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Posts posted by mikeey

  1. Guys , I am due for a HT on the 15th Sept , Just gathering as Much info as I can .


    Can u guys pls help and advice me as to How to sleep post Op. ?


    I am Planned for FUE and I just want inputs as to how to sleep immediately after returning from the Procedure /.


    Can I use the Lay down position ? OR Do I have to sleep on the chair ? OR in the sitting Position on the Bed ? , Pls advice !

  2. well , I think u r bashing a sincere doctor , He is admitted to his lack of hairline skill , but he is not that Bad .... I think he is a ethical doctor and he has the skill .... just need to be more artistic ... maybe he is Bad at drawing the hairline . But to say he is all wrong is absolutely wrong , his patients often report that he is a wonderful person and a wonderful person is a Quick Learner , I have known doctors from asia spoiling a HT and not even admitting it ... happens all over the world , but the one who accepts his mistake is the one ... who will be doing great Future work !

  3. Dr. Bhatti I guess is already having knowledge of this Issue , and has started working in this area , I have yet to see the results .... but I guess he is fast learner ..... hopefully newer patients will get awesome reults .... time will tell , but thus far .... Dr. Lorenzo , bisanga , Hakan , edrogan ,Rahal are my absolute Favourites ...... I just Love their work of frontal hairline .... better update california ( Dr. Bhatti's Rep.)

    I hope he will bring this to the Notice of Dr,Bhatti ....


    Better itself wud be that Dr.Bhatti Himself adds something on this Page ... regarding the Hairline.

    it wud really show how much the doctor really Cares !!!!

  4. Dr. Bhatti I guess is already having knowledge of this Issue , and has started working in this area , I have yet to see the results .... but I guess he is fast learner ..... hopefully newer patients will get awesome reults .... time will tell , but thus far .... Dr. Lorenzo , bisanga , Hakan , edrogan ,Rahal are my absolute Favourites ...... I just Love their work of frontal hairline .... better update california ( Dr. Bhatti's Rep.)

    I hope he will bring this to the Notice of Dr,Bhatti ....


    Better itself wud be that Dr.Bhatti Himself adds something on this Page ... regarding the Hairline.

    it wud really show how much the doctor really Cares !!!!

  5. Dear California


    Sir did not mean to say that Dr. Bhatti is not good on hairlines , I just voiced my opinion that I personally like the works to Dr. Bisanga , Dr edrogan , Dr Rahal and Dr. Lorenzo , as they give a European Hairline , that is rounded from the center , Dr. Bhatti in my study prefers a More Tapering Pointed Center which I do not like becos it looks not so dense ... if he works towards more semi circle type patterns .... I think Not only will the Density Look awesome ... but also the outcome will look favourable , I think like us patients ... even the Doctors Need our Feed back so that they can give improved results and thus happier patients , Never do I doubt the skill of Dr. Bhatti , But he can always Improve ... as skills are to be improved for the betterment of society and you know How BALDNESS Really Sucks !! ,

  6. I think by 4 months , u shud be getting far better growth .... albeit not as strong , and considering your age .... looks gappy ... I was looking for far more density , considering that DR. Bhatti is a expert FUE doctor , but the only thing I feel he seriously Lags is the Creation of MODERN Hairlines , which in my opinion Dr. Rahal and Dr. Lorenzo are the Kings !!

    Dr. Bhatti's hairlines are very Far from Impressive and often they give a Pluggy and doll like look ,...... in FUE we look for soft Natural Hairlines .

  7. you are ignoring , the fact is that these Horror stories are a FACT , there is No fire without smoke , and I am the living testimony of that .... its junk , Pls do not speak when you dunno much of the facts , I have personally met people who just wish they had never touched this stuff !! if you are still willing to know better then Bro try to leave it for a month and come back and report here ... its a Challenge !!

  8. there has been NO One who has had good results with the hairline , if someone is telling you this .... he is a propecia salesman , you think if that was even remotely possible then hoards of baldies would even be there on this Planet? we wud all have great hairlines ... who the F*** is bothered for a crown baldness ... MOST almost all guys want a good hairline , so if it was working ,,,, all surgeons wud never care about HT and never learn the art !!!!! ... and Many Many ppl have sides , use it and then my friend withdraw ... see what happens ........ I wish you luck , the best of the best surgeons on this planet only advocate that it does something if at all for the crown .... and my fav. dr. edrogan has even admitted to this fact ..... why u think he is booked for 3 months in advance .... who wants to go through a Operation and then wait 12 months to see if it worked ,.... when u can just buy a Pill and say goodbye Hairloss ..... give it a thought Man .:-)

  9. fin is not only junk , its DANGEROUS , have u not googled it yet ?

    there have been loads of people who have just killed their beautiful life with this Junk .... so many get into depression , suicides , Erectile failure , Postrate cancer ..... u think its worth a little hair even if it manages to grow some stupid vertex hair ? It will never grow or hold the hairline .... as any any good doctor if he says it hold the hair line ,,,, its just that he is not having proper knowledge !!!


    Even dr , Koray advocates that it will ONLY Hold some Promise for the VERTEX ..... for a Hair Line ... its ONLY Hair Transplant my dear friend ... do not waste ur life on propecia , its not worth the risk !!

  10. many stop propecia becos not of the sides , but becos it makes their hairlines just fly away .... I have seen guys who had a thinning hairline and with propecia they lost a sizeable frontal hair in a matter of 10 months ...... its sucks , and imagine the shed ... its too difficult to cope , I wish there was a decent alternative ..... :(

  11. caboki is safe in my opinion as is Nanogen , there was some concern voiced about lung inflammation , But u have to really put it in ur nose .... to get that effect ... now why wud anyone do that :)) , relax bro these companies have had no issues like Propecia .... they r totally safe !

  12. I have always Voiced my Dis-Pleasure regarding the use of Propecia .... I still get nervous when I see someone using it .... very Bad for the entire Body , it just upsets the Hormones beyond repair ... and Now this Cell trouble ... wow why do we need this pill in the first place ... better to have a Fue HT and leave everything and pursue Life ..... Most Baldies have HOT Gf's anyways ;))

  13. and FUT may cause some unrepaireable nerve damage that is never going to heal , so pls report of any headche lasting more than a week to the doc , becos a sizeable portion of the optical nerve is cut that sometimes never grows back , I have read on this forum of one guy having sharp pains even after a year of HT ( FUT ) and the opinion of the other surgeon was damage to the inner linning of the impaired nerve . but ask ur doc on this I am no expert .

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