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Posts posted by HairJo

  1. It looks ok I would do another small procedure to blend in the hairline using single hair grafts that will pull it all together and I think it will look so much more natural . I think you need a dense pack and I would recommend Dr. Feller in N.Y. My friend had a similar situation with his hairline and Dr. Feller just did a small case using singles to fill in the spaces it added nice fullness and made his hairline look very natural

  2. As long as they know the pros and cons then let them choose whatever procedure they want . Most Dr.s will give the patient what they want money is money so they do the procedure make their money and hope for the best . The doctors gave Michael Jackson what he wanted just to make the money and see how well that worked out for him . Some doctors just give people what they want sometimes it works out but sometimes you go against the experienced advise of your doctor and end up paying the price. Think it through. It's amazing to me that some doctors are just led by what the people want and just do it even though in their mind fut would be better for them but they don't want to lose a single patient so the. just agree what what they want just to get the case. In the end the patient decides but lately how can they make a choice when all they hear is how great fue is and the promise of no scars. They only hear how great the turkish clinics are that's because they have people on line pushing their procedure all day they know how advertising works and how to discredit other procedures and lure you in to their way of thinking these are not everyday people some are but most aren't.

  3. I agree, I go for results I see with my own eyes I could care less about my doctors personality just the skill of his hands . Just an analogy but I hated one of my professors he came off arrogant to me but you know what? I learned so much from him he launched my career and I'll always respect him and his confidence and knowledge sometimes we can confuse it with arrogance.

  4. If a practice pushes FUE so much vs HT maybe their Strip methods are not that great plus for the places that use technicians it's a no brainer for the doctor he makes more money and has the techs extract the grafts he can then move on to another case. From what I see some FUE posters are making strip surgery like a grisly murder with slicing and scaring come on I've seen my friend who had strip and with Dr. Feller and it was hard to even locate the scar that's how well it healed we had to search through his hair to find it . I'm not saying that all people heal up this well but I was very impressed and now I'm less apprehensive to have a strip . Like I said before all these photos of bad scars most can be covered by your hair or some other type of cover . Anyone can see these people seem to have a great result in the front yet they have to show their scar by deliberately shaving it so it's so pronounced. Tell me if you had a big scar on your chest or anywhere else wouldn't you keep it covered or would you just paint an arrow in neon on yourself so everyone could see it ?

  5. I just saw a post of a guy that is worried he didn't get 3000 fue's as he was told you can see clearly in my opinion that he might have gotten about a thousand he doesn't seem like he's happy and he's concerned and worried so not everyone has a happy story . I must admit some Fue patients look really good but there are great results and bad results in any procedure in life . You must trust an experienced doctor he can tell by your hair ,your skin flexibility how much donor you have and your options for the future should you loose more hair . If he thinks Fue would be a good way to go I'm sure he'd say yes you would be a good candidate . If the doctor sees the patient would not get good results I would want my doctor to be honest with me and help me make the right choice.

  6. I can't believe what this thread has turned into" HAIR WARS" maybe I should just get some popcorn . STRIP vs FUE do what your educated mind tells you to do it's YOUR CHOICE. So much mudslinging and deformation too much for me and to discredit Dr.Feller who's been in business for so long with many great results doing both Strip and FUE just because he seems arrogant maybe he seems arrogant because he stands by what he believes just like other people stand by what you believe I see a lot of arrogance and out right mean statements from others on this thread does that not make you good at your profession????

  7. Seth have you even met Dr. Feller or know anything you're spouting out of your mouth? It sounds like you were the one everyone avoided on the playground very immature statements. I'm sorry but this does seem like a personal attach why so mad and so bitter go have some fun in your life this is not fun it's just picking a fight and an old scab . If a patient is happy with their choice and their results then that's what this is all about . We just want to come on here get some good information and pick a procedure that we and our doctors think is best for us . Your info isn't helping anyone it just makes you seem like a very unhappy person . Show a positive side or don't you have one.

  8. Some doctors push for FUE because it costs more they will make more per graft plus a lot of them use their technicians or robots or whatever the so called latest way to get your money . Why not go to someone who really cares about your results a year from now and is telling you the truth. Someone that has done both procedures for many years and knows which plan is best for you . I would rather have one linear scar than look like a plucked chicken. If everyone is so set on shaving their heads then just go bald it's the same look why does everyone want a nice head of hair if they are going to shave it . Who would not grow their out to cover the scar that's the whole point you wanted thickness and fullness so style your hair to cover the scar . If you have a flaw you cover it up and there are many ways to do that with a linear scar . How can you cover thousands of little white FUE scars and how do you cover over harvested areas if you have a mega session. Plus now you have lost your density in a large majority of your head then you wont even be able to have an H/T down the road . I still believe if you choose fue start with a small session this way if it doesn't work for you you still have the option of having a strip.

  9. I can see why most doctors don't want to get involved and post and respond . It's probably because they don't like all the attacks and insinuations . I can see this, not much response from too many other top notch doctors just opinions from God know's who including myself . It would be great to hear more from the seasoned doctors as to what they think which procedure is best in their HONEST opinion.

  10. In my opinion I would much rather have my grafts in tact and as healthy and strong as they can be when they go back in my head to grow . I don't want to worry that I am receiving a torn skeleton of a graft I want my procedure to be done under a microscope by qualified technicians and of course a qualified doctor. In my opinion that's the way I would go . I do believe FUE has it's place for a small procedure just to fill in . Maybe if the patient is dead set on FUE I still would do a small area first just to see if it works for that person before they commit to a mega FUE every one grows different, their hair is different their skin is different so many factors to consider when doing FUE or any procedure . I still prefer keeping the integrity of my grafts with the strip method . Anyway what's so new about FUE it's been around since HT began only then it was called plugs now 14 years later they are much smaller but still the same procedure . Just think is it better to rip a plant out of the ground to plant it or dig around it and transplant it with most of it's surrounding soil in tact . Which plant do you think would have a better survival rate? Thanks for your input Dr. Feller it is what I have believed to be true with the research I have obtained

  11. I agree that's why you have to choose the right doctor who has your best interest in mind for now and the future . You have to be careful a lot of doctors WILL do what the patient wants and not what the doctor himself thinks is right because of the money. So to the young guys out there listen to your doctor or doctors you consult with . Thanks doctor Feller for explaining front loading and future hair loss. By the way your hairline looks really good very natural and age appropriate

  12. I have had consults for a different cosmetic procedure not to get off the HT subject and from one doctor to another I got all sorts of prices the difference in the prices and what procedure they thought would be best for the results I wanted. It was up to me to decide to I pay the doctor who I felt had the best before and after pics and considered how much money I was willing to pay or could pay. I ended up waiting a little longer to save up for my procedure and went with more expensive doctor because I felt confident with him and I am very happy with my outcome. Let's face it most people would love to have the money to do these procedure it's costly so you do what you can do. These doctors can't save the world and they don't work for free why should they? And to talk about a doctors income and the the house and cars they own is simply out of line

  13. I saw the you you tube video and i thought it was an excellent approach to inform new patients who don't really understand what goes on during a hair transplant By the way the picture you posted was incredible the guy looks great . I'm sure he's one happy guy. I would like to see the photos on the open hair loss site and if you can put up more before and afters so I can see someone who has a similar hair loss to mine. If I come that good I'll be over the moon

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