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Posts posted by mikeey

  1. I think Results are what matters , we have read about doctors doing the extractions and the Technicians doing the rest .... YET Poor Results , and I have seen at Dr. edrogan the Nurse doing the extractions and YET Super Results , No Patient wants to know who does what ... we all WANT ONLY RESULTS !


    Soon we will be hearing about 4 - 5 surgeries in one day , and u cannot blame the Doctor as in all the Best Clinics there is a HUGE Rush as More and More People are Feeling Safe and secure with the FUE Method as Opposed to FUT , which even I get Scared of !!

  2. hey Garageland , Correct me if I am wrong ?

    But FUT has shock Loss as Opposed to FUE ?

    I have this thinking that FUT creates Shockloss , and FUE is Immune to Shock !


    And still some others say that FUT or FUE bith can produce shockloss in Both the Reciepent and Donor ?


    Which one is correct ? I think both David and you are very well tuned into this Field so I know the answer from both will be absolutely correct !

  3. I think turkey is the place to be for FUE , The docs there have time and again proved there are best to none , as I see Most of us will have a HT just once in their Life , so why compromise when there is a Option , yes Money is a factor but if that is so , Pls wait till you can afford it ... a few years Late is Better than NEVER .... OR Failed HT , and then My Ultimate Fav. Dr Bisanga or Dr Lorenzo but a Little expensive , Nine the Less Turkey is quiet affordable I really Vote for them esp. Dr erdogan , Just my thought !

  4. I think the Old cases are Just recycled ... we need New Evidence , not to be harsh on anyone , BUT if the patient is saving his Life earnings just to change his life with a Top class result and when this is Not Translated to his dreams , No amount of refund will bring back the smile on his face !

    Mr. california with due respect ..... pls get some fresh results .... and I do not wish to challenge the skill of Dr. Bhatti , But there does seem a lot of the Guys are particularly NOT Happy with the way they are Handled . we save our hard earned Money just to realise a Dream .... if we do not get the Result .... you guys just say Sorry or at max do a free procedure ... Nah we do not want ur free procedure , its serious tiring to follow the post operative care again and again !

  5. hey tony absolut Vodka :))) , amazing results Man , just want to know if you have been on Propecia and Minoxidyl ( Rogaine ) Post Hair Transplant ? Bisanga is My Man too , I really think he is worth the consideration by all HT Patients , albeit a Bit on the expensive side :(


    Advice me on the Meds ? were u already on Propecia and Minoxidyl before the Procedure or after ? OR you never took / take any meds ?

  6. Guys I need inputs for esp. Johnson Hair Oil , have heard esp. from Dr. Bhatti , Chandigarh Patients that he recommends the use of J & J Hair Oil ,


    from the Inputs a few of his Patients have warned against the Negative impact of the J&J Hair Oil .... can any other Member or Patient of Dr,. Bhatti help me with their experience after using the J&J Hair Oil ? also what is the alternate for this ? Can I use Aloe Vera or any other Oil , Becos I think scalp dryness can damage the grafts .


    everyone advice pls . esp. Dr. Bhatti's Patients , becos I am considering him for my FUE ... so need to prepare myself

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