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Posts posted by mikeey

  1. according to survey it close to 39 % , u know how the FDA and merck share studies , its your life .... and the valid point is as hairweare puts its .... if its NOT HEALTHY .... ITS NOT GOOD , even if u r unluck and among the 39 % of ppl , u know u have fucked ur life so hard that it will never give u another chance !! i think HT is the only valid answer but even that is frought with not so decent density as of now . and it does pain , Imagine the 50 odd injections your poor scalp has to bear and the 6000 Odd holes all in a matter of 8 hours ..... the TRAUMA is HUGE .... if u have the guts to say it simple procedure .... then baby I suggest why dont u just take a sewing needle and try poking ur fingers just 10 times and see the mess u make .... 6000 holes is huge and way way painful .... esp. if the density is not good then its another NIGHTMARE on Hair street !!!

  2. bro , i got sides after just a week .... i did not bother to go to the doc again , becos it was MY BODY telling me to quit .... why shud a doc be able to tell u better than your own body sensations ? but i was luck that the ED resolved on it own within 2 months , now i just use beta sitosterol and i am thinking of adding saw palmetto , i know the evidence is weak BUT at least i am not risking my body .

  3. Matt skiba is a senior who wrote this even before the many cases that have recently flared up on fin/propecia , he was suffering but it was not until 2011 that propecia sales plummeted and ppl realised that it was dangerous , we Need DHT we need 5 alpha for normal functioning of our brain , its critical , but sometimes we ignore the gurus and just say ..... mmmm NOT ME , its not you now .... but down the line when u stop it , it is then when the real problems start ... beta sitosterol was the sole reason i started after i saw the effects of fin on me .... hair is very good to keep ... but health is more sexy than hair .

  4. hi , why are we ignoring the fact that Propecia can have serious Health problems , if it was AS SAFE AS "Fut-HT-Doc" puts it , then why r there so many complaints ? why has the FDA Revised Labels in TWICE ? why are they probing Postrate Cancer ? and why in other countries except USA , they have a serious warning in BOLD .... That the drug can cause serious ED problems even after discontinue ? These are legit concerns , I Love this forum for all the knowledge it gives me . BUT to think that all the other information on the inet is falsehood is too Harsh a decision , there is No smoke without fire ! I love all members so i try to put my point on here , I know its not my concern .... But we after all are fellow humans ... and our aim is to bring the facts for the betterment of mankind . All i can say " Its your Life ... your Problem"

  5. I have read loads of reviews , and have read lawsuits , in NY 400 pending alone. I will not touch the drug that gives permanant damage to my manhood and now the latest is Postrate Cancer !! even FDA is probing on the cancer link. wait till further clarity

  6. Why are so many Lawsuits .... above 400 pending in NY , against propecia ? surely that many lawsuits filed must be no joke , people have suffered at great lenghts , I do not think all is falsehood , and imagine 400 in NY , we r not even counting other states or countries ... guys in sweden the package is written in BOLD .... May cause PERMANENT sexual dysfunction in males even after quitting , ditto for ITALY !


    and the labels here also have been changed twice , now we all know the politics of FDA and drug companies , I just need to acknowledge I WILL NOT Touch this drug until further Clarity , I do not want depression and suicidal thoughts over hair . Not worth Life sorry !! those who r happy to play with Life ... do so , I want to CELEBRATE Life ... not play wit it for some chunks of hair , after all bladness has been through the ages since man evolved , its not a disease its a facial character that deffrences one person from the other !!



  7. u have a big surgery , shock loss depends from person 2 person , i have 2 friends who experienced minor shock ..... and 4 who had major shedding some of which never regrow and the HT does look patchy ... everyone is different .... give it some time atleast 10 months , and the swelling in FUT is more becos of the trauma the head goes through , talk to ur doc ... everyone has some swelling .... but NUMBNESS is something that lingers for around 4 months , thats a killer to most !

  8. i just know one thing ,,,,, HT is a Bloody thing , but worth it if the results are good .... otherwise u end up fixing the damage for ur entire life , there have been forums across the net cautioning people not to go for it ... while not always a bad thing , but mostly people end up with low density .... grafts not maturing .... and even loosing the good hair due to shock loss , i have seen friends loosing good hair from shock loss that never grew back and now they are left with gaps between their HT ... pl do research atleast till 6 mnths , and if u think u can avoid it .... AVOID it ... no one says that HT is the vital thing .... no it is not ... living LIFE is vital there are far more things that we overlook in life ,,,, becos we are so OBSESSED with Hair ... NO NO NO a True loving girl is not interested in ur hair .... she is interested in you .... your qualities .... ur persona ... Hair is imp. but NOT everything in life ....

  9. i feel for you , given that having a HT is not a child's play , there is considerable pain , imagine 6000 holes punctured in ur scalp , 3000 for removing the plugs , 3000 for inserting the plugs , plus the 25 or more injections to the scalp .... imagine the TRAUMA that the head goes through ... and then the numbness in the scalp for atleast 4 months ... too much agony if the results are below par ..... and then another HT just to fix the previous one ...uuuffff .... I better shave my head and go to rest .

  10. thats very very true spanker , i just wanted to highlight the one of many risks , its not a walk in the park as some members suggest . u have ur head punctured literally 3000 times atleast for some average density , No one has ever claimed that u will get ur original density back ... its usually about 25 or max 30 % ,

    But whatever u suggest is also liable , we live our lives in courts and trials :)

  11. Read this crownie :


    A 52-year-old man pays $4,000 for a very routine procedure, a hair transplantation, at a Los Angeles clinic but something goes very wrong and now, his widow is suing the clinic for wrongful death.

    Yvonne Robison-Riley asks that Crown Cosmetic Surgery and several doctors who worked there be found guilty of wrongful death, negligence and medical malpractice and she is seeking unspecified general, special and punitive damages from the Los Angeles Superior Court.

    A representative for Crown Cosmetic Surgery was not immediately available for comment.

    According to the lawsuit, Robison-Riley's husband, Walter Riley, went to Crown Cosmetic Surgery on April 27, 2006, for a procedure that included a hair transplant. The suit alleges that Riley died during the procedure because doctors gave him an overdose of the anesthetic lidocane. According to the family's lawyers, the medical firm's own records show Riley received three times the normal amount of lidocaine.



    Read more: Widow Sues After Man Dies During Hair Transplant

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