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Posts posted by harin

  1. I think it looks fine, I have seen some of the results of Dr. Mysore and they all seems great, there is also Dr. Madhukumar in Bangalore..why did you choos Dr. Venkat Mysore versus Dr. Madhukumar?.


    Either way i think you should have good reasults. Keep us posted so that we can develope a real time database of Bangalore surgeons, there is lack of Information about Bangalore docs here on this forum. i understand Dr. Venkat comes recommended by ISHRS.


    Also have patience, your rsults will not show up for about 8-10 months post op.


    Good luck, and try and post pics every month, thanks.

  2. When a Surgeon harvests FUE grafts from reciepient area, are these hair grafts permanently lost?. Or does some percentage of these grafts grow back?.


    The underlying epidermis should have same regenerating capacity once the wound is healed and theoretically should be able to form new follicles isn't it?.


    Or does it depend on the technique of extraction in FUE with regards to what regrowth in the harvested are is going to be?


    Thank you.

  3. Sorry to hear about your experience, I am a newbie but a physician, I did look at your pictures and looks like the anterior hairline design is less than perfect, also there seems to be quite a bit of gap between the hairs on the front row which may lead to slightly pluggy look, but if you do have some donor hairs left then you can see how the hairline develops and go for a refining of front hairline later with a local surgeon.


    I personally think that there is at least some degree of manipulation with regards to graft counts when it comes to hair transplantation in most cases If not all. Its a easy lure of money.


    Again this is my 2 cents, I don't have much experience with this, hope things will work out well for you. Good luck to you.

  4. It is difficult to assess both these docs. I went through the Aravali website, looks like some results have been good but some looks sub-par, grafts placed too far apart leading to not so natural hairline.


    I did look at few pictures (there are only a few of them which is kind of a red flag in my mind, again it is my own personal opinion) on Ashit Gupta's website. However the pre and post pictures posted by him looks more convincing and with better result. Now I hope those are his patient's and not others...I don't know how to confirm this.

  5. I agree, the minoxidil use caused my scalp to itch and flake, I have tried different brands both here in US and in England, did give me decent growth but once I stopped it the scalp looked much more bare than I started now I don't know if that was due to natural progression of hair loss or combination of progression and loss of the newly grown hair, either way the daily itching, redness and flaking was not worth it, thus considering hair transplant. Now others may have had different experience, this has been my experience with Minoxidil.

  6. Thanks Blake, Let me know if I can e-mail the pics to you directly if need be.


    I will check out Dr. Umar, looks like he has gotten some really good results, I truly appreciate your input, sorry that ur unable to see the pics :(.


    I think initially one of the docs looking at some of initial pictures said I was having reverse alopecia as well. But I guess that assessment was made difficult because I had a hair cut a week before these pictures were taken and I usually wear my hair short (whatever remains of it) which kind of mislead him.


    I do personally believe that I have more than 2000 harvestable grafts t the back of m head after leaving a decent amount of hair at the back of head.


    Choice has to be made as to if jus head hair or combination for filler as you said would be better, so the search continues.


    I might sound like a broken record but I cannot emphasize how much I appreciate all your help and support.

  7. Dear Blake_bloxam and 1966kph.


    Here is the link to my album again.

    Hair Restoration Social Network ? Community for and by Hair Loss Patients


    I have plenty of chest and upper back hair as well as nape of the neck, I have been researching BHT surgeons. I do agree Dr. Umar has done a pretty good =job with BHT.


    I do think that I have more than 2000 FUE grafts available. I think I have to do some more research before jumping in with BHT and I promise to keep updating the forum.


    How come I have not been part of this wonderful forum and support group thus far?, hats off to you all for being so wonderful brothers!.


    A big thank you.


    Meanwhile only handful surgeons perform BHT here in USA, any ideas as to which ones have been successful?.


    Thank you all.

  8. @hairweare and gillenator, thanks for your encouraging words and response.


    As far as the current hairline goes I think I have reached the peak of shedding and the pattern has been stable for 4-5 years. Similar to what my father has. I don't necessarily want a full head thick hair, slightly less diffuse pattern if made to look like naturally thinning hair would definitely be acceptable.


    WITH REGARDS TO FUE and finesse in techniques would you guys have any recommendations with your personal experiences?.

  9. http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/user_album_update.php?album_id=3845


    above is the link for the pictures, left, right and back, what do you guys think?. I consulted one of the HT doctors recommended here,, and he suggested 2000 grafts, I suspect that it might suffice to front and forelock but would leave the back uncovered. I also had a recent haircut so the growth in the pictured areas are not at full thickness yet.


    Thank you folke, I cannot tell you how much i appreciate all the support, it means a lot to me, and I hope to give back to theforum in future.

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