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Everything posted by mustang

  1. With proper ATP solution these days we see no difference in terms of survival between standard FUE and BHT. Over 90% grow Implanting on scar tissue is an extra challenge but it grows very well, there is enough blood supply to the area. I had 2.000 BHT into zone 3 implanted and 1.500 BHT into my donor. Never been able to tell them apart.
  2. By the way, you are a Norwood 6 You will need at least 9.000 grafts to achieve decent coverage on your entire recipient area. You have thick hair which is very good for these cases. Your donor is dense but short. Still, 3.400 grafts will only give you a good hairline and zone 2. You have to be realistic. You need 2 more surgeries to achieve a homogenous result.
  3. If your grafts "fell off" or miniaturized after 8 months then it's nothing to do with the surgeon. It's your MPB progressing. If you are not medicated you might have DUPA or BUPA and your donor region will miniaturize as well, hence will your receptor area. I concur you had a more than decent result. Get your situation stabilized and do a touch up if needed after it's stable. 1.- Topical Dutasteride 2.- Dutasteride Mesotherapy once a month 3.- Dermapen and Laser Cap 4.- RU588841 These are all things you can do without sides.
  4. I don't think any ethical Dr in the world would over harvest your donor. They can take up to 40% of your donor area homogenously before it looks depleted. Let's say you have 25.000 grafts and they take 40%, you will have successfully removed 10.000 grafts and leave a normal looking donor (this has been done by Lorenzo many times and all his videos are on youtube). Example: If you want to take another 1.000 grafts from that patient you will have to do a re-stocking which normally allows you to remove a further 50% of what has been re-added For example. Dr Mwamba added 1.500 BHT into my donor area and I hope, if everything grows, that I can take another 750 FUE from it. Now, if you have more BHT (mine was very limited) and can re-implant al 10.000 back then you can probably take another 5.000 grafts with it still looking natural and blending together thus extending your donor from 10.000 grafts to 15.000 grafts. Considering a Norwood 7 pattern requires 12.000 grafts to be restored then this is a game changer. This guy in the video restored his with 10K. While it's an amazing result I am sure he wants another 1.000 grafts on his crown. His donor is maxed oute He could benefit from this protocol which is called "Fit Farming"
  5. A good surgeon extracting with no transection and preserving the grafts on ATP solution should yield the same % as any other graft. I had 50 grafts from Dr Mwamba from my body into a small depleted zone and all of them grew. I know you are not asking me but I take dutasteride and no, it does not affect them. This is quite a farfetched statement from your Dr. Just look the huge amount of men who are balding, take dutasteride and have huge beards.
  6. Point number 3 is addressing the natural direction of the graft. Regardless, I have implanted over 2.500 BHT in my scalp and I can't even tell which are which
  7. It ended up being 1.050 !! So in total he has implanted about 1.600 BHT and nape into my donor area. The right side is looking quite bad right now, schockloss, I will update when things change
  8. Hello, My hair loss has completely stopped and even reversed on my crown. I lose maybe one or two hairs in the shower from 50 for the last 9 months. I tried finasteride orally. Bad sides. I tried finasteride topically, even worse sides. The worse I ever had. I purchase 3 month supply. Apply once a week
  9. Baseline, 3 months and 6 months I get it prescribed by my surgeon and compounded locally. I am currently using 0.1% just once a week. No side effects. Unlike Topical Finasteride that as even worse than orally.
  10. Try Topical Dutasteride. It stopped my hair loss cold and no sides for the first time. I had sides with topical finasteride and orally with both. I have RU on hand for when I do a cycle at the gym.
  11. Dr Mwamba is by far your best bet for BHT Trust me, I have had 13 surgeries. He operates in Atlanta and Brussels. 4 euros a graft in Brussels 6 usd a graft in Atlanta
  12. You need to wait 4 months. That is the cycle of hair to start coming out there again on whatever was shocked. I had the exact same looking donor as you before my repairs BHT did the trick
  13. It was 1.050 in the end 550 grafts day 1 250 and 300 on day 2 and 3 I am sure the doctor would have been able to make much more but he punched every one of them with great care, uses ATP and a custom solution to ensure the same survival rate as regular FUE which not many doctors do. He also implanted on an unshaven head and my BHT was very sparse, not the best conditions.
  14. BHT are single grafts. If I ever extract again it will be only doubles. I am pretty sure under magnification it will be no problem Yes, I am on Topical Dutasteride for 9 months. I have zero hair loss and no sides for the first time in my life. Did lab work and scalp DHT was significantly reduced while leaving serum DHT untouched. Topical Finasteride gave me worse sides than oral fin.
  15. I will do SMP as well but mainly because I want to extract 750-1.000 more from the donor and it was impossible with the current state
  16. Thank you guys Here are the pics from the final pass today. I can only thank Dr Mwamba and his team for having done 3 days of surgery at just 300 grafts per day to ensure the grafts were safely removed from body hair. No rotation on the punch (only oscillation). If my result is 75% as good as my first pass I will be very happy indeed. I took the chance to add 60 grafts to my left temple. Here are the pics: On a side note I want to say THANK YOU to the clinic again for giving me accommodation for 10 nights so I could sleep on one side and wait for recovery to to the other side. No clinic has ever gone that far for me before. Hope to have some results in 4-5 months
  17. By the way My donor before Mwamba's repair: and now (Post op 10 days) For those interested Dr Mwamba has opened up a second clinic in Atlanta where he performs surgeries himself for just 5 USD per graft for FUE and 6 USD for BHT.
  18. Thanks buddy I will do a full report all of my surgeries with pictures and well documents reviews of all the doctors I have been too It will take a long time but I think it can help people to see what can be achieved Thanks again
  19. Nape doesn't leaving any scaring Check my case. I posted my pictures, it was all removed and no, it's not a high nape hairline, you decide where. Nape is the BEST hair for temples and hairline. It is much softer than the thick multiple grafts from our standard donor. My hairline looks completely natural because of it. Not even I could detect I had work done
  20. remove them all and implant on temples and hairline That is what I did You can get a good 500 grafts or more
  21. Pretty much, yes I didn't purposely over-harvest it though. It was a natural consequence of trying to fill the recipient, suddenly I realized I had gone too far and that the donor didn't look good anymore so I started Fit Farming (concept developed by Cole or Mwamba) where you replenish the donor area with BHT. And yes, you can't tell there are BHT, they would have very low coverage value on the recipient hair being 90% of them single hairs.
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