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Everything posted by tj2014

  1. Heres a pic of my donor area shaved 10 months post op 3000 grafts.
  2. I just a couple of pics of my donor area i havent looked for a long time there does seem to be some scarring just wandering if its bad or normal for 3000 grafts the red lines are just marks from a cushion.
  3. Hi im about 10 months post op from a 3000 graft fue im not sure if im happy with it.On one hand i have a lot more hair but its not very dense and the hairline is very gappy.And the direction of the planting is off if i have it longer its see through and doesnt look good if its shorter about a grade 2-3 you can see the angles the hairs growing in is unaturel and weird looking.So the only way it looks okay is if i shave it without the guard im thinking i should have had smp it would have been the same effect.
  4. I really wanted to make an appointment for a HT but im rethinking even if they do get ever back to me i would be a bit worried about how orgonised they are.
  5. Hi dr im intrested in having a HT with you i have sent a couple of emails from your website but i havent had a reply . Thanks
  6. When you say i could do more harm what are the dangers.
  7. Hi i should have mentioned i had a ht last year of 3000 grafts ive had a lot of growth and ive got no complaints.But yes when its short it looks ok but when its grown out a bit its a bit sparse and yes i was thinking about 1k grafts would make a big diffrence and give the density i want.Ive contacted a few doctors and so far everyone has said 2500-3000 grafts which seems a bit much.
  8. How many grafts would i need im looking to add density.
  9. So im 4 months post op they say 12 months is the timeline for the final result but i also read that at 4 months 90% of grafts have already come through and the rest of the time is the hairs thickening.
  10. Is it possible for grafts to shed this long after the op i didnt have that much shedding up until now but im starting to see gaps where ive had new growth so im not sure whats happening.
  11. I know how you feel im at 3 months and looking at the empty spaces its hard to see how the hair will come through when its just skin its frustrating .
  12. Im the same im about 3 months and the numbness has just started to fade.
  13. So im exactly 3 months post op its going ok i shed about 60% of the grafts so im not sure if i have any shed grafts that are regrowing or if its all unshed hairs there actually more hair that it seems on the pics the lights wash it out a bit. The recipient area is still very red and the donor area looks a bit sparse to me but im not sure so in the third pic ive drawn the transplant area everything below the line is new hair.
  14. I was just thinking about this too im just over the two month mark but ive only shed about 50% of the grafts which sounds good but it looks kinda bad right now.So im not sure if theres any new growth or if its just unshed grafts and if there will be more shedding some grafts are clearly growing and some seem to be stuck at a certain length its confusing.
  15. Ive read most grafts should shed way before now im at 2 months and still have about half i had a big shed at 4 weeks then nothing. It seems like a good thing but im not sure could they be dead because they dont seem to be growing has anyone else had this.
  16. So im about six weeks post op and ive just buzzed down to about a number 2 and ive noticed a lot of red bumps in the transplanted area. I noticed a few large pimples in the last few weeks which i know are probably grafts trying to break the surface but theres so many red bumps i would have tought its too early for that much growth. Ive also only shed about 60% of the grafts so its impossible to say if anythings new or just unshed although the unshed grafts have stoped growing is all this normal.
  17. So about 60% of the grafts have shed most in a couple of days at exacly 4 weeks the rest seem to be hanging in there im not sure if its a good thing or not i would of thought the sooner they shed the sooner they grow back. The transplanted area is still very red although thats slowly reducing i havent looked at the donor area for a while so i dont know whats going on there. I have noticed a few pimples in the transplanted area in the last few days im not sure if thats good or bad i did buzz my hair with a number 3 guard i was carefull not to touch the grafts but im not sure if the two are related.
  18. I have started to shed almost exactly a month post op about half the hair fell in the last two days.
  19. Ive read shedding can happen up to 8 weeks after surgery the bad thing is im just getting used to having a hairline again and i know its all going to fall out again but if the final result looks like it does now ill be happy.
  20. Im sure it will shed soon ive read between 4-6 weeks is normaal
  21. One month pics theres still no shedding and the redness is slowly fading theres no more pain from the donor area everything seems good.
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