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Posts posted by Sethticles

  1. here is a great tip for growing nice healthy hair,


    table spoon of extra virgin olive oil - warm it a little had 5 drops of tea tree oil, then rub into your scalp, it clears all the bad bacteria that cause lots of skin damage, do this for 14 days and see how your hair loss is then,


    another daily natural treatment is apple cider vinegar but that smells bad so i tend not to do it

  2. Ive been taking it on and off since 2005, generally not having any side effects, however that did change early this year, I had run out of my pills and decided to just stop taking them, within days wow the morning glory came back, so i think i was unaware of the side effects, i have gone back on the pills 1mg per day, morning glory happens every now and then, but for no major difference being on them or not.

  3. for those who think im a troll or shill or overzealous or a rep thanks your opinion, its water off a ducks back, i have called much worse things in my life, remember this is social media, people have an opinion, people share personal experiences, so to put this matter straight here is a list of members who have personally contacted me over the past couple years thanking me for my personal experiences and views,

















    not to mention the online friendships i have made through these messages.


    further more i have an excellent Dr patient relationship with Dr Bhatti, i see him more as a good friend than my HT surgeon, so much so he came on here defending me, for me that shows respect and caring that he has for his patients,

  4. Hi Raman - post op HT - im interested to know how long you'll be staying before traveling back to Newcastle, might be in your best interest to stay a couple days in turkey in your hotel to avoid any potential dramas, - needless to say mate, all the best for a very successful HT - im sure we'll be all keen to see your results...

  5. Not only that but you say get FUE after you've been "stripped out" that means that you would decrease the density of your donor area which would make the disfigured scar more noticeable that's absolute nonsense to me.


    100% agree, makes no sense that theory, stripped out to you cant strip no more, so to clear this theory up you have 3 or 4 25cm long scars that were only being hidden by hair longer than blade #4, to go and then expose them by thinning out the area, that's Dr Feller best case logic, he has promoted this argument dozens of times with little thought to his theory.


    crazy logic, in fact rather scary

  6. for each and every FUE result you see, good or bad, the same result would have been better had FUT been performed instead. Absolutely no exceptions. That is also an immutable fact.


    thats incorrect, FUE surgeons can hand pick by eye 3 or 4 follicle hair grafts, so 1000 FUE could equal the same as 2000 FUT harvest, that is also an immutable fact

  7. But the bottom line is that no one sees, is thinking about, or cares about any sort of scar on your scalp. 99.9% of the world, including barbers, has no idea what a hair transplant scar looks like. No "prying eyes.".


    we are not talking about the rest of the world, we are talking about the patient and the patient's feeling, this was the discussion, the guy said he's been to 8 different barbers since 2008, he clearly is worried about what the barber is thinking and what the other customer's prying eyes are looking at while waiting their turn in the shop, pretty sure this is a common gut feeling of alot FUT patient's, there is no doubt there is a massive stigma attached to FUT and the 25cm scarring and the fact all will do anything to keep it a secret,


    probably why alot of us FUE patience are so positive because of such Barber type situations that we have all experienced during the years of losing our hair and going to the barber, I can speak from experience that feeling your get when all eyes are starring at your bald patch, why on earth you would try and fix the problem with creating yet another problem, the self conscience cycle continues with FUT and problem for life.


    Blake perhaps try and stay on topic if you want to direct a reply to me in the future thanks mate

  8. I've lost count the amount of times I've sat twitching in Hairdressers thinking they are staring at the back of my head in fact I'm on about my 8th different barber!


    interesting point, which hardly ever gets raised here, self confidence, social awareness, prying eyes, hiding a big secret, this for most is the massive difference between FUE / FUT, Spitfire looking back to 2008 and knowing what you know now would you choose FUT over FUE.

  9. Hi Bigwilly before anyone jumps on the FUE cause more stress / damage argument, take a look at your own hair, your hair is long, very long, longer than most girls grow their hair, perhaps you have over estimated the limitations on what HT FUT or FUE can actually achieve. I don't see this a Dr Diep's fault or fault of the technicians. Maybe go to a female hair salon and ask for some damage hair shampoo's or some moisturizer shampoo. As we get older our hair also tends to kink the longer we grow it, I know i can't grow a pony tail like I did when I was in my 20's, it would just look wrong

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