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Everything posted by AGL77

  1. I didn't have artas FUE with this clinic but had my first FUT procedure with Surehair a little over 2 years ago and then had a second procedure with Dr. Rahal. The procedure and results were not comparable. My advice is stick to only recommended surgeons on here and/or IAHRS (my preference) to limit the likelihood of an unsuccessful procedure/result. Just my 2 cents.
  2. Congrats and please keep us up to date. I'm really interested to see the beard and if you can provide info on how it felt during extraction and the days after.
  3. So good news after retaking the blood test my DHT levels have in fact decreased compared (a little skeptical because of the variance so will retake in a few months just to make sure) to my baseline before starting fin. The are still higher than the norm but significantly lower than my starting point. I'm wondering what the move is, increase dose or wait it out for 2 years? I definitely had results, but it's hard to say if it was just the fin alone because I did start to incorporate monix about a year ago.
  4. Nice video and miraculous work and result.
  5. For sure. Should have results any day now. But something has worked...don't know if its the fin or the fin/minoxidil mix but I definitely had positive results.
  6. Proof, we are all our own worst critics. My girlfriend keeps feeling me how great my hair looks and I just won't beleive her.
  7. I was advised to retake the test and did so late last week. Once results come in I will update.
  8. Very nice! Was the donor all from scalp or was any beard hair used as well?
  9. Thanks Dr Hakan, I'll send you a private message and explain my situation and what the goals and concerns are. Travel to Turkey is a bit of a concern right now because of what's going on with your neighbor.
  10. Hey hariri, how r u? Don't know if u remember me but we exchange a few pm's over a yr ago about dr rahal. Anyhow I have been following ur journey and I knew your plan for a while was to do beard into the scar after a revision, so what made you decide to go with chest? Are you happy with the smp work still? Do u have any posts on ur chest procedure? What's the cost/graft? Thanks
  11. I have to say that I'm surprised by some of the issues/concerns with this doc. He really is top notch and u should have not experienced any of that. U should tell the clinic how u fell. As for the number of grafts and as the others said, u should b happy that the doc didn't push the limit, it's to ur benefit. Take care post -op and u will have a great result.
  12. I was on the fence for about a year before I decided to take it. I had taking a blood test in June 2012 before I started taking it and with no surprise the my DHT levels were high, so I decided to start Fin. I weaned myself on to it slowing building up to 1.25mg/day in October 2012 and have continued to take 1.25mg/daily. This month (a little over a year from starting Fin) I took the blood test again and my DHT levels were still high, in fact higher than before I even started taking Fin. I'm totally at a lose. How can this be? Thanks.
  13. After 2 strip procedures I'm considering fue and/or BHT but would want to do a very small test before committing to smothering larger. How small a procedure could one do....100, 200.... to be able to conclude on the success or failure and what doc would do such a small procedure? Wouldn't it be a waste of time for them since the most desirable docs are the busier docs and they can fill that chair with much larger/profitable patients?
  14. Totally fine to put it on the cc, but make sure the clinic will accept full payment on cc as some may not cap it to limit the charge from the cc company. If you pay your card off in full before they raise the interest rate or you are able to make the minimum payments once the rate increases then your credit rating should not be effected. 0% for twelve months is great.
  15. I'm just a few days ahead of you and experiencing the same with respect to shock-loss, scar, donor numbness, redness, pimples etc....so that's a good thing I'm guessing. The one I wanted to ask you is if you are using Rogaine and if you are using it on the donor area as well. I've been using it and I still notice a few hairs come off when applying it, which I assume is shedding. Nothing significant at this point though. Also when applying Rogaine and going over some of the pimples they pop and end up bleeding as a result. Are you experiencing that as well? Thanks and best of growth
  16. I had my ht with dr rahal as well and it wasn't on the post-op instructions but mike did mention it. How long did u use it for? Did ur scar get red from using it? Did u use it twice a day? Did u find it was beneficial? Nice results btw.
  17. Hey, Anyone have any thoughts or experience with applying rogaine on the strip? I'm wondering if it would help by promoting blood flow to the scar and assist in healing as well as speed up or assist growth due to shock loss? Thanks
  18. Try amazon. I got mine from them and it was cheaper than directly from toppik.
  19. Beauty! I to had a recent procedure and am hoping for results as good as your. Congrats!
  20. Best of luck. I was just in your shoes a few short days ago.
  21. Thanks for the very detailed and informative reply. Please keep us posted on your progress and I wish you the best of growing and incredible results. All the best.
  22. Things look very good, I to was wondering why you would stop the use of fin? In my unprofessional opinion I would say you may be able to get some benefit from using it and assist in the potential shock loss if you will experience any. How soon where your sutures removed? What was the cost of the procedure (if you don't mind me asking)? Do you have more donor available for another HT if you ever want to consider one? And do you know the size of the strip that the doctor excised? Thanks and happy growing.
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