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Posts posted by Sethticles

  1. Hey dude, Im from melbourne and was in the same boat as you, i took a gamble on Dr Bhatti in India, I found him to be really good, PM if you want to know more. one thing to consider is travel distance after your HT, anywhere from the eastern side of OZ is going to mean at least 10+ hour flight to closest surgeon - this was one of the reason I chose India being 12hrs away

  2. iNot to mention agressive marketing by seth and shera and darling locks ...hard to believe they are not paid


    I have certainly been very PRO FUE especially in the battle against Dr Feller at times over aggressive and but IMO rightfully so, he's annoying and can't get his head around social media and the fact that many people disagree with him and yes I name drop Dr Bhatti at any chance I get, but I am not getting paid. Price vs Skills, no one can match Dr Bhatti in the world, thats a fact, so if I am out there drumming up business for Dr Bhatti its because I have the potential patience best intentions at heart, most HT surgeons charge up to 5 times the amount that Dr Bhatti charges, yet his skills are often better, I feel its my duty to warn the public let them decide for themselves.

  3. Hi David - my goal is just a final touch up, I dislodged some grafts during the 14 day recovery period on my front hair line right side only, so want to fix that and see what Dr Bhatti says about rounding my hairline down slightly, i personally feel it looks too much like "V" and want more of a "U" look, plus very keen to more into my crown. fingers crossed it all goes well.


    highest priority - crown filled in more

    then the touch up to the right side front hair line

    and then finally the "U" look

  4. this is social media, each person has a right to say what they feel and this guy is from India, a world class FUE surgeon is on his doorstep, he seems a little worried traveling overseas and wants someone to tag along with him, to avoid all that why not stay in his own country and get the job done with less hassle with traveling, less hassle with visa's probably save a bundle on HT fees and meds and not to mention save the cost of a plane ticket, makes perfect sense to stay put in India and for the record I ain't getting paid by Dr Bhatti, on contrary I'm more than happy to give him more of my money, he deserves it.

  5. Hi Butch, I think its a given that the less you look at your hair 0-6months post HT the better off you'll be, praying for those hairs to grow, praying it went well, but all looks pretty normal so far, your right side looks a little over harvested, which so did mine, but to make you feel better it grew back after a while, I thinks more to do with a shock loss or trauma. Im sure you'll need a top up in a couple years time, but really for now its fine. all the best take care s

  6. thats a great result from only 2500, gone from bald to hair again, you should feel great about yourself, after my HT i avoided this site like a plague, I didn't want to hear everyone's opinions its tough enough worrying if those damn hairs are going to grow or not, but yours have grown and seemed to have multiplied, a fantastic result. best of luck for the next few months when it really kicks in..

  7. I’m an Australian in Chiang Mai Thailand, probably the largest contingent of American expats and tourist here than anywhere else in Thailand. I have been living in Thailand for almost 7 years now, and in that time I have come across many Englishman, , but I have noticed especially here in Chiang Mai is being able to spot where other white guys are from. Very easy for me to spot and Aussie or Englishmen, clothes stance, body language and of course accents. Americans are just as easy to spot as well, most of you are very loud and say the word LIKE a lot, but also I have noticed that American men going bald tend to try and grow as much hair as they can, whereas Aussies and English tend to just shave it off and be done with it. Indian people also are a lot like the Americans in that aspect. So my observations have lead me to think that culturally there is differences in attitude to hair. Therefore the attitude to re growing your hair would differ from place to place. FUT by what I am gathering seems to more popular in America because they prefer to have some hair rather than shave down. FUE seems to more popular with Aussies and maybe the English because of the shave down no scar escape route. This forum has people from all parts of the world saying FUE is better or FUT is better, perhaps its where you’re from that is a part of your decision making.

  8. I wonder though, if people like the option of shaving their heads or buzzing down to a no2, why aren't they doing so already? It's seems people always cite the ability to shave their heads as a pro, yet few try it...


    shaving down doesn't necessarily mean all over, for me I shave 123 on the sides and then blended in to match the top. ive always had this hair cut, suits me the best, until i lost too much on top, then buzzed it all off, FUE has been so wonderful in my life that I have been able to go back to my 20s hair cut .


    plus there is also a difference between a fit looking guy with a shaved head and guy with a bald head. I think FUE gives the bald guy a fighting chance to maintain an overall look and mimic the fit guys look.

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