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Melvin- Admin

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Everything posted by Melvin- Admin

  1. Asking permission is definitely the right thing to do. I still don’t understand why you need to compare them publicly to other people? Every patient is different so comparing results makes no sense. If you post threads that’s fine. Because you’re letting the readers draw their own conclusions. Again, journeys should not be compared to one another, as results vary for a myriad of reasons. What would make the most sense, is compare yourself to each surgeon. Now that’s a fair comparison. If you say here are 10 recent threads from each surgeon that’s fine.
  2. If you want to compare people, why do you have to do it publicly? I don’t believe that’s fair, nor does it make it inviting for people to share. This is a sensitive subject and people don’t want to be picked apart in a disparaging manner, even if it’s for the sake of “research.” I wouldn’t appreciate that as a patient, and many feel the same way. Now, if someone is a patient and wants to share their point of view and pictures by all means, do so that is your right and very helpful. What bothers me is people want to do this with other peoples pictures and keep their own anonymity. I don’t think that’s fair at all. I’m the bad guy for saying this, okay, but how can you expect others to be cool with being picked apart, when you won’t do it yourself.
  3. You can start the thread if you wanna compare your results and then break down the differences and techniques. Yes that’s absolutely fine. As mentioned, other people who share may not consent, so use your own pictures. That’s the best thing to do anyway.
  4. I agree with you. If you’re a patient, BY ALL MEANS post your pictures and any critiques you have, that is absolutely 100% fair and vital. All I’m saying is don’t use other peoples pictures, when they may not consent. That’s all, if I gotta be the bad guy for that, so be it. If someone’s comparing HLC and Bisanga, the most common sense thing to do is compare your own experience. To your point about comparisons, it’s difficult to compare because there are several factors that will affect the overall appearance. Like hair thickness, head size, donor density, etc. I do not believe it’s ever a good idea to compare, as we know no two cases are the same, even with the same surgeons.
  5. If you want to create thread and compare your own results by all means go ahead. No one is stopping you. This will be my last reply on the subject.
  6. I feel like I’m going in circles. What makes no sense, is you pulling other peoples pictures, instead of your own. Then turning around and getting mad that people don’t want you to use their images. It’s your right, just as it is anybody to dictate where, how, and when your images are used. Period.
  7. #1 every case is unique, there is no one-size-fits-all. Furthermore, everyone’s goals are different. Using your personal example and your own goals makes the MOST sense. I have found the reason many seek my advice is not because I manage this forum have seen hundreds of cases. It is because I have ACTUAL experience as a patient, and I can refer to my own surgeries and provide input from my perspective as a patient. That’s what matters the most. Pseudo-patients on an anonymous forum provide little to nothing. The verifiable patients with journeys are the ones who provide the most information.
  8. Is it not the person’s choice how they want their pictures posted on the forum? Absolutely it’s your choice, it is everyone’s choice. Just because it’s posted publicly, does not give you or anyone the right to do whatever you want with them. I take these concerns VERY seriously, as I would you if someone did that.
  9. Again, I have absolutely no problem with anyone sharing their own results and discussing them. That’s actually better, it’s verifiable, and stands for much more. Just want to add that.
  10. It might make a difference, unless you’re having side effects. I probably wouldn’t switch.
  11. No one is forcing you to do anything, but you don’t even want to share your own pictures. It’s baffling that you think others should allow you to take their pictures and pick them apart. That is mind boggling to me.
  12. You never answered my question. Why would you take others pictures, and not your own? That makes absolutely no sense.
  13. Curious, You have been active a while, never once posted a picture of yourself or your results, if you’ve even had surgery. I’m sure you have reasons. So is it inconceivable that perhaps people don’t approve their pictures used for purposes other than the reason they posted them? I find it odd those who are so vociferously asking for this, are individuals who won’t share any pictures themselves.
  14. Great choice, please create a thread I would love to follow your progress.
  15. Where’s your thread and pictures? I never said surgeons cannot be discussed. Taking someone else’s pictures and comparing them to others isn’t allowed. If you’re a patient why didn’t you use YOURSELF as an example, instead of others? That’s baffling, I would like to hear your reasoning.
  16. No, the thread is gone. Moving forward, I believe I laid it out clearly how one should research. Anonymous posters posting things online makes very little difference in terms of actual research. What are their motives? Have they had surgery? The best thing to do is reach out to verifiable patients with reviews. Opinions are not facts, and some may draw different conclusions looking at pictures. There’s a private messaging feature for a reason. Discussing techniques, philosophies, is fine. The line in the sand is pulling reviews and comparing them publicly and dissecting them. onwards and upwards,
  17. There was a guy here a few years ago that paid like $2 a graft in Colorado. He was completely botched.
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