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Everything posted by mustang

  1. Actually, PRP does work... if done correctly and to the correct person. Most clinics inject PPP together with the PRP and this is were things go wrong. PRP is extremely expensive, each pipet is like 100-200 dollars and you need at least 3 of them to get pure PRP for a Norwood 4-5. So just in cost of tools it's 600 dollars to 800 dollars. Plus the room, Dr's Fees, it's get quite ridiculous. Now if you have scaring o traction alopecia or are a diffuse thinner with stable hair loss on medication it will definitely have a cosmetic outcome, again, if performed correctly which almost nobody does. It won't do anything if your are receding on your hairline. That's granted.
  2. I'm sorry to tell you that if oral dutasteride has not worked for you then topical will not work for you either. Sometimes Finasteride (orally) works better than Dutasteride as it reduces too much DHT therefor spiking your scalp free testosterone and your follicles are sensitivity to other androgens as well. If you are crushing your DHT and still losing ground. Finasteride spikes it less so hence it works better for some over Dutasteride. Adding an androgen blocker to your regimen such as Pryilutamide or CB0301 has worked for many, specially on the hairline as Dutasteride, Finasteride and other 5AR's are more effective on the vertex and crown. I wouldn't touch RU58841 if my life depended on it. Flutamide and CB0301 are both FDA approved. You can also look into dermarolling Dutasteride Mesotherapy once a week. Also very effective but again, not on the hairline.
  3. 1k?? Who is charging you 175 USD per bottle a month? Damn, and I thought 70 EUR for a 2 month supply was expensive already
  4. Any pharmacy will compound it for you to your desired strength with a medical prescription. Both Paratti and the Andorran pharmacy make it to your specs but both based in Europe. To be honest I have no idea on why they go so high on the concentration. Might as well take the pill but I am no expert. This is a good question to email them.
  5. Do you have anything positive to say or progress to share with us or did you just create an account to attack me or anyone who has had success with Topical Dutasteride?
  6. Overharvesting and homogenous depletion are entirely different things. You want to do the second if this is your approach. Fit Farming is not the same as donor restocking, fit farming is done in one step. They take out a graft from your donor, take a graft from your body, implant the scalp graft on your recipient and implant the body graft where they extracted the scalp graft. It's an expensive and slow procedure but essentially you can replace everything you take out with body grafts. Donor restocking is adding BHT grafts to your donor after it has healed or been overharvested or depleted from HT
  7. Yes, this study is very interesting and backups many things. Trichosol absorbs less than Liposomes. This allows you to use a lower concentration with Liposomes. If I ever hop on Topical Dutasteride again I am staying at 0.05% max, maybe even 0.02%. 2ML For Topical Fin definitely 0.01% every other day (2ml).
  8. Very true Most people who tried Topical Dutasteride either bought Minoxidil Max which is EXTREMELY low quality Dutasteride. I have purchased from the same source and it looks completely different to the pharma grade one or made them themselves from gel capsules with poor vehicles. I know that there are hundreds of guys still using Paratti's Dutasteride after 3 years, it obviously works for them. I used to speak with Francesca and she told me she had a lot of orders for it.
  9. Yes, I am paid by Topical Dutasteride. Farmactia Paratti, Andorrran Pharmacy, Dr Mwamba, all of them. That's why I discontinued using it. They stopped paying me. All of them at the same time.
  10. How come it worked for me? Maybe I am a super responder, I documented my entire journey with it and how my hair went to hell after discontinuing it. I have also seen quite a few cases with bad side effects and crown recovery with Topical Dutasteride. It definitely works, it just doesn't work for everyone. Using it: Off it 1 year: Different hair lengths but still, you get the picture.
  11. Some people do daily Topical Fin and Dutasteride Mesotherapy once a week or Topical Dutasteride once a week
  12. That is exactly the reason why you would want to use it topically. I got stupid at one point and applied way too much and too frequently and had pretty bad side effects. Small dosages, not frequent, it's a long lasting drug.
  13. How would a medication manufactured to lower DHT by up to 90% not lower DHT ? I am always puzzled by this skepticism
  14. We will see. I am not expecting miracles to be honest but it feels good to do something about hairloss and hair thickening even if it just helps maintain it. I will say I have seen 2 VERY good results with Trichoxidil and Saw Palmetto but I don't know if it was either or the other responsible for it. It's only 5 EUR to add it into the mix so might as well put it in there
  15. In terms of side effects I have noticed a slight reduction in libido, not gonna lie. Well, my girlfriend has. Last week I was quite uninterested but nothing like Finasteride of course. We still manage but I was less interested. I also noticed slight dizziness but that could be anything (I tend to have low blood sugar, etc..) Shedding has stopped which is good. Saw Palmetto inhibits DHT anywhere from 38% in some studies up to 50% in tissues on others. I never had results with it orally to be honest. Now putting 600mg in my head after dermarolling and with Trichoxidil is a different strategy for me. So far I have not much to report, no more shedding, slight drop in libido but nothing major and hair is looking pretty much the same although I "feel" it's a little thicker but it's just a perception. I'll take pictures at 6 weeks and see if there is anything different. I will be doing the oil based Saw Palmetto once a week with a dermapen and the topical one daily from September onwards, both with Trichoxidil
  16. I used their Finasteride, worse side effects I've ever had, I would suggest to avoid it. There are many options out there made with pharma grade stuff.
  17. Quick update: Shedding has gone up a little. I normally lose 5 hairs daily when washing it (on average, sometimes none, sometimes 3, most times 5). I shed very little hair as most is transplanted and those tend to shed even less. The last 2 weeks it's gone up to 15 per wash and they all come from the area where I am applying the product. Hopefully that's a good sign.
  18. It's Chinese Dutasteride. Watch out, it's of very poor quality and cross contamination is likely.
  19. Liposomal has alcohol and Trichosol doesn't. Liposomal is greasier oily to apply and Trichosol is watery. In terms of results I couldn't tell a difference. In terms of irritation Trichosol is 100% safe while Liposomal might irritate the scalp but didn't in my case. With Liposomal you can get away with a lower concentration as it's more efficient in delivery. Trichosol has inherent growth factors in the vehicle itself and smells nicer, it's also cheaper I would think Liposomal would be my pick if I would go back to a once a week. If I would want to use daily or EOD then Trichosol for sure. A good combination would be Finasteride 0.01-0.02% daily with Trichosol and Liposomal Dutasteride 0.1% once a week or Dutasteride Mesotherapy once a week 0.01% depending on how many ml you want to apply. 0.01% Fin reduces 10% DHT in my experience. 0.025% around 25%. If you use 2ml per application you get to the same reduction as oral finasteride or close to it. The larger area to cover the lower concentration I would use to apply more ml and avoid sides.
  20. Do a test, it might work wonders for you I have friends with SMP for 5 years now with no touch ups and look amazing
  21. Not spray it but use a droplet https://www.fueclinic.com/services/treatments/dutasteride-mesotherapy/
  22. Cost in Europe is between 300 and 500 EUR every 3 months. (About 1.500 a year) You can do it yourself at home with the same formula for 20 EUR a month plus a dermaroller. It's very cheap to be honest considering a bottle is good for 3 months
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