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Everything posted by Speegs

  1. There are no observed permanent side effects studied. The minuscule number of men under 50 that reported Erectile dysfunction saw it fully reversed upon stopping the regimen. And a vast majority of the ED crowd are men of an age group prone to ED, with or without finasteride.
  2. I'd reconsider finasteride, it's effective for more than 4 out 5 men, and the potential side effect horror stories are drummed up by instigators more than the reality.
  3. Not familiar with anybody over there I'm afraid, but I know some world class American ones if you want to make a medical tourist visit and take a vacation.
  4. Personally, Minoxidil has always been more trouble than its worth for me, but some people swear by it and can't use finasteride (women for instance) so I won't make any blanket statements about its usefulness. But for me, and probably many men that have held on to crown hair while using finasteride, it's probably sufficient by itself in most instances. If you get on finasteride before crown thinning becomes apparent, your odds of not needing to use Minoxidil seems to be higher in my anecdotal experiences.
  5. The topic of patients paying for doctor consults arose in another thread when critiquing a practice not recommended on this forum that left a patient feeling taken advantage of. I should specify that charging for a consult isn't problematic in and of itself, professionals have a prerogative to charge for their time while running their practice as they see fit, time is money after all and most quality surgeons are in high demand. In my opinion if a physician is up front about the fact consults require a fee, that's just the reality of what amounts to a doctor visit, it's understandable and respectable, especially if intimate game planning or prescriptions become involved in the consult. But if it's employed as a method to try and make you feel invested and pressured into committing to the surgeon, I have extreme reservations in that tactic. Actually, I find it dubious. I've seen some practices use it as a type of bait and switch or pressure tactic, and there's just no place for that in medicine....and it's one of the litany of things that risk giving this whole industry a bad reputation. In conclusion, paying for a consult is a case by case issue, all about the intent and integrity of the physician that does them and the service rendered by them.
  6. A doctor told you he could only handle 2200 FUT in a day? Are you sure he didn't mean FUE? 2200 grafts from an FUT strip is a pretty standard size. Procedures really aren't considered megasessions until they exceed 3000 grafts.
  7. FUT over two days would be traumatic and reckless, 5000 grafts can be done by a trained and experienced staff with top notch facilities, but I'd be careful who I trusted with such a big procedure. That's a lot of donor to waste if they're no good.
  8. Yes, you're a little young to operate on by most physician's standards. Take your time, set aside some money, and don't let price nor travel be hindrances to going to the absolute best fit for your needs. It's something worth traveling for and something worth paying to do it right, because a bad transplant is worse than none at all, and in most respects you will get what you pay for.
  9. In terms of your receding hairline, the preventative drugs of finasteride and monoxidil thrive the best protecting the crown and top of the head, they're not impotent against helping the front, but they appear to be less reliable for that end. Which is why people often get hair transplantation for their frontal third and seek to preserve their crowns and top with finasteride and monoxidil. Be sure to do your home work with surgeons before committing to any particular one, and don't let travel be your chief obstacle, it's worth traveling to do it right.
  10. If it is possible, can we see photographs of the before and after.
  11. He charges people a couple of hundred for consults as well, appears on hack fluff television readily to sell his celebrity, and has been barred from this forum. Run don't walk from him. EDIT: I'm going to start a new thread about this topic of paying for consults.
  12. I wouldn't let a doctor put body hair front and center.
  13. What's shocking and mind-blowing is the website is apparently being maintained at a subpar 1999 high school computer class level. How on earth is this a thing?
  14. I take a heightened dose of fin, about a third of a Teva 5mg tablet, so far so good...but stuff like this makes me worry about being complacent.
  15. With all due respect, if you're not gong to respond to the doctor trying to communicate with you, why are you complaining about a lack of communication with him? It sounds like he reached out to you here because your emails have gotten lost in cyberspace if they exist and he was trying to establish contact with you to get to the bottom of it.
  16. Have you tried booking an appointment through his website? Because without fail someone should call you within 72 hours, I've done it with him twice and know how Dr. Gabel's office runs things. Are you claiming that you're speaking with Dr. Gabel's scheduler and they are not letting you book a time? I find that a little incredulous, why would the Gabel clinic not talk to you about calendar availability? That's pretty much unheard of. Did they give you a reason? Have you called and spoken to Whitney on the phone or anyone else at the office and stated you want to look at possible dates for booking a procedure? I'm a pretty big fan of Gabel after two procedures with him, and I just find it hard to believe that either he or his staff would deliberately ignore a potential patient, because that's not the experience I and a couple of his former patients had that are on this forum. I'd pick up the phone and call, let them know your emails are not going through if that's the true case. As far a price is concerned, he's pretty up front about four bucks a graft for FUT, been that way for years. Not sure what the FUE cost is, again, I don't think that is secret information being withheld from you if you're asking for it.
  17. That's an incredibly unnatural hair loss pattern that looks like plugs. He's actually benefitted from greying softening how bad that hairline looked when he colored it.
  18. All well and good if you intend to die young or can prevent the hair behind it from continuing to thin at all, otherwise you'll look like Joe Biden.
  19. What's ridiculous about McConaughey is he lies about it, I can't tell if he's just trying to pull everyone's leg for fun or if he thinks everyone is stupid. It's especially ironic for him to lie or try to pull the leg of Christian Slater, who has had an HT himself.
  20. Jamie Foxx, Matthew McConaughey, Kevin Costner, Jermey Piven, Steve Carrell, Joel McHale, and Neil Diamond have all had transplants, and did them before the FUE hype.
  21. Honestly, most balding men would kill for that hairline and actually get transplants to try and achieve it. I'd try out preventative treatment such as finasteride and reassess in a year, you look good, and that hairline will look age appropriate in the coming years if you get to keep it. Honestly, a slight recession is often deemed distinguished. BUT given your family history I'd try out finasteride NOW.
  22. Could take months for redness to subside, depending upon your personal physiology.
  23. Despite the fact you went to Bosley, you actually don't look all that bad and are age appropriate. You could perhaps fill in those temples a bit, but you have the very believable and normal hairline of a man in his mid 30s. It took me three procedures to get the density I wanted, but finally I'm there, and I'm not much younger than you. For what it's worth I too decided on a second physician for my follow up procedures, I went to Dr. Gabel and my only regret is he didn't do my first procedure.
  24. Wow, this website is STILL up? Meaning someone is maintaining the domain name? Who on earth in 2017 is going there?
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