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Posts posted by jonnyalex


    Just now, DEB1982 said:

    If you aren’t happy then you aren’t happy and I’m not going to dispute that but I think your hair in the second and third photo looks amazing. Looking at where you started I would say it is an amazing cosmetic improvement. Your frontal lock looks very dense. 

    I like you wanted a little more density in the hairline. I guess i’ll find out what the outcome of mine is in a few months. Considering you are four years post op I personally think it’s looks great. 

    Yes, to be clear I am happy with everything but the hairline and the service in the clinic. Please be aware that Dutasturide and Oral Min had a hugely positive effect on my hair too. I'm going for 500 grafts with Keser.. I am hoping it is enough as the last thing I want is a moth-bitten donor .

  2. I didn't make one. To put it simply, the experience wasn't great, the results were good other than the hairline which was terrible. My face-time with the actual doctor, Koray Erdogan, was about 45 minutes. . . and no, I didn't take it up with them. He doesn't refund people, only sometimes agree's a repair. I don't want technicians touch my hairline ever again

  3. 56 minutes ago, VicTNYC said:

    Please do, it could be very helpful to share before, during, and after photos you may have that had you feeling unhappy then to feeling the work was as you say, pretty great.

    I am unhappy only with the hairline. It is not noticeable to most people, but it bothers me. There is a very clear doll hair effect in real life, with 1 CM gaps in between the hairs. A combination of Dutasturide, Oral Minoxidl and a 4500 HT has served me well however as you can see from the photos. I need a higher quality camera to make the issue that bothers me very clear, but it is similar to the complaints posted on this thread. 







    • Like 1
  4. On 2/11/2019 at 9:00 AM, VicTNYC said:

    Hi. Have you created a post of your progress?...is there a link you can post?


    I will try to provide some. I have recently said I was unhappy with the work he did, but having looked back at my before photos, it is hard to complain about a dodgy hairline when the rest the work was pretty great. 

  5. This is very similar to my result from Asmed. They seem to have got it totally wrong with hairlines. I am happy with the rest of the work they did however. 

    My advice to anyone is consider Asmed for big jobs, anything behind the hairline. For hairlines, you need a surgeon who does the entire thing himself, no tech's, just the artistry of the surgeon. Your hairline is what frames your face and makes the biggest difference to your appearance - don't let tech's do that. Also, don't try and convince your surgeon to lower your hairline too much, it will never look good. 

    You'll have to pay more but you get what you pay for. 

  6. On 1/7/2019 at 9:54 PM, shookwon33 said:

    oh yeah please let us know. im currently taking 10,000 mg of biotin now and Im starting to think its been making my hair really strong but im not sure if its placebo or not

    Biotin will indeed have that effect on each individual strand of hair. It won't grow additional hair, but you will certainly see positive effects on your strands of hair and your nails. It's not a placebo and it works to do this very fast. 

  7. 21 minutes ago, mosd said:

    I have also read like 50-60 threads on Italian forum and seems like the most cases by Asmed is really good. Do you have pictures of your case? 

    I am not saying he is bad. He often quotes between 3500-5000 so his results better damn sure be good for all those grafts. I am saying he is poor at hairlines which, in my opinion, is the true artistry of hair transplants. Also, by poor I mean in comparison to top surgeons (a group where he is also mentioned in). I am sure Rahal or Keser for example would be ashamed of some of the hairlines he produces. I am also saying that I had a hair transplant with him yet barely actually seen or spoke to the guy, nothing like what my research told me beforehand. You must compare him to what other surgeons are able to achieve with less grafts, not just on before and afters of 5000+ grafts. 

  8. 6 hours ago, Melvin-Moderator said:

    There’s only two unhappy patients from asmed. One was caught creating duplicate accounts, in an attempt to muddy his reputation further. He’s been banned now. Truthfully, they are a great clinic with good results. 

    That said,  eugenix and Yaman are equally as good. I’ve seen some good results from Cinik, but don’t know enough to recommend him. Look up real patient results and choose the clinic that impresses you the most. 

    Maybe on this forum, but elsewhere there are many unhappy patients from Asmed. I am one of them. The issue is his hairlines and lack of artistry, plus that I spent about 30 to 45 minutes with the actual surgeon which is ridiculous. I have to fix the hairline that I was left with this year. It is just so pluggy and unnatural looking with huge gaps and I see similar cases. In fact, here is a video from just two weeks ago from some guy on Youtube(you need to watch to see him reveal it). He now is having another transplant to fix it. Asmed's results appear great because they use abnormal numbers of graphs to achieve that yet when it comes to that actual artistry of the hairline, I think he is no better than any of the cheaper Turkey based surgeons. My advice to anyone is to try to go to a surgeon who does all the surgery himself. This is just my opinion and my HT was about 4 years ago so things may have changed, though I doubt it. 

  9. That is the one thing i have been looking at. I have looked at several finasteride studies that say only 2 % have side effects, then hear the horror stories and other studies that say the majority have side effects.


    10-Year Finasteride Study: First to Investigate Long-Term Effects and Safety | Bernstein Medical


    this study said 5.9 % suffer from side effects.


    Propecia 5 year FDA Trial Results - Page 2


    this study says the following: The five-year study confirmed the excellent safety profile of Propecia. In the initial 12-month clinical studies, the following side effects were the most common and reported by a very small number of men: less desire for sex (1.8 percent vs. 1.3 percent on placebo), difficulty in achieving an erection (1.3 percent vs. 0.7 percent on placebo) and a decrease in the amount of semen (0.8 percent vs. 0.4 percent on placebo). These sexual side effects went away in all men who discontinued therapy because of them and also disappeared in most (56 percent men who chose to continue taking Propecia through the fifth year of the study. By the end of the fifth year, the incidence of those side effects was less than or equal to 0.3 percent in men who continued treatment with Propecia vs. men on placebo.


    then you have articles like this: Propecia


    it says ...... In some cases, sexual function never returns to normal.


    which really scares me.


    Propecia (Finasteride) - Reviews, Ratings, Comments by Patients


    The reviews on this site are very discouraging.


    The study that states only 2% of people suffer from side effects is a flat out and blatant lie, I would be willing to wager my own life on that. Merek have very shady track record too.


    That said, I've been on the drug for a year and the first 6 month's were terrible, however, now the vast majority of side effects have subsided and happy to take it. I would never get a hair transplant if I couldn't take the drug..

  10. 3 years now on Fin no side effects!

    Side effects of Fin is blown out of proportion on Internet!

    You never. Know till you try!!


    That is not something you can state as a fact my friend. You say you have had no side effects but you surely acknowledge that they exist? So because you had no problems everyone who has is blowing it all out of proportion? No offense but as someone who is starting to feel the side effects quite badly, I am sick of these stupid statements. I honestly believe the trials where they mention 2% had side effects were faked.

  11. I recently had a HT in Turkey from Dr Erdogan (4700 grafts), the vast majority of the work was done by the techs.. I think just the incisions were done by the doctor, he played a very small role in the actual surgery. This being said, the techs seemed extremely knowledgeable and hugely experienced and I got on well and felt comfortable with them, there was a good amount of people in the room and it all felt extremely professional.

  12. You can buy 10k Biotin in the UK from many places including Amazon.. not sure what the guy saying he takes four pills a day is on about, over 10k is not absorbed by the body.


    After 5 months taking it, I can tell you it does nothing for hair loss but makes existing hair much thicker and stronger, it will also make it grow faster (and your nails). The Acne side effect is VERY real and it is the reason that I have decided to stop taking it.

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