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Posts posted by jonnyalex

  1. If you would be so kind bill what was the reply by Longevita as this is the major problem I see with this evidence.

    Out of all the possible IP addresses it gets asigned to a competitor of maral, coincidience ?

    A agency that has dr Karadeniz a hater of tech clinics and maral inparticular as a client. Coincidience?

    What about the other accounts,lifeisbeautiful ect were do they figure in all of this they have shared the same IP address but were not negative to anyone to my knowledge.

    If I wanted to tottaly bugger things up for a clinic here how would I do it?

    I would set up multiple accounts praising one and abusing others and what would happen? I would draw loads of heat and probably end up banned wouldn't I ?

    Then if I setup yet more fake accounts and carried on doing the same thing all mention of said clinic would be banned wouldn't it ?

    Is this the process that is in play here?

    You've all ready mentioned banning all talk of maral is this also a fore gone conclusion ?

    The hatred of this clinic is what brought me back here as I have said many times.

    I have also said many times that they never got a fair hearing with pup and ko amongst others attacking them at every opportunity.

    I'm sure bill you have done checks on me as I have defended marals patients and clinics numerous times.

    Tell me and the forum please with all this tech you have to hand and I'll tell you if your correct and your system is accurate how many different IP addreses have I posted from?


    I am good at smelling when something is fishy and the Longevita COINCIDENCE stinks to high heaven.

    I said I would leave this place if all mention of maral was banned and I am a man of my word I will.

    Are you going to ban the 20+ maral patients from continuing with their threads?

    Are new maral patients going to tell their story?

    I am going there in three weeks and after about eight or so of being on this site it would be of great regret if I could not post my story.

    If all your evidence is correct I do not condone it I can somewhat understand it but I don't condone it how could I ?

    I have always tried to be civil and even go to the trouble of wishing people a nice day when posting and the attitude of some here has been disgraceful . Pup.ko and even now drs calling people including myself a troll.

    Would a internet cafe have one or several IP addresses or just one?

    Have you actually made dr maral aware of what's been going on via email?

    If you could please provide us with the explanation off Longevita bill.

    Have a good day and thank you


    I think you have missed the point completely my friend.

  2. Jonny,


    Any suggestions? If the moderation seems "lax," I think it's because we do our best to allow very open and uninhibited discussion. There are a lot of instances where it would keep things "cleaner" if we swooped in and banned, deleted, and locked, but it's not our style.


    Obviously, sometimes things fall through the cracks with this type of moderation. It's clear spamming and terms of service violations occurred here, and, if we didn't give people the benefit of the doubt and allow people the chance to speak freely, we could have shut this down earlier. However, I'd rather be liberal and open and occasionally be taken advantage of, opposed to being overbearing and stifle good discussion.


    But some of these people in which you refereed to in your initial post serve no benefit to the community that has been created here.. They had a chance to explain themselves and I just feel they failed to do so.

  3. Hey all..I'm not one to post much I've been on the forums for 2 years,I've been a member only a few months and I really don't want to get caught up in this but honestly some of the stuff I've read the past few months has made me rethink a ht,a lot of negative things and just unpositive things said about people's transplants( Wich is the last thing they'd need) and I truly was rethinking sharing my story In a few months and I'm not even going to any of these docs being so heavily debated.im 25 so I still am a bit nieve and I guess I thought people wouldn't do this sort of thing on a hair transplant forum but I guess it's such a big business and that's a way to make money for someone... Just to be clear I do trust this forum and honestly I got goosebumps when I saw this because I just had my consultation Thursday and I talked to my dr about the forum and he said how great it was before I could mention my reservations about it so I thought to give it some time..right on bill


    I understand your reasoning, I'm the same age and in the same situation as you.. the moderation need's to improve drastically here.

  4. Sorry, but I have to ask, why is this clown still allowed to post on this forum?


    Allowing these people to post is severely damaging to the quality and reputation of this forum and it's getting tiring to read posts from someone who has clearly made an account for nothing more than to promote a Doctor and discredit another. Surely the job of the moderators is to remove and ban these people but please correct me if i'm wrong?







    Hımmm, to the poster who ask about Erdogan and Feriduni, I also said that Erdogans technicians has more experience than Feriduni's technicians and I recommend him.


    Erdogan just opens incisions, do not have much communication with the patients. Maral has much more direct communication with his patients.


    Maral is aesthetic plastic surgeon, erdogan is family practitioner.


    Maral has legitimate licence for HT operations, Erdogan use another licence, and it does not protect him in case legal issues arise.


    Anyway, I suppose both have the same control and power on their teams and controoling the patients.


    We all learned from the patients that Erdogan has left the extraction to the technicians, he did not report this fact to forum moderators.


    Both can not do advertising according to laws, but Erdogan does here, Maral cant.


    What will happen when one of the Erdogan patient report here that his chief Technician Dilek begin to open incisions? Still respect to him but humiliate Maral


    When I put all this to balance, Maral wins and should have the same respect as the others.


    I just want fairplay,

  5. his work is as good as it gets period!


    well thats a great write-up. never thought of actually staying there for (10) days as I too am considering him for a HT. but that actually sounds like a better idea then having to worry about washing it properly daily and having to travel immediately after. I'm gonna consider doing the same.


    how much was the total operation of 5000 grafts?


    I was entertaining a few other doctors but some don't do BHT so I wanna go somewhere that will perform BHT cause I'm thinkn 4500 is about all I want to remove from my head but I do hav ample donor supply but I also have a thick beard so id like to get closer to 6000 grafts including BHT and Erdogan does excellent BHT.


    so was that a direct flight into Turkey and which airport? how far is the airport from the Hotel and how far is the clinic from the Hotel and how did u get back n fourth to the Hotel/clinic each day?


    were u able to exchange money there or did u exchange it before u got there and did u pay with US$ or Euro? did u pay all at once or did u give a deposit before arriving?


    wen u booked ur appointment how far out did u book it?


    why didn't u opt to have BHT done now vs. coming back at a later date?


    Hey Busa,


    Are you sure about the BHT? I emailed them and they say the clinic do not offer BHT's

  6. they did quote me in euros, but when i converted it to GBP it come to around 11ish k, regardless if you are paying euros or GBP you are paying 11 and a bit thousand pound.


    as they add 350 euros on just for a recovery treatment where they use the plasma from your own blood and put it onto the scalp. theres lots of extras.


    asmed sent me a full written quotation with every break down in cost. its 9.5k GBP alone just for the grafts.


    I have an identical price from them for the grafts, i'll stay in the clinic too which will cost a bit more.. honestly, from what this forum has taught me, you seem to get what you pay for with these things. I don't want to have regrets. I'd never go with the cheaper ones

  7. i think you will find jonnyalex that asmed charge 2.5 euro a graft, so thats 12,500 euros for 5000 grafts , plus the flights, transfers, and also you have to pay for the accommodation. if you care to check the exchange rate , you will see its not that far off after airport parking fees , fuel , spending money. you have to take everything into account when comparing prices on your doorstep to actually going and travelling hours abroad to a strange country.


    and also, I have confirmed with them, they will accept British pounds as currency, no need to pay any exchange rate.

  8. i think you will find jonnyalex that asmed charge 2.5 euro a graft, so thats 12,500 euros for 5000 grafts , plus the flights, transfers, and also you have to pay for the accommodation. if you care to check the exchange rate , you will see its not that far off after airport parking fees , fuel , spending money. you have to take everything into account when comparing prices on your doorstep to actually going and travelling hours abroad to a strange country.


    I have, and I am booked with them in march and have worked out all the costs, including the hotel and flights etc, it come's to around ?10000, nothing like 12,500. Unless he lives in Australia or something, it seems he has confused euro's for pounds.

  9. i have heard Asmed is a very good place to go as he is recommended by this website. if you look in the section where they show you the surgeons , you will be able to see which ones to choose from. i believe the tab is in the top right hand corner of the screen, saying find a great surgeon in your area.


    just another question. Has anybody heard of hair palace in hungary ? i don't know if i am breaking any rules here but i can't seem to find any information on these people or the business. they seem very good price wise and very professional quotes compared to some online quotes i have had.


    im desperate to get my hair done and get it back, but i need 5000 grafts and even in turkey its 12.5k GPB


    You are way off with that quote, the quotes are given in Euros, not Pounds, check again and you'll see it's far cheaper than that.

  10. i am sure he has a plan. I am just surprised that he did not explain it to you very well, and that you felt you had to come to a forum to get answers.


    I did, I started this thread because I had massive variations in the amount of grafts suggested by different doctors, leading to pretty major confusion... My hairline need's fixing because of the abnormal way it grew on the left, not only due to thinning (i'll take better pictures tomorrow, it sort of goes straight up, giving the impression of a severely receded hairline whilst, on the other side, the hairline is fine but need's more density because you can see through to my scalp)

  11. 6000-8000 donor hair easily. and that confirms that you are NOT a diffused thinner.


    I wud try Fin and see how u respond to it. a lotta ppl get a limp dick from it (I did) but a lotta ppl don't. a friend of mine has been on it for (13) years and stopped his hairless in its tracks with no erectile disfunction problems lucky him. its worth a try just be aware of the potential side effects.


    I have been taking it for a year, I have no regrowth, but it does seem to have stopped any further hair loss.

  12. I find it amazing wen little trolls like urself know more then one of the best HT doctors on earth.


    I'm thinkn u shud open up ur own practice since u seem to know more then the best doctors around the world know.


    did u even bother to ask how many donor hairs he has? some ppl have up to 10,000 donor hairs so he wud still have another 5000-6000 donor hairs left.


    and some ppl respond perfectly fine to Fin. I'm not a fan of it but thousands of others are and have been using it for years so if it works for someone then their hairless will be halted. did you think of that either? no I didn't think so.


    ur ignorance never seizes to amaze me.....:rolleyes:


    Hi BUSA,


    I noticed you have good things to say about this doctor in many threads, have you have a hair transplant with him?

  13. If the doctor needs to highlight the hairloss by wet the hair, Then the patient does NOT need a hairtransplant. Thats just my opinion.


    I respect your opinion but very high disagree with that statement. It depend's what you class as 'need'. I have extremely course hair strands, similar to this guys and it only becomes clear when your hair is wet or under harsh light however, if my hair strands were very fine the problem would be blatantly obvious. It's embarrassing to get caught in the rain or go swimming for example as my thick hair soaks the water like a sponge and the true extent of the balding is shown and at 25 you feel it's unfair that you should be dealing with it already.


    All this is assuming you have done at least a year of Finisteride in an attempt to stop further loss and regrow hair.

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