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Everything posted by mustang

  1. Prices are there, just select your dosage ...
  2. From the Pharmacy in Andorra Make sure to use the DHL option if you are in the Americas, getting a 225 EUR bottle lost in regular post is no fun. https://www.farmaciaenandorra.com/shop/CB 7.5 , Clascoterona o CB-03-01 y Alopecia, topical antiandrogen lotion RU58841, hair loss
  3. What is your age and body fat % ? Do you have any hormonal panel blood work ? Pain in testis is a common side effect, I had it a lot, on and off, it's due to production shut down due to an decrease of LH as a consequence of increased E2 due to Free T being blocked and not reduced to DHT. The only natural way of balancing this is keeping your body fat as low as possible (ideally below 12%) to reduce aromatization which occurs mainly on fat and visceral fat so that your LH levels go up and E2 down as well as reducing your dose. The best tolerate dosage in practice I have seen is 0.25mg EOD orally or 1ML 0.025% Topically. In order for side effects to go away you need to stop for 2 months to clear the half life of the drug itself and the metabolites which linger longer. You can use this time to reduce body fat and try again at the suggested dosage. It worked for a few friends and they are now able to tolerate it. It did not work that well for me but it definitely helped. I ended up switching to Topical Dutasteride for 2 years and now considering CB0301 as my only treatment since I have most of my hair transplanted anyways.
  4. Top 5, 10 or whatever is just an opinion in the end of the day. This is not the ATP. For me he is not and never considered him for surgery yet for others he is the best. Who cares, choose whom you like the best.
  5. At one point he had 4 doctors there, Vila, Ferrira and Iniguez , they told me that each of them were assigned a patient, not that techs would implant, I don't think that was allowed at the time but if that changed and had techs implanting with a Choi then not cool. I know you have direct experience with Lorenzo and not a good one I can tell. I never went there for a reason, for the same reason I never went to Bisanga. I wanted to have surgery with the top 5 and top 10. I missed Pinto who is definitely a top 10 and Freitas who is for me number 1 but all the other's on my list I managed. I agree that one doctor one patient should be the standard.
  6. Lorenzo is a great surgeon and there is no problem operating on 4 or 5 patients a day as long as you have a surgeon assigned to each patient like HLC does. They have sick results and when I went there we all got a surgeon with 2-3 techs the same day and Dr Ozgur was supervising them all. We all kept in touch and a pretty much 100% regrowth and can highly recommend them.
  7. Experience does not determine quality. I have read some horror stories on Bisanga but that was a long time ago. There are surgeons with thousands of cases and 3 decades of experience that still perform poorly, I know one or two. Ferreira is on the same elite level as Couto and Freitas in terms of yield, survival and protocols. For me Freitas is by a mile the best in the world, nobody comes close other than Couto who trained him. I had surgery with Ferreira and Couto and well guess who did a better job.
  8. I have seen some cases where there is temple work done, look on youtube perhaps? I can't remember where
  9. For me yes, I had surgery with him as well. Did not have the pleasure to have surgery with Bisanga and never will but Feriduni's experience was out of this world. Also the IV sedation was magical. I came back the next day asking for 100 grafts more or so and he said you came back for more sedation, it was awesome. The clinic, the results, the survival rate, the cutting edge tech, the staff, just incredible, not to mention Hasselt is an incredible little town with delicious food.
  10. I wouldn't say Top 5 but definitely top 15 Maybe even a close top 10 Probably top 3 on Afro Hair , Lupanzula comes to mind as well.
  11. That sucks man, I am sorry to hear you are having these type of issues. I would suggest the same as Melvin and find another supplier, I have not had a bad experience when ordering and they worked great but not worth your time and money if you can't get it shipped or have to start emailing people to get what you paid for. They are not very organized to say the least when it comes to shipments.
  12. Didn't everyone had to pay that way back in the day? I certainly paid a few times via a wire transfer to a bank in Andorra-Spain or whatever, it also had the reference name "FUE CLINIC" , probably so they knew that payment was coming from their patients to formulate it to their specs. Anyways, still irrelevant. I'm out for the day, enjoy the discussion.
  13. I still fail to see the relevance of all this. Even if he was making money, let's imagine the Pharmacy pays him a commission or share of the formulations, who cares? As long as the product is legit and works and it's not being sold to anyone that should not be using it I fail to see what the problem is. This dude is obsessed. Makes me wonder why.
  14. I thought you never got your bottle? So you did get it? You said you paid via a bank wire transfer? Dr Mwamba's bank account is in Belgium, can you confirm it's the same? It's impossible that Dr Mwamba is making any money out of this, not only do I believe what he says but if you check the Andorran Pharmacy pricing it's pretty much the same if not more for the same compounds. Why would he be interested in making 5 EUR per bottle on some patients when he is running a fully booked surgical practice? I am starting to wonder what kind of agenda you have here since you are obviously obsessed with the subject.
  15. I am more than a lawyer, I am a friend and advocate for his work. I am shill according to some. When I had my consultation it took an hour so yes, very thorough indeed. Imagine 20 hours a week doing free consultations for people that just want to know their hair status or medication to take etc.., that's a lot. I think it's OK to charge for your work. I have been charged by most surgeons but it was always credited towards my surgery which I also think is cool.
  16. Do you even know what a scalp biopsy is? How much it costs? The time it takes to check for something that 99.9% of patients don't have ? I have been to 12 surgeons, the ABSOLUTE BEST surgeons in the world for FUE with previous surgery an none has ever even mentioned the option of doing a scalp biopsy, EVER. No wonder surgeons rarely bother to come and post on here. To think they spend their time trying to explain things from a medical perspective and get responses like this. S Go find a clinic that will perform a biopsy on your scalp before having a procedure done, let me know how it goes.
  17. That definitely happens or all doctors would get 100% growth BUT saying poor growth is 99% the Dr's fault when speaking of elite surgeons that follow strict protocols is far from true I had poor growth with Couto and would never question him as the best in the world and he made it very clear to me that I had scar tissue from previous surgeries in my recipient area. My best friend also had poor growth with Couto and he was in the same boat with previous surgeries and still thinks Couto is the best. So no, it's not 99% the Dr's fault.
  18. Well doh Einstein, it's the formula they make under their specs for their patients ... should they label it with a different one? Are you really this thick man? Jesus
  19. I think you mean affiliated Pharmacy? Anagenica is not a clinic and neither is Andorra's. I recently ordered CB0301 and Topical Dut 0.1% and I can't see FUE CLINIC written anywhere, it says Hair Maintenance and I was billed by the Pharmacy in Andorra. Are you saying you paid for a bottle and they did not send you a tracking number?
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