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Posts posted by Sethticles

  1. Wow a 4 week waitlist and three procedures a day. ..........

    Don't the really good ones max out at 2 a day? Also, it's 3 procedures plus the time Feller is on this site posting - makes you wonder :)


    Feller's clinic with 2 surgeons backed up by only 4 weeks is indication of the demand for FUE, from reading other posts some FUE clinic's are fully booked for the next 3 months, it wouldn't surprise me that some are now taking bookings for 2016.

  2. Seeing comments about the ripping the hairs out video, im 99% sure this is BHT, I mentioned this 5 days ago, only 1 person seems to have agreed with me and commented, 5 days is a long time between drinks on this thread for Feller not to comment, if it is BHT Feller may not be aware of this because he simply does not perform this, thus its simple scaremongering tactics, the place on the video which Feller pauses on is under the chin where the skin there is very elastic and pulling of the skin cannot harm a graft, compared to a normal donor area where the skin is very tight and pinching it is almost impossible, if anyone has doubts test it yourself, pinch your skin under your chin and see how far you can pull the skin away from your neck, plus the BHT grafts are thicker and spread more apart, so concluding, I am unsure why Dr Bhatti put this part in the video because this thread is not about BHT, and Feller does not perform this method, therefore either he is completely wrong or is just manipulating FUT supporters who would never research BHT methods.

  3. Without propecia you are a poor candidate for an HT. I know the usual cabal will disagree with me, but you're 22, and balding fast, with aggressive diffuse loss throughout the top of your scalp. An HT may well shock your native hairs out. Once your native hairs fall out, your transplant will show sparse, pluggy hair growth that will stick out and look very odd.



    KO is spot on... with propecia a HT would be great for a few years, but i doubt it would be your one stop fix, so please please please go FUE, you clearly wear your hair very very short, I think HTmay just prolong the inevitable, perhaps once you hit 32 you'll buzz down to #1.... all the best matey

  4. The way those grafts are raked like leaves - can't be good.


    personally think the raking looks bad too, but deep down I doubt it actually causes that much trauma, or the kind of trauma that would kill up to 25% of those little grafts, thats 1 in 4 killed by the raking, Feller suggests 75% yield, i have confidence in Dr Bhatti, doesn't mean I enjoy watching it.

  5. I didn't know this thread was a competition between Feller & Bhatti ... .


    its not, but considering Feller has 200+ comments presenting the flaws in FUE and Dr Bhatti has 60+ comments presenting his skills to overcome these claims, seems only fair to match them against each other skill v skill. my money is on Dr Bhatti for FUE skills


    Im yet to hear anyone elses comments about the BHT idea, that Feller's edits on Dr Bhatti's video,

  6. H Dr Feller has also explained numerous times that his hands are not shaking, it's because the punch is motorized.


    thats the point, its shakey, its like driving a car with poor suspension, you get vibrations, it shakes, at the point of entry of the skin, to the time it comes out, its shakey and its very slow, Dr Bhatti on the other hand is lightening quick (up to 6 times quicker), no shakes, and goes in less depths, clearly Feller FUE skills are no match for Dr Bhatti,

  7. I've watched the video a few more times the 20 sec section (from 15minute video) where Feller has decided to focus on, to me looks like under the chin harvesting BHT, I have read that skin more elastic and needs to made more taut and BHT grafts are wider and stronger than harvesting from the regular donor area. So if it is in fact harvesting from the chin, BHT, Feller cannot comment because he himself does not practice this method. Just as test pinch under your own chin and the pinch your donor area, completely different look and feel which also looks like the video section.

  8. Dr. Bhatti,


    Let's say a patient gets 4000 grafts implanted via fue. The second time they come back, let's say in a year, fir another 4000


    im only guessing here, but 8000 FUE generally is beyond the limits of a patients donor area, BHT would be Dr Bhatti next approach,


    This is why Dr Feller always says strip strip until stripped out, allowing you to get in the ranges of 8000 - 10000 grafts,

  9. i guess each dr has their own post care rules, day15 was when i was first allowed to use the shower to wash my hair, leading up to that it was subtle gentle dabbing with saline water, with a spray bottle, no going outside without a hat on for 6 weeks, but i would not go in the water yet, no way, bacteria could cause some serious problems, I chose to sleep 45 degree angle for about 10 days, give your grafts time to heal, and then some more time, think of the money you've invested and the time and the pain, and think of those little grafts they need all the TLC in the world right now. anyway thats my second opinion all the best

  10. we wont be able to judge the video's 1 or 2 for at least 6 month even 12months. if a video is taken down, re-edited, shuffled about, blurred out, and the result is 97% success rate, which it could be, then Dr Bhatti has not only shut the door on the 3 detrimental forces but shown speed, high level of skill is needed in FUE.


    For those who have had HT with Dr Bhatti, this is what he has done to us, i feel i have had a great yield , Bill comments that his hair is actually not kinky wiry hair, comparing his FUT which was,


    Dr Feller knows this, he knows he has to wait for the result but wants to turn this into some "gotcha game" when really the "gotch" will be Feller in say 9months when the results come out.

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