAT YOU ARE CERTAINLY DOING. No one has the right according to you to praise Dr. Feller would you like me to promote someone else that you like would that shut you up. Some people are really nice and helpful on this site you just PISS me off . I'm just glad I don't know you personally

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