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Everything posted by ifanyonecan

  1. Harin, Congratulations on such great progress so far. I'm very happy for you. I have one question in regards to the BHT. How does the doner area on your face feel/look after the surgery?
  2. Looks good but i agree with you on the doner scar being too close to the temples. Did you instruct the Dr. to get as many grafts as possible?
  3. Ya at closer inspection it may not be dyed. Did you get any instruction as to when you could dye your hair after a transplant?
  4. Very nice for only 4 months. Is his hair dyed in the more recent photo? Also how long does Hasson & Wong recommend waiting until dying hair after a transplant? Thank you
  5. An extra 685 graphs thats great!! I skipped the Tylenol the first night and went with the percocet and the same again the second night. After that things seem to settle. I had a lot of swelling which subsided after about 4 days. It is definitely uncomfortable but will get better soon!!
  6. I'm currently at the Rahal Guesthouse, had my procedure yesterday and was very impressed. Came here thinking 2800, after meeting the good Dr. the aim was 3,300 ended up getting 4,100 grafts!! Amazing! All 5 of us here are extremely happy! You made a great choice!
  7. I am someone that has put a lot of time and effort into researching what to me is a huge decision in a persons life. After a couple of years of researching i had came to the conclusion that Dr. Feller was the surgeon for me. The fact i lived in NYC was also a factor as i felt he was the best in the area and at the time did not want to travel. I finally made the trip out to Dr. Feller's office in Great Neck, fully convinced that he was the surgeon to give me the hairline i wanted. Unfortunately when i got there i was shocked as he did not even take my consultation. I don't mean to disrespect Dr. Bloxham in any way and he seemed like a nice guy but i was expecting the surgeon that i had focused my research on for a long time and to make the trip and meet someone else could be nothing else but disappointing. In hindsight it may have been a blessing as i fully believed the entire procedure would have been performed by Dr. Feller and it would've been an absolute shock if i went there to find out it was a joint effort. Especially when it is such a big decision and you pay such a large amount of money for something 15k in my case. I've now decided to get my surgery with Dr. Rahal and his office has been super professional in their dealings with me. I'm looking forward to the procedure.
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