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Posts posted by sl

  1. Thank you for the kind comment and the question also. 

    Greyness for example usually even on the scalp initiates not uniformly but more evident in some areas and then can gradually diffuse as the patient ages. There are differences in men/women with regards to this and also to ethnicity,  some more prone to it than others.  

    I started to turn grey on my scalp before my chest, but now in my 50s, my chest also has a spattering of grey on it, yet still in the minority, while friends are totally grey now on the scalp and chest and beard also. So it is a mixed bag and only time will tell to the degree that a person changes colour, if they ever do.

    Body hair,  as per the video, is firstly ideal as a filler, so if it is mixed with scalp hair also, then you lessen the chance of any colour change issues being evident. For those who have no option due to an exhausted donor, then it is about improving their situation, and if at the time of surgery it is compatible with regards to the above checks, it is probably a better option than doing nothing and thereby having scars or bare skin contrasting with the haired areas. We have not had this issue present itself as of yet and have done some fairly large cases to date. The worst case scenario if one has a very distinct colour change then is to dye the hair, but as said personally it has not been an issue that has been raised.

    We for body hair, and chest more so, need to make sure the quality is good, not only quantity but the quality of it and educate in terms of hormonal changes, DHT blockers,  and the effect on body hair. This issue is especially so on leg hairs that have a significant change as men age and can be attributed to friction as well as hormonal, and we avoid touching those areas.

    Even traditional scalp donor hair will thin as one ages, not a massive percentage, but still a reality over time, so the transplanted hair is as permanent as the donor source essentially. What makes a hair transplant work is that this is usually a small percentage. 



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  2. The more injections then the more chance of swelling as the fluid drops. Sleep upright for the first few nights with a good travel pillow, apply an ice pack to the forehead for 5 to 10 mins at a time, drink plenty of fluid and massage also the swelling from the glabella (ridge of nose area) from the centre to the sides so then help direct the swelling around the eyes. All this will help you a lot but don't be afraid if you do get some black eyes manifest, it is part of the post surgery for some and will pass in a few days.



  3. Thanks for sharing and doing such a comprehensive write up. Nice and clean work and so good to see FUE extractions spread out as in your case as opposed to crammed into the  rear. This is important both for donor reservation and also in order to get the finer single haired grafts that seem to elude many clinics and are harder to harvest well .  Really nice and clean with good extraction pattern and look forward to the updates. 

  4. Thanks for the question @Africanhair, and @PlzRespond for tagging us


    Actually we have a new case being compiled as we speak as it happens, and  that will be posted soon. Dr.B is specialised in this hair type,  albeit the case amounts are in the lower percentages as opposed to other hair types, so as a consequence less cases available to share, but we have posted some when the patient has allowed.

    Strip is may be the better option also, depending on how tight the curl of the hair the patient has, but FUE for some is also an option.


    Please feel free to contact us with photos in order to have an initial assessment and we would be happy to send some examples also.


    Kind regards,


  5. Yes,  I live in Italy and the death rate is very high and 70 percent  of the deceased are men and then there is the age group breakdowns also that indicate age a factor as does other illness. So, there must be some common denominators and perhaps an obvious issue is far more men than women smoke and rink in Italy also, and lung condition is vital and will make the difference between life and death for many.

    The death rate was high even again yesterday but the new contaminated daily amount is slowing, so, hopefully going in the right direction and no-doubt the measures in place will be or have been adopted elsewhere as the only way to contain this.


    Stay safe.





    With travel restrictions now being placed not only in Europe but worldwide, and the subsequent disruptions, we are committed to continuing our relationship with patients and those seeking assistance. So, as you are unable to come to us, we want to ensure you that we will be able to come to you, and accessibility to our online services will be expanding in order to fulfil our commitment to you.


    At present we are fulfilling this with the use of technology,  firstly via emails and WhatsApp, our first line communication with the patient or those seeking advice or surgery will have no change in that way.


    However,  we are now giving additional support, so that during this period, and in a changing world, we will seek to be constant. Nothing will change with our commitment to excellent customer service, advice, teaching information, assessment and re-assurance.


    So, with our online presence of social media and the related platforms, we will be giving apt, timely, accurate and helpful information to you.


    We will be launching a live question and answer time whereby you can have one to one contact with Dr.Bisanga and have your questions and concerns answered, as well as launching newsletters, educational videos and posts, patient results and testimonies, but furthermore a chance to have a virtual video consultation to assess your case personally and suitability for surgery. This will be free of charge and without obligation yet very informative and convenient for you to participate in.


    So, stay safe, watch this space and keep in contact with us and let us know how we can serve you through this period and beyond.

    • Like 1
  7. Dear All,


    After monitoring the ever growing Corona Virus spread and the subsequent travel limitations being imposed, we unfortunately have had to postpone the USA consultations. 


    Patient safety and well-being are of paramount importance as is following the guidance and directives given from  the relevant health departments. 


    So, in short, all those who have shown an interest will be further written to and we hope to be able to re-schedule in due course.


    Sorry for any disappointment and look forward to seeing you all hopefully in the near future.

    • Like 1
  8. Thank you to Melvin and Raphael for whatsapp. Gareth Bale sorry you are having issues. I am getting emails from patients but not sure why your one is bouncing. Can you PM me your email address so our IT can check and also we can communicate via that or my WhatsApp in the meantime.


    Wishing the patient here a great outcome and thanks for posting.

  9. Hi Pete


    Traction alopecia from turban wearing is VERY common and we have provided surgery to those exact sufferers where the hair has been under traction and loss, and luckily it is localised to a few areas of traction and subsequent loss.


    Here is a traction alopecia case that was from a female and a different scenario but traction non the less and more severe than turban cases. She underwent surgery with us and the result is here also.

    So, yes a hair transplant is a good option.

    Example traction case here:-


  10. Witch hazel may help or Arnica cream and or tablets also. It will take time and the redder areas are usually the hair line that has had more density but it will fade even on its own and look worse usually under fluorescent light as opposed to natural light but a normal part of the process to have it with neo-vascularity and inflammation that is there but will subside. Avoid also Sauna or extreme heat to it as said here already.  I found also a laser comb for me personally also sped up healing and following a good diet for inflammation. Of course, check all with your clinic. 

  11. Yes you do have more of a Ludwig pattern as does your Grandmother. 

    Young and therefore medication is probably the best advice. The donor doesn't look the strongest but that said wet and long hair also sticking together can give a false impression so have it assessed dry and have real empirical data on density and not just subjective opinion, but real actual data from accurate readings.

    Don't rush into surgery but look into medication is the honest opinion because at your age things could develop a lot if not on medication so best not to commit to surgery yet and see firstly how you tolerate meds and secondly how effective they are before you pull the trigger on surgery. 

    • Like 2
  12. Dear Forum Users

    Dr.Bisanga will be in London on the 1 FEBRUARY, 2020 to hold consultations.


    These are free of charge and with limited availability but a great opportunity to have your hair loss examined including donor density measurements, check for miniaturisation, hair groupings and calibre, loss potential, suitability for surgery, surgery type, design, graft numbers etc.

    If interested then please feel free to send me an email:- stephen@bhrclinic.com

    Thank you.




    Dr.B London Cons feb.jpg

  13. Dear Forum Users

    We are delighted to announce that Dr.Bisanga will be in the USA on the 11 - 14 of April 2020 to hold consultations in both New York & LA respectively.

    These are free of charge and with limited availability but a great opportunity to have your hair loss examined including donor density measurements, check for miniaturisation, hair groupings and calibre, loss potential, suitability for surgery, surgery type, design, graft numbers etc.

    If interested then please feel free to send me an email:- stephen@bhrclinic.com

    Venues to be confirmed.

    Thank you.




  14. I have to agree with Gasthoerer.

    Firstly, even guys with no hair loss can stand under direct spotlights and see scalp! Their native hair density and characteristics, styling etc all play a part and not all have a skin free look under harsh light even with no hair loss. I can shine a bright light into a person's donor and see skin so why shouldn't we on a recipient area, and hair coarseness also plays a part aside from density. 


    As said in this forum in other threads also, a hair transplant is not placing at native density, that is why the user will wear their hair in the way in which is gives them the best result and also nobody walks about with a spotlight on their head. So, unless placing at native density then you are about giving an "illusion" and I didn't invent that saying,  it is throughout forums and this forum also. If you have an issue with that term than maybe start another thread to discuss it, even though it has been discussed here also, so we do not hijack a patient's result.

    Here is an example of that very topic:-



    PS..I see skin here without harsh lights but this is a perfectly good result in the video.

    As said, maybe start another thread if you wish to go into semantics on the word illusion.

    skin wihtout harsh light.jpg

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