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Posts posted by harin

  1. Quite fascinating how you would take a question directed at the moderators as an insult in the form of question directed at you?.


    I asked the question because I recently had HT and posted my thread here as a new post and it said:


    ''your post will be published after approval by moderators''.


    I have never before seen the above message about posts being screened, that is why I asked the question hoping that mods and owners might be frequenting this thread might answer. NO OTHER MOTIVE. I was hoping that the posts by people like you questioning some unethical practices by clinics like ''HakanDogany's'' are not being screened.


    Anyways my post has now gone live and here is the link to my post:




    May I request you to please not to assume illogical things and accuse people unnecessarily.


    Open letter to Harin,


    Obviously your comments were pointed in my direction, but I am curious as to what you think is my motive.


    Yes, I have been a silent reader for two years. Are you implying I have been 'sitting in waiting to ambush Dr. Doganay all that time'? To what end? If it provides comfort to you please confirm with Muslum that a) I had a procedure date of December 24th, and b) earlier today I cancelled that appointment.


    What have I personally gained by this? Absolutely nothing.


    I will be eating $450 in airfare cancellation fees. My game plan take off 3 weeks after Christmas is destroyed. There is no way I can find a reputable Dr. to perform my procedure before then.


    Yes, those are my decisions - but explain to me, where is my personal upside?

  2. I would imagine that the results would not be satisfactory. The reasons are multi fold. Look at the graft harvest site, follicles are harvested from balding area which is unlikely to be DHT resistent, even if they grow these follicles will eventually fall out. For number of grafts cited the area covered and density also appears suspect. Also look at the implantation site, pitting scars with too sparsely placed grafts which are misdirected!!!. Unfortunately he would need another HT under a better HT expert. A good example of why we need to be diligent in choosing the right HT doctor.

  3. NW 6/7 Transplant Experience – New Delhi/NCR region - > 9000 grafts



    I owe a lot to this forum, from insane cases to sane advice to do’s and dont’s this forum has been the place to find some help and solace at times for me. So I have decided to document my journey of hair loss and hair transplant and everything in between without any obvious bias. Everything written is my own experience and all the trials and tribulations I have gone through thus far.





    After much research into the techniques and results, naturalness of hairline and maximum survival of the transplanted grafts and having seen some of their NW 6/7 work I decided to go for Dr. Arika Bansal MD at Eugenix hair sciences at her newly constructed Gurgaon office.


    What I liked about Dr. Arika and her clinic:


    - Only clinic offering DHT – direct hair transplant – in fact Dr. Arika and Dr. Pradeep are the pioneers of the DHT with no root touch technique. They have had tremendous success in taking on high Norwood classes like 6/7 and have consistently produced some wonderful results.


    Initially just looking at the pictures she also thought that I had retrograde alopecia which she said I did not on visual in office assessment. She was also available for interaction via he whatsapp and readily answered my queries.


    She seemed confident of her technique and skills backed up by her excellent results and education at the topmost medical schools in India with a gold medal (AIIMS). What gave me the final push to proceed ahead was the results posted by SHASLEc0 with showed excellent transformation with very natural looking hairline design. Also Dr. Arika was not pushing for the procedure with repeated e-mails or phone calls like some other doctors and clinics, I liked that attitude.




    Time to book tickets, having my in-laws available living in New Delhi was a blessing in disguise. We booked air tickets to New Delhi via Dubai. 23 hours of total travel time. Was picked up at the hotel by my father in law and rested for the weekend.




    Day 1 – Oct 12 th – scalp hair only – 2400 odd grafts for hairline and frontal 1/3 rd.

    Day 2 – Oct 13 th – scalp and beard mix – 2400 odd grafts (total 3640 grafts harvested from the scalp donor region which was higher than expected due to decent scalp donor density)

    Day – 3 – Oct14 th – Beard hair only 2100 odd grafts for back and vertex.

    Day – 4 – November 2 – 2158 beard and head combination HT- combination beard and scalp donor hairs for whorl creation and the reminder of the scalp at the back


    Day started at around 10:30 the first day, initially Drs. Arika and Pradeep discussed the hairline with me and the pros and cons of different levels of hairlines and impact on eventual cosmesis, they also discussed the cosmetically acceptable harvesting of both scalp and beard donor area.


    Subsequent to this the frontal 1/3rd was anesthetized and careful hairline designing was begun with Doctors themselves taking care to punch recipient sites both at hairline and beyond, careful attention was paid to give the maximum applicable density to the hairline with slightly less density at the back.


    Overall all punches were done by doctors only (Drs. Arika and Pradeep), Graft extraction was mainly done by technicians but some of it was also done by Dr. Arika herself. Implantation was entirely done by trained of technicians with physician supervision.


    Both doctors are experts in hairline design and precise angulation of graft placement. After the donor area was prepared the scalp hairs were harvested and then implanted soon after. Same on days 2,3 and 4.




    I would say the process of numbing the scalp and especially the beard hair was slightly painful, I would say grade 3-4 out of 10. Otherwise once numbed there was virtually no pain.


    Day after the donor areas were little painful but absolutely no pain in the recipient areas. The beard area was raw for 2-3 days, on day 7-8 the left side of the beard area (harvested one day before the right side was harvested) had healed completely except for some redness. The right side beard took a little longer to heal = 10 days since more grafts were taken over 2 days from the right side.


    Right now I am happy that I chose the right physician and I am happy with the care given and the procedure, waiting for the results to show up patiently. I have been through the tough phase, now praying and planning are the only things to be done.


    I am extremely satisfied with Dr. Arika, her skill sets are excellent and top notch, she is very patient with her patients, methodical and artistic in her work and extremely talented, passed out of AIIMS with a gold medal which THE TOPMOST institution in India. I could not have been more satisfied with her work, ethics, skills, artistry, humanistic values and professionalism. I found her to be one of the few physicians who really cares for her patients wellbeing. Honesty, integrity, ethical behaviour and an extremely well oiled equally artistic team makes… in my mind the very best in the hair transplant business in today’s world.


    I have one thing to say for Norwood 6/7 hairloss sufferers, it is possible to restore your hair and the confidence in aesthetically acceptable fashion provided u have good donor hairs, also one more thing is that assessment by any professional HT surgeon can be deceiving with just hair loss and donor pictures. One cannot beat the in person evaluation.



    At this time, the hair wash at 3 weeks lead to about 30-40% hair shedding, rest remains intact and growing in length every day.


    I have also seen with other examples of DHT the hairs don't shed completely like in traditional cases, and also the transplanted hairs bounce back to full growth earlier than traditional HT. I suspect this could be due to less cold ischemic time (out of body time) of these grafts??, experts may elaborate.



    I have inserted pre and post transplanted pictures, please feel free to comment and advice. Please pray for my good growth, thanks a ton.











  4. I agree on both counts.


    Result looks fabulous for 2500 grafts. nice and artistic work by the clinic.


    But for 20,000 $ for 2500 grafts you do expect the doctor to atleast do the hairline and be present for the most of the procedure. Again I also think tht based on the doctor's trust on his technicians who might have been working with him for many years now, their technique might be as good as the doctor himself. It might also be the fact that the team is a well oiled machine?.


    ThAT SAID the fact that the consultation was rushed makes no sense, the consultation, counselling, expectations of the patient are the most important things with any HT surgery. It is important to get to know the patient and talk to them in detail, discuss with them their expectations and present him/her with realisitic goals for the future with HT.

  5. Respectfully, it's not an improvement. Before he looked bald. Now he looks strange. And that's because he's got armpit hair on his head. Pause a moment and consider that in isolation: he has armpit hair on his head.


    Of course, my aim is not to insult anyone, but I think honest assessments have to take precedence.




    I disagree. Some people have distorted perceptions of reality, and frankly, that calls for some independent judgment.


    I've been on hair forums (off and on) since 2003. And there's an 800-pound gorilla that no one dares acknowledge: mental illness. In particular, I'm talking about body-image-related mental illness. Simply put, the fact that some men are so afraid of being bald that they'd sooner staple armpit hair onto a Norwood 7 pattern is a fair indication that they've come loose from their moorings. And in fact, this is precisely how so many of these Hollywood women wind up with duck lips, cats' eyes, and triple-H breasts. Their fear, anxiety,and insecurity pushed them into a desperate circumstance that clouded their judgment.


    The human eye is so discerning that it can often tell that something's awry *even* when the transplant consists solely of scalp hair. And that's because hair taken from the donor area does not have the finer properties of the hair that naturally occurs at the hairline. So it takes great surgical skill to make a hair transplant undetectable even when dealing with scalp hair. But when you're dealing with body hair, it's infinitely more difficult to achieve a natural look. And where, as here, you have to cover a large expanse with body hair, I think you really have to stop and ask yourself what you're doing.


    I hAVE TO AGREE, though kinkyness of the hair may be secondary to afro hair pattern. (more curly hairs)

  6. The negative experiences are all here on this forum for anyone researching this clinic anyway, sounds fair to give the clinic/Dr a chance to reply to lacklustre results and dodgy marketing practices.


    True, but also consider the search box is very difficult to use in pulling up these results from particulat HT surgeons or specialists. Please make it easier to use the search box so that we can search with terms like ''results Dr. X''. Or ''complaints Dr. Y'' etc..


    Makes it only fair for new patients who come here with so much trust and hope.

  7. Overall Bill and David are trying to help the affected patient which is good to see. I think we all need to appreciate that.


    I also belive that despite doctors paying to be recommended by the forum the genuine complaints by the adversley affected patients' should be heard and voices not sitfled out unless it appears entirely ridiculous attempts to maling a perfectly well intentioned HT doctor due to either professional jealosy or other incentives.


    As i have mentioned before, it is very, very, very,........important to maintain the sanctity of the forum so the folks who come here for some genuine advice (like i did several months ago and benefitted immensley from the advice and help of forum members, to all of whom I am indeed very indebted). don't get false re-assurances about a HT specialist who has had several cases gone horribly wrong?, or some who may have cheated on graft counts etc.. or some who would not follow-up or come good on their promise of correcting a bad result.


    I don't mind seeing few google adsense or chitika or brightroll advertisements on the forum if it means it is going to free the forum off the clutches of being indebted to benevolent doctors who sponsors the forum. I understand the need to advertise their work and attract potential new clients, but to push the envelope in such a way and to such an extent which can be harmful to potential clients and perfectly naive and trusting patients is a horrible thing to do in any profession.


    hope this is a lesson learnt!. once again thanks for publishers and mods for keeping this thread open.

  8. second FUT with another scar at the back would be difficult to hide given now slightly limited donor area. Just my feeling. I would not loose hope yet. Continue maintaining a good scalp hygiene and see how much growth you have at the end of 1 year and then go from there. It is good that you now have frontal framing of the face. Wait for few months before making any further moves for HT then decide.


    This is my gut feeling,may be other experts can answer this better?.

  9. In the second picture you seem to have some growth behind the hairline, but overall not much change in density from 4 th month!, but as everyone says,it is not until a year before u realize the full growth from a HT, so keeping fingers crossed and praying for you. Though with decent amount of hair in front lock the HT has at least has framed your face. As suspected another procedure to implant more hairs to frontal 2/3 rd might give u enough density for a matured hair look with mild diffuse loss?.


    I agree a little dissapointing that there is not major improvement after 4 th month, however all is not lost, if I were you I would only go for FUE not another FUT.

  10. Agree, one has to do thorough research,just not go based solely on the forum recommendations, though recommendation means atleast a minimum standard has been achieved by the recommended doctor.


    And yes it is important that these issues are investigated by owners and moderators alike speedily.


    I also do not think most doctors would use multiple proxies like the above example. However it is now becoming increasingly clear that some do!, which in itself should be very concerning!!!.


    Bottomline - the sanctity of the forum must be maintained at any cost, even if it means punishing a doctor for falsifying records or false advertising or any other misdemeanor. This forum has given me so much, it is important that this wonderful forum be made available to other hairloss patients as well in its helpful form.




    I dont want to play conspiracy theorist but if what you're suggesting is true then the entire credibility of this forum is non-existent. I personally don't believe that all docs deploy a team to pump up their status on the boards.


    That said---your homework should go beyond listening to people on the board. I personally spoke with 8 doctors. Phyisician coordinators are great but personally can't believe people would agree to surgery without talking to the doc himself. Baffling to me. I asked every doc personally who he would choose if the procedure was being done on himself. I narrowed my search based on who was mentioned. Pure and simple


    Beyond that, you can ask to speak with previous patients. There's no shortage of confirmation you can seek if you choose to conduct due diligence. If a doctor rushes you, or doesnt answer all of your quesitons--run. If you dont have access to them personally-run.


    Just a shame we're here right now. Hopefully mods step up their game.

  11. personally being a physician myself I kind of compare it to intial statin research like Pitavastatin, was found to have horrible toxicities then came others which were more lipid specific and are now being used regularly,though the newer ones have their own set of risk profile and long term side effects. Lets keep our fingers crossed to see if follicle specific drug makes its way around to the market eventually :).


    Thanks Dr. Blake Bloxham for for your expert input.

  12. personally being a physician myself I kind of compare it to intial statin research like Pitavastatin, was found to have horrible toxicities then came others which were more lipid specific and are now being used regularly,though the newer ones have their own set of risk profile and long term side effects. Lets keep our fingers crossed to see if follicle specific drug makes its way around to the market eventually :).


    Thanks Dr. Blake Bloxham for for your expert input.

  13. agree partly with bablu - cheaper price may sometimes mean inferior quality work, however there are plenty of great doctors who are not recommended here, also there are few doctors who have been recommended here who have also had bad results, not a knock on the forum since the criteria to become recommended are very strict and docs are thoroughly vetted. Just goes to show that one needs to do his/her own research.

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