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Posts posted by HairJo

  1. Dr. Feller,

    I want to thank you for taking the time to post on this forum, I know you have endured a lot to to educate us. The information you have been giving about FUE has been invaluable and hard to find. I have a question for you. During FUE do you use a motorized FUE extraction tool or a manual tool or both? Thanks.

  2. There's a bit of cross-purpose conversation going on here - deliberate or not.


    Feller and the strip, strip, strip argument is that you get the highest amount of grafts over your lifetime to cover an expanding balding area.


    The fue 'touch up' being discussed here is using grafts to restore a basically failed/sub-optimal result from fue.


    Seth, couple of questions for you too. The 5000 grafts you suggest which makes for a good strip candidate - is that 5000 over a lifetime or in one session? And second, had a v quick look at your result and couldn't quite make out - what's the reason you got another 1000 grafts so soon after the first 3000?


    Newbie, you've gotten what I"m saying. Seth does not. I don't think Dr. Feller is picking on FUE, he is just telling it like it is but he gets attacked for it. I think other doctors don't come on here for fear of being attacked as well. I think Dr. Feller should be commended for giving us information in the face of such hostility. I just wrote my opinion here about FUE and I get attacked too. It's like the FUE guys are emotionally connected to FUE like a girlfriend. It's really weird. All I've seen Dr. Feller do is give out facts and his view that FUT is the safer option for growth and healing and it makes complete sense to me plus I've seen it with my own eyes on my friends heads. But everyone can have their preference and thats ok, but the FUE guys have to stop attacking everyone who chooses FUT and let them express their opinion without it being called bullocks or crap or whatever was posted within a few minutes of me giving my opinion.


    Doesn't it make sense that if ezel had this information from Dr. Feller before his FUE he might have chosen FUT instead and be enjoyig his new hair instead of being upset about his FUE growth failure and wondering what to do next?

  3. I'm not here to argue that's not my purpose in life . I'm really surprised that you actually admit your purpose on this site is to argue. I wish you more fun in your life a little dose wouldn't hurt. If FUE is your obsession no one can change your mind and that's absolutely fine but you always come across as hostile to anyone who would rather choose FUT . Have civilized conversations not this HA HA HA STRIP STRIP . You always bash FUT we ALL know your opinion give it a rest be more positive in life really Man.

  4. I would be worried about another procedure with this doctor free is never really free. Good luck I'd go the traditional HT if your donor is still. good Sometimes you have to spend a lot for a renowned doctor to get good results but if you spend less on a procedure you end up spending more for repair jobs if you don't choose a doctor with a good rep and good before and afters. Get another opinion before you have the same doctor do anything to you

  5. Newbie33

    No real changes. I can post a picture if anyone wants but figured it was kind of pointless. My hair is longer so I guess it looks somewhat better but that's not due to new growth it's just due to longer curly hair.

    I honestly think the outcome is as it is due to poor graft extraction and then being out of the body to long. As you stated and others have stated: I was a pretty good candidate.


    As for the results you say you see. I honestly don't see a large amount of results posted by the doc on here. There are a few but not as many as I think we would like. Some of the results are of people with essentially a full head of hair yet they want to lower their hairline a tad. While a result is a result I can't truthfully look at that type of result and say that it helped me make my decision. I'd like to see more people that are legit nw3/4/5 and the results that are achieved on that type of procedure. With so many procedures done I just can't get over that he doesn't have more examples or more patients don't post.

    Could you post the links in which you found cases that need touch ups done by him. I've asked to see cases that he considered sub par and the patient pics after the touch up but he hasn't provided me any. He did state that we sign a confidentiality paper which I know we did but truthfully I need to see these outcomes in order for me to make up my mind about going back to get a second procedure. Everyone here says do it as its free but there is way more to it then just doing it bc it's free. It's a year plus of your life waiting and watching for a result that we hope turns out well.


    That's what I noticed about FUE cases, there is a lot of talk about them but not a lot of results out there. So many doctors are given the credit for being great FUE doctors but they still do FUT and they have few of their own FUE results to share. Then you read that people say FUE is as good as FUT is but look at the difference in the number of results posted. Its huge. I really feel for the FUE guys because they are told they will grow as well as the FUT guys but when they don't they are just told they need a "touch up". More money, more surgery. Better just to get the strip and be done with it. Then you know there is still more donor area left. I hope everything works out for you and you get your hair back one way or the other.

  6. Doing my own research . I think a good doctor is well worth the wait. Dr. Feller has a great reputation for his consistent great work and honest opinion. A couple of my close friends have gone to Dr. Feller there are very happy and have healed great and their scars are minimal. Even hard for me to find when I actually went through their hair with a comb.

  7. If I read correctly it said that Dr. Bhatti doesn't go that deep into the skin wouldn't that seem like he's not going down deep enough to reach the follicles so that would be worthless grafts and the scraping the grafts across the head was disturbing to me.

    I did love a few of the funny posts that's what this thread needs. Lighten up everyone let's enjoy posting and learn what we can from them. I think we have a lot of facts to go by now at this point it just comes down to the what the patient decides at least they have some good videos and advise in the end you know we all do what we want sometimes are decisions are right and sometimes we don't maybe we can make a better choice with all the info we got from this thread.

  8. My only guess is maybe they lost more hair and need another transplant or maybe 5 years makes a difference to your face too. Let's face it we all have to age and it is a good reason to not be happy even after you get your hair back then you focus on something else that doesn't look as good as it used too and it becomes a vicious cycle . But I do like the idea of a study and seeing pictures of guys years post op.

  9. I simply can't believe people just want to hear what they want to hear regardless they are going to pick the procedure they want. At least I have to say Dr. Feller speaks his mind and knows the facts and tries to help people make the right decision . WHERE ARE ALL THE OTHER HT DOCTORS??? Maybe they are all afraid to come on the site and get constantly get ripped apart by unknowns or maybe they are all forced into doing FUE's just to stay with the latest craze . Wake up everyone there is no scar less surgery so take your pick thousands of little white scars or one linear scar. I would want my procedure to be customized for me and I would trust a doctor who has done both procedures for years.

  10. It seems like the forces are addressed by the doctor but the doctor seems like it makes no difference to the grafts how much forces affect them . I do believe all of these forces absolutely damage the grafts . To me they are proud that they finish a big case so quickly but I always believe haste makes waste I want my doctor to take his time with my case and choose which procedure will be the best for me . Listen to experienced doctors they know best sometimes what you're set on doing isn't really going to give us the look you want but some other procedure would, I personally would keep an open mind and take the advise of my doctor

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