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Posts posted by HairJo

  1. I accept your apology but please understand people have personal problems and it upsets me to have to defend and explain myself whenever I make a post . My life is hard enough and I really didn't want to expose my problem but you kind of put me up against the wall and if that's pretty crappy but I hate more than anything is to be called in so many words a liar I am not a liar and I am still offended by what you said but from what I've been through I can get over this . I have bigger things to worry about.

  2. If I have to explain which I'm not obligated too but I will I am on disability I don't drive and my friends have done a lot for me so I didn't mind staying with them when they went for their surgery . They have come with me and taken me to many of my doctor appointments and I found watching the surgery interesting and don't mind at all sitting in a doctors office all day I sit home all day anyway . Anyway I think this is pretty petty and really has nothing to do with hair restoration once again I feel like this a personal attack and not called for on this forum

  3. I have the same pain you describe and it's horrible . I had surgery on my head and neck and suffer the same itching ,burning tingling . I have tried a million different meds and found Cybalta to be helpful for nerve pain . Naprosin also worked well too. I still have the problem it has been almost 2 years since my surgery and the tingling and itchy feeling got better with the Cymbalta but I still have times when nothing works . If you find an answer to this please share I'm in the same boat

  4. First I want to say that this guy looks great especially without that much left to work with Dr. Feller gave him a great hairline and the patient is very happy . Why I ask to the Dr.Feller haters out there preferably the FUE army on this site in my view I see you as you have a full time job just living and breathing for Dr. Feller to post and then pouncing like vultures to rip him apart . To me this looks very suspicious to me always coming from the FUE army. You just pick the subject and results to death anyone who is not a conspiritor can see this guy looks great for the amount of he had left to work with . Haters stop making it so obvious . I would go to Dr.Feller just because he stands up to people that attack his work not like most doctors who don't even want to show their work they are afraid the army will come out and find one little hair out of place and rip the doctors apart. I do agree I would like to know who did the FUE for future people to know who booked with him so they can run as fast as they can.

  5. Id give that person my sympathies but poor growth can occur in either procedure, not every single FUT is a stunning success, the choice of surgeon is important, by Dr. Fellers own admission his first FUT had poor growth, does poor growth occur in FUE yea of course, but poor growth also occurs with FUT, however the insult to injury with FUT is a scar from ear to ear.


    The scars I have seen are very good. I must say though if you don't choose wisely then yes the scar can be bad but in most cases the guys just let the crown and back grow longer and it still covers even a bad scar unless of coarse you buzz your head but I say if you look good buzzed then just be bald that means you look good and have a good shaped head and features to pull it off.

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