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Posts posted by jonnyalex

  1. 2 minutes ago, FarsanUk said:

    When I went there my rep told me 6 patients. There was 3 of us on my first day and 6 on the second. If you go to payums thread the clinic itself posted the fact it is 6 patients a day. The new clinic has 9 surgery rooms ,weather they use all of them at once I doubt it and maybe used for other reasons.

    If they did 9 patients a day, that equates to a hair transplant factory in my opinion - even 6 seems insane. Glad I got in there before these changes. I'm seeing Keser, who does the work himself and only 500 grafts per day next month. I hope to have 1000 grafts after having had 4500 previously with ASMED. I like the look of his work and hoping I can be done with surgeries after this. 

  2. 1 hour ago, kw877 said:

    Nope. No contact from the clinic, I whatsapped my coordinator with pics and she said it looks normal and that she’ll show them to dr Erdogan but that’s it. Heard nothing back since. 

    I’ve been looking at surgeons that take 1 case per day and are fully hands on throughout I just need to research more. Keser is one I’m looking into but like I said need to research more. Any suggestions?

    I think taking 6 or more patients a day, you just aren’t gonna get the Doctors attention you’re paying for anymore. It’s not possible. I remember back in the day 1-2 patients per day for a decent ethical surgeon was the max. How can a Doctor (that you’re paying more for than almost all other Turkish clinics) possibly oversee 6 patients a day, most of which are having large sessions? Impossible. Why are the standards we used to hold surgeons to (1-2 patients per day) slipping so far? 6 patients per day guys. The forum really needs to assess their recommendation and make sure new prospective patients are fully informed of how this clinic is ran now. 

    Most people are aware if they do minimum research that techs will do most of the work, but they should definitely be warned that in the case of asmed their will be a large number of other patients on the same day and that the Dr they are paying a premium for will have the most minimal input and interaction

    This is interesting. There was definitely not 6 patients during my visit, more like 3 maybe? I knew that techs did most of the work but I must admit I was surprised that I spent less than 45 minutes with the actual doctor... I barely seen the guy. 

    Furthermore, I was looking elsewhere in Turkey ( other high end clinics) to fix my hairline and when I asked various reps on their opinion of ASMED, they gave cryptic responses like "I have an opinion but I rather not say". No idea what that means. Perhaps it's simply envy - they clearly own most of the market in Turkey 

  3. 5 hours ago, Torip said:

    This is a clear advertisement by Eugneix posing as an individual. He has a big bald crown he is not showing. I don't think anyone would be so joyful with  hair only on half of his scalp. 

    Their marketing is horribly aggressive and they have people making accounts on forums all over the internet to drum up business. Wouldn't touch these guys even if they were my only option. Awful.

  4. 1 hour ago, Haare2018 said:

    I do not understand why you look for a reason to defend the doctor in each post from you? You do not write anything else! I have the right to post my hair transplant in any forum, why is there so bad? Do you have personal contact with the doctor and is your duty to defend your doctor here? I write nothing about the interim result, i post only pictures and my pictures say everything. You claim that I expect full hair? Look at good results in a hair transplant, I expect something like that from a renowned doctor for 3.5 Euro per Graft!

    You are right,  perhaps I am biased because I am seeing him next month. The thing is, you are a nightmare patient for any doctor. You attack people who offer advice and reassure you and I repeat, have no idea what you got into. 3.5 euro or 10 euro per graft, it doesn't matter, you are paying for the illusion of density. Your original density is gone forever and is never coming back. Even then, with your level of loss, you'll likely need a second surgery to achieve said illusion.

    But if it is a bad result, I don't believe any doctor should agree to make it right with someone like you. You've copied and pasted this thread on on multiple hairloss forums in many different languages. You trashed a persons name after only waiting 3 months, potentially causing a loss of business to a doctor who relies heavily on word of mouth. 

    If my result is bad, sure, I'll make it known. I will do so after 8 or 9 months however, not 3 ( when you are at arguably the worst stage)

    Perhaps the fact you are communicating using Google translate is the problem and you are misinterpreting what people are saying. Your attitude is frankly quite bizarre.

  5. 4 hours ago, Haare2018 said:

    I did not do the hair transplant to use toppik! such a crap! Do you use toppik yourself and do not recommend here unnecessarily😡🤬

    You clearly have some kind of personal issues and I wish you the best in tackling those. He was simply giving you advice in how to endure the waiting stage - something which you seriously can not handle. You have posted the same thread trashing the doctor, starting after just 3 months, in every hairloss related forum on the internet. You have forfeited your potential possibility for any kind of free repair in the unlikely event you need one. 

    I have no idea how you found such a high calibre surgeon when you have done zero research in hair transplants. You seem to be expecting instant results and I'm betting you are also expecting a full head of hair right ? 

    • Like 1

    1 hour ago, therealmvp2016 said:

    I can't decide between ASMED and Dr. Keser.   I've been set on ASMED for the last 5 years... but Keser is impressive too.. What do u think? 

    Do you need under 2500 grafts? Keser. ASMED is good for larger sessions, though they seem to be really slipping on hairlines. 

    • Like 1
  7. 4 minutes ago, Gasthoerer said:

    Keser is doing great work, but is only great for small cases and his extraction method is at least critically discussed in many online forums.

    HLC is doing great work. Kaan (ex-HLC) might be worth a look. On the low budget end there is Demirsoy. 

    That would because he only takes small cases as he does the entire thing himself. In fact, it is for that reason he doesn't even advertise or market himself - he doesn't have the time or manpower to take on many people (500 grafts per day max).

    I'm seeing him in May having already had 4500 grafts done with Asmed. I'll be able to compare the 2 after.

    Kaan actually worked under Keser also prior to opening his own clinic.

  8. You have posted on literally every hair loss related forum in existence. Even if this turned into a bad result ( which is unlikely as it is progressing as normal for 4 months ) I would never agree to make it right with you after trashing him all over the internet before even allowing any time for growth.

    His only mistake was agreeing to perform surgery on someone who clearly isn't equipped to endure the process of a hair transplant.

    Take some time to actually bother researching some posts here and you'll see your growth is on schedule. 

    Time to grow up a little. 

    • Like 2
  9. 31 minutes ago, FarsanUk said:

    In that case we should close this website becsuse everyone has opinions and there are no qualified experts on this site apart from the odd doctor. You complained your ass off and then you went back to the same place now don't complain if it it's still a disaster.

    He didn't have much choice if he wanted it fixed now. They refused a refund and I imagine agreed to fix it for free. You can have your own opinion but discussing a member's mental health outside of his own thread is pretty poor form and I think you should drop it. 

    He had every right to complain the first time, as will he the second time if he is not happy. 

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  10. 6 minutes ago, DEB1982 said:

    If you look at your pre-op photos it looks like you have substantially more hair. The middle part of your head looks really thick in the video. If I was to part mine the way you have I would also be able to see my scalp. Perhaps not as much as yours and I'm not saying you should be happy if you aren't. 

    It does seem that you are just focused on that specific area. Does that mean you consider the rest of the transplant a success and just this area a failure?? Be good to see a video of the entire head so we can see how it all looks. 

    Are you being serious here? 

  11. 2 hours ago, JustJax said:

    Hi Stephen, just watched your latest YouTube (YT) video. Good video and as a former Asmed client myself, its really interesting for me to see what the new clinic looks like.  I do hope you have the result you are looking for this time.  Just one small bit of feedback, having watched a number of your previous YT videos, I do have to say I sometimes struggle watching as you are quite negative at times. I get that you weren't happy with the result, but even in the early videos just after your original surgery you were quite critical of things (Dr Koray not doing the entire surgery, you not being the only client that day, etc) that you would have known about if you'd done your research. Even in the latest video, your comments about the bed at the clinic. It is of course essentially a hospital room (and it was the same in the previous clinic) hence the bed is a hospital bed which are normally on wheels. Anyway, just an observation and as above, I do hope you get a good result this time and I look forward to seeing your posts and possible some more positive YT videos. 😉

    He has every right to be negative. Firstly his initial experience was negative as was the result and secondly regarding the bed, I slept in one of those in the old clinic and I literally didn't sleep a single second the entire night. I threw up twice and felt awful during the second half of my surgery. It was easily the most uncomfortable bed I've ever slept in, during a time I needed a good night's rest. 

    It is not 'essentially a hospital room' at all.. that is just the design choice they have chosen which is bizarre. 

  12. On 2/14/2019 at 11:16 PM, xabi86 said:

    Hi Payam,

    Understand your disappointment totally. Will also take a look a the pictures that you post on the weekend.

    Have you spoken to any other doctors to have a repair job? Dr Couto has some amazing results, shame he is not on this forum.

    If you view the international forums, you'll see that Dr Couto is in fact very hit or miss. 

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