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Everything posted by NoTakeBacks

  1. Looking good! You'll now have a variety of styling options if you wish. Glad that you did the research and didn't try pushing for a low juvenile hairline because of your age. Happy growing!
  2. Annnnd I'm back with some updates for y'all! It's been a little over a month since my last post, and I'm now sitting at 102 days post-op. No earth shattering progress, but there's definitely been some! At this point I think I've seen most of my native hairs surface, or rather the one's that survived miniaturization & the procedure. It's still nerve wracking not knowing which are transplants, which are natives and how it'll all look in the end. The thought of me doing something to cause lost grafts is always creeping in the back of my mind. What I can say is this process is almost like looking at my hair(time)line in reverse. At this point, the hair that has grown in the newly designed hairline, is an approximate of where I was one year pre-op. Obviously back 2 years ago it had more density, but I was already exhibiting that diffuse "M" pattern and I started noticing a defined concave dip where my forelock once was. It was at that point I really started worrying, and a year later I committed myself to research and pulled the trigger. Anyway on to my regimen: Spectral DNC every night before bed; on days where I wear a hat I'll spritz some in the morning. 5000 mcg of Biotin daily 1000 mg of MSM daily. Vitamin E, Strontium/Calcium, D2, Fish Oil and Multi-Vitamin daily. Pics @ 3 Months: And as always (cause I'm too lazy to write in the actual blog) more comments and pics in ze photo album. =D
  3. Yup. 7.1cm at the prospective forelock & 7.7cm at corners. While I was at it, I updated my pics for the 3 month review lol. Dropping a single cm would be great, but I'll be waiting a full 14 months before I make any decisions.
  4. I've always had a high forehead, so I'm kinda used to it, but this also makes me curious to see how I measure. I'm going to check it out later, I'm probably between 4 and 5 fingers high but I want an exact CM measurement. Either way, I'd rather start off higher and donor/doctor approved, I can consider lowering it by 1 CM down the road. I'd only consider that if I can manage good density and preserve some for future transplants if my crown ever needs it. Actually I'm gonna go measure now... @1978matt: The blue hairline looks pretty good, I think any Doc should be comfortable with what you've planned out, even in between blue & red.
  5. I haven't been here for too long, but I totally understand what you're saying. The mark of an absolutely great transplant would be the fact that it is unidentifiable. I've felt the same exact way as you put in your closing sentence. For me this is in regards to ANY cosmetic procedure, if you can tell something's been done then it wasn't a grand slam. With cosmetic procedures I think people strive way too hard for perfection, and as we know nature isn't perfect. Even the most beautiful people have some irregularities, but that's what makes them unique and attractive in the first point.
  6. Considering you made it to 4 months, with no mention of any sexual side-effects, it's my opinion that you should consider staying on Fin, maybe at a lower dose. Realize this is coming from someone who's not all "RA! RA! FINASTERIDE!" 4 months concerning the hair production phase is not really giving enough time to allow for the shed hairs to grow back.When it comes to combating hair loss, it often takes 4+ months to see any results. Even hair transplants it's a waiting game, same goes for Minoxidil. In the end it's your body and you have to do what feels right, especially when dealing with hormones. I can respect. I'm curious though, did you get it prescribed or did you buy it from some online pharmacy?
  7. I'd check out Dr. DeYarman as he's posted some great hairlines and is also in Cali. Dr. Umar is a fine choice as well, but like Nick said I really wouldn't limit it to the immediate area. With that said, I can understand your hesitation to fly overseas. Just do your due diligence and research before jumping in. I know you're ready ASAP, but you really want to make an informed decision.
  8. In your situation I would stick with FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction), however that's where the limiting factor begins. Not all Dr's offer FUE, let alone are well versed in the method. Then on top of that you're limiting yourself to only the Toronto area which shrinks that Dr. pool down even more. I know Dr. Quatela operates out of Rochester,NY which is right across the border from Toronto and is a shorter drive than Ottawa, but my initial recommendation would've been Dr. Rahal. There are quite a few recommended Docs that would be great for your case, they just might not be located in Toronto. Even if this is a minimally invasive operation for a small recipient area, it still is an operation. This is permanent for life, don't let a few miles sway your decision.
  9. Great to see you're active on the forums again Doc. Your older posts were a major factor in my final decision to pull the hair trigger(lol) and take the plunge. Nearly 3 months out and raring to see what's in store for my follicles and I!
  10. Heyo! Since there's tons of topical options around now, I wanted to get the consensus from my fellow hair loss heroes. I know it's been claimed that Azelaic Acid has shown signs of inhibiting DHT, but I was wondering if anyone had anecdotal or legitimate evidence proving so. Anyone use it, and get favorable results? Not so favorable results? Concerning the Spectral DNC line of Minoxidil, I had heard it was great, bought some a year or so ago, but now there's been some commotion with the formulation changes at DS labs. Is it still worth checking out? Does anyone actively use this "new" formula, and if so how's it been? Reason I'm asking is I'm nearing the end of my last bottle, and will need to buy some form of Minox in the near future. I just want to make the most informed purchase I can at this point, as this will be the first full month I've completed of Minox POST transplant. Should I make the jump to foam? Should I just stick with generic liquid Minox? Or buy into Spectral DNC again? Any perspective/comments would be greatly appreciated!
  11. Looks like some solid progress! You wouldn't think so at first, but time flies doesn't it? I'm still kinda scared to do any lifts just yet myself though.
  12. Any links for those studies HK? My curiosity is piqued; I don't plan on taking finasteride anytime soon but I like reading medical studies nevertheless.
  13. Agreed! Iamx121, your results (even at 7 months) are probably more than I can ever hope for when I hit 40 lol. Excellent look, basically what my dream hairline and styling option would be :cool:Grats!
  14. ^ For informative SCIENCE. I personally used American Crew Fiber/Pomade all through High School. Back then my hair was ridiculously thick and using the product never changed it's density, texture or coarseness during that period. It's great for a more rigid hold. If you want a more flexible matte finish I'd recommend Garnier Surf Hair. Like greatjob said, the only real "loss" I could foresee is hair that's already prone to breakage and will shed during any normal activity light showering, ruffling your hair etc.
  15. Yeah I'm curious about this as well. I had read that Minox has little effect on native forelock loss, but does a bangup job for the vertex. What I always pondered is since FUs have different genetic characteristics than native hairline follicles, do they also respond to Minox better? That would make sense to me, but I always wanted evidence. Either way I apply it every night lol!
  16. The actual linear scar looks pretty good! When the redness and puncture marks heal from the staples, and any shockloss recovers, you should be in good shape. :cool:
  17. Heyo all! So I never posted a thread dedicated to my HT immediately post-op, as I made the decision to gather some pics documenting my journey first. But now that I'm 2 Months out, it's time to get this show on the road! My hair story is probably like many others before me. I used to have a perfectly straight immature hairline that was dense and coarse as a mofo. I NEVER thought I'd have MPB, as my Mother's side is pretty set with hair, and while my Father is about a NW4, HIS father died with a full head of hair (NW2 max). Add the fact my hair characteristics are completely different from my pops (his hair is very fine, straight and oily), I was totally blindsided by Mother Nature. At first it started off maturing normally at the temples, and I'm cool with that, I think certain hairstyles look badass with a slight widows peak/forelock. But then I started getting diffuse miniaturization across my frontal third. At that point I was all "Hell no Mother Nature, no take backs!" So I researched for about 7 Months and I finally joined forces with Dr. Feller to help bolster my retreating troops. The Op itself was pretty easy, the anticipation and waiting was the worst part. Maybe it's just me, and I don't think I'm particularly tough, but I've honestly had worse pain from dentists doing a routine filling. And even then I usually just power through it. Anyway, the staff was friendly and talkative, and Feller walked me through what steps he was taking during the process (the cauterization laser is cool), except for when he got in the zone to make all the recipient incisions/slits. Like I said before, the process as my tiny little hair buddies were dropped into their comfy head holes wasn't painful, but the waiting game was! Anyhoo, after lunch from a local deli and my post-op briefing I was set to go! On the drive home, the local anesthesia wore off and my forehead felt like I had crazy sunburn, but that was the worst of it. Sure the staples were kinda uncomfortable, but that's to be expected when you have metal keeping your skin from flapping around. I slept sitting up right, popped the Vicodin and went to work the next day. Overall it's been a great Adventure, and I'm comfortable with the idea of doing it again in the future. Now what most people are probably waiting for: PICTURES! Pre-Op Post-Op: Day 1 Post-Op: 2 Months There are more pics in my photo-album with descriptions and whatnot! Currently I'm taking Biotin, Strontium/Calcium, Multivitamin, Vitamin E and D2. Also applying 5% Minox spray/liquid before bed. Cheers!
  18. Hahaha! Yeah, I'd try not to worry about it; but that's easier said then done. Our mind and imagination are our worst enemies. With 'em we're damned if we do, and damned if we don't. It's pretty natural to keep second guessing and worrying. I was in the same boat as you but on the opposite spectrum. I started gently massaging the recipient area when the tiny little white scabs started appearing at approx 7 days post, per my Dr's. instructions. Ever since then I keep wondering if I started too early, too rough, not rough enough, etc.etc Even if we're told explicitly to do this, it's perfectly normal if X happens, blah blah blah... we'll probably end up worrying that we're the exception to the rule anyway. Keep your head and follicles up!
  19. Most likely. During the day our head is upright, and our body gets help from gravity. The excess fluids then get distributed through your system, and with time will eventually be excreted or absorbed. However we sleep for nearly as many hours as we're awake; so if you're not allowing your body to easily redistribute those fluids while asleep, it'll take more time. I too slept sitting up and had very minimal swelling that was gone by day 3.
  20. To my knowledge (and little experience) it's pretty typical to shave down the area and transplant the entire third. At that point they can place the grafts and blend em with the existing native hairs just in case they do recover. But they also will not drop em right on top of any existing hair to avoid transection. The only reason I could see completely going around a section of hair is if the Dr. determines it's dense enough as is/too risky to chance transection. EDIT: Can't speak for longjonsilver, but in my case Dr. Feller transplanted across the entire frontal third. You can view my photo album if you want, as I too had miniaturization.
  21. After valiantly battling a slowly thinning hairline for a few years, I had exhausted all tricks known to me. So I finally decided to hire some help, and visited the respective Restoration Guilds. I decided on hiring Dr. Feller, and had his and his staff's aid in battle on March 13th, 2013.
  22. Yup. The only real pain I felt was IMMEDIATELY post-op after the shots wore off. The recipient area basically felt like I had golfers sunburn. Afterwards, the donor area felt sore for the next few days. I did have to take a Vicodin during the first day after the Op. But on the second day I didn't even bother. I do have a relatively high pain threshold though. As for the surgery itself...hell I've had worse pain during a routine dental filling. Just make it past the numbing injections and you're fine. (Warranted your doc is good)
  23. 21, it's good to hear about the progress! That is a good sign. Seconding what Bobiliero has said; continue what you're doing and keep working out. Also make sure you're getting enough Zinc and D3 in your diet, and no worries Whey protein will not exacerbate ED. But I'd recommend natural cold-processed Whey,with none of that weird additive shit like "mass builders."
  24. Seconding Matt. I'd talk it out with Spex or Dr. F and express your concerns/the forums comments. You're in good hands though, and I doubt Feller would devise anything too aggressive anyway. Reestablishing your hairline will help frame it off a lot! But yeah, with your donor area, wearing it short might not be an option. All a balancing act my friend.
  25. Thank ya much! That's all I really needed to read lol. Just me being paranoid, as immediately post-op the hairline itself looked great, and I got caught off guard with it shedding early in the recovery. Damn emotions vs. knowledge and logic.
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