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Everything posted by mustang

  1. It can cause fetus malformation indeed. I emphasize in CAN, low chances but still.
  2. No but I used it once a week I have heard of people getting sides if using it daily
  3. Here is my hair after stopping topical dutasteride for a year. 18 months using it 1 year off:
  4. Having used topical for 2-3 years and having regrown pretty much my entire scalp on them I am quite sure they are not a waste of time. There are plenty of things without medical literature that work extremely well like RU58841, however, there is no safety data. There is some medical literature on topicals used intradermally with extreme efficiency but I would agree transdermal is not the same as topical unless you have an effective vehicle for delivery which I believe a few companies now do. I have seen great success with topical dutasteride on many as well as topical finasteride. Myself being one. It might not work for some just like pills don't work for some.
  5. Concentration and delivery vehicle has nothing to do with packaging. These bottles are compounded by pharmacies in an artisan way. They just dissolved the active compound on whatever vehicle the client asks. Liposomes are proven to be more effective therefor allowing lower concentrations.
  6. mmmmm, actually delivery vehicle and concentration is everything. What results are you expecting to be different from the exact same medication? the only thing that will vary is the side effect profile.
  7. Their emailing is still slow sometimes but they do ship with couriers now so it takes 4-5 days to get to me so that's good
  8. This is correct indeed. O.5mg of oral Dutasteride would be 0.05% Topical Dutasteride per ML. 0.1% equals 1mg of Dutasteride which is double the oral dose
  9. CB works but I would suggest trying 1% EOD and see how you do.
  10. Your lucky man I am on HCG 150iu a day and can't tolerate even 35mg of T a week without the HCG to backfill the hormonal cascade. Just T gives me crazy anxiety and restlessness. It's either that or my Estrogen spikes up when adding both creating the anxiety, still trying to figure it out. We will see. AI is a last resources, I am dropping body fat and started zinc/cialis/dim combo today. My TT is 900 just on the HCG so have to add very little T to get to 1200, I don't want to go any higher as my BP is OK like this. Funny thing, no hair loss on the HCG, not even shedding a hair a day.
  11. I only have experience with three of them 1) Parati: Great product and results, only downside is it's very messy to apply if you have longer hair but since it was once a week it was not a problem 2) FUE CLINIC (Shipped by Anagenica): Great product and results, liquid thus easier to apply. Downside is responses are slow but I think they have addressed that. 3) MinoxidilMax: Worst side effects ever. UGL stuff from China. Their dutasteride source is of very bad quality. I always strongly suggest to avoid them. You have Xyon and Strut as well but I have not tried them.
  12. Yes for Topical Finasteride. Not so much for Topical Dutasteride. I tried a very large dose and it did not present the same serum DHT reduction as Finasteride, not even close, both will enter the bloodstream but Topical Dutasteride if spaced out and at a sensible dose will not have a significant effect on serum DHT levels. I don't know of anyone who can't cover their scalp with 2ML per application but maybe there are people with a larger surface that would need an even smaller concentration of 0.005% and use 4ML. Never heard of it though. If you are disciplined and methodical and apply it EOD your chances of halting miniaturization without side effects are quite good with low dosages. You can also take Tongkat Ali and Zinc to block excess estrogen and 10mg oral Pregnenolone to bump up your Progesterone if you get brain fog. Nothing will be as bad as taking 1mg oral finasteride a day for those of us who are very unlucky There are also more natural approaches that actually do work. My brother is using topical saw palmetto with a dermaroller and has had a big change in density in 3 months (diffuse thinner, 35 years old). You just need a giant 20% concentration dose to deliver 400mg of Saw Palmetto directly to the follicle mimicking the invitro studies.
  13. Having used most orals and topicals for the past 10 years here is my 0.2: 1) They absolutely work as efficiently as oral medication, hence so many get side effects. 2) Can you use topicals to stop, slow down or even reverse hair loss without side effects? Yes. 3) What concentration is the safest? It depends on each person but as rule of thumb we see a decline of 10% serum DHT for every 1ml of 0.01% concentration on Topical Finasteride. If I use 0.025% every other day I see a decline in serum DHT of 25% after 4 weeks, if I use 0.01% the decline is marginal. Liposomes are useful to allow more efficient drug delivery at lower concentrations. For me using 0.01% daily (1ml) or 0.025% every other day is as high as I can go without sides. With Topical Dutasteride it's a different story. I can get away with 1-2ml of 0.5% or even 1% if I space it once a week or even once every 2 weeks and it was extremely effective on my case. Oral medication creates metabolites, topical does not. It is these metabolites (first liver pass) that accumulate and create side effects hence you have to wait a month to feel better after stopping oral finasteride in many cases even though the half life of the drug is 8 hours. My advice is to use a very low dose Topical Finasteride bottle (0.01% ideally) as most people need 2ml to cover the entire recipient area (which would decrease DHT by 20%) and a stronger method once a week or once a month with Dutasteride. Dermarolling (Dutasteride Mesotherapy) is more effective than the above but again, spacing is mandatory, once a week all the way up to once every 3 months. It varies depending on the potency and depth you do it at.
  14. I went with Mirko in Milan and is absolutely the best. My buddy from Spain had his entire scalp done 4 years ago and it still looks amazing with no touch up. He also did my donor area. I had horrible results in 2 other places with SMP, Mirko for me is the best.
  15. It is possible, half life of the drug is 4-5 weeks It will take 2-3 months to clear your system entirely. Best bet is low dose topical finasteride (0.01%, Liposomal) that clears fast if you have any sides and or CB0301 1% Natural route Saw Palmetto Mesotherapy works quite well. It has Pumpkin Seed, Saw Palmetto at 20% concentration (megadose) and growth factors.
  16. Absolutely, it blocks conversion from dihydroprogesterone to allopregnenolone which is potent positive allosteric modulator of GABA and it starts blocking this pathway the minute you begin using it. Allopregnenolone is key for depression.
  17. I would advice you stay away from them but that's just my personal experience I had tremendous side effects with their bottles. Try Liposomal at a lower dose and once a week, that's my 0.2
  18. You can do either. An entire low pass or a specific area low-medium pass. I would do a low density pass in FUT scar. My patch test was done because I had a FUE depleted spot. Finasteride won't help nor PRP after the surgery. The graft either reconnects to blood supply within the first days or it doesn't. You can increase your iron intake 6 weeks before surgery to try to have our red blood cell count as healthy as possible (more oxygen in your blood) and workout daily. The healthier you are the better the chance. Don't smoke of course.
  19. Do a patch test of 50-100 grafts on a specific part of your scar and assess growth at 6 months. This is what I did. You do not need to wait 12 months to have it repaired. 6 months is more than enough. Also, consider grafting at very low density on a first pass (this has to be a 2 step surgery) to create new blood vessels and bring irrigation back to the area, then, after 6-8 months, you can do a second pass at higher density and it have a much better chance of survival. Make sure to have PRP after slit creation on both surgeries to maximize survival.
  20. My best success rate was from beard to donor, I would say it was roughly the same as scalp hair in terms of survival If I can rank them based on some patch tests I would say 1. Beard (90%) 2. Leg (75%) 3. Armpit (50%) It depends on how coarse the hair is as well, some people have very thick chest hair that will yield great results. One important factor I would consider when I do it again is not leaving the grafts outside the body for more than an hour, thus slits first and then upon extracting implant quickly (they seem to survive less time outside the body than scalp grafts but this is just my perception) and secondly doing PRP and injecting after the slits are created so that they reconnect to blood vessels as soon as possible Maybe I'll do a patch test with these variables on bold spots and post pictures if you guys are interested so we can assess growth of each method and body part
  21. After care of the armpit sucks!! It's red and sore for like 2-3 weeks, very sensitive area plus putting deodorant on is no fun at all Out of all places the most uncomfortable one but nothing you can't handle, it's not painful but just very irritated
  22. I don't remember the exact number to be honest but no more than 100-150 from each side Here is an updated pic of my donor, I have let it grow for about 10 days. The SMP is not really noticeable but it does provide a slight improvement, a little shade perhaps from the pigments.
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