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Everything posted by newbie33

  1. Thanks for sharing, doctor. Really encouraging that more research is being done in this area. On the transaction results - is the percentage of transacted grafts consistent with your observation/experience of much higher total number of extracted grafts? (I'd imagine doctor fatigue and other factors may play a part the more grafts that are extracted?) Also on the scarring, is the look/noticeability likely to remain consistent with much higher number of grafts extracted? And a related question - would the scarring make it more difficult or potentially more difficult to extract further fue grafts from that area if required in future?
  2. Thanks Dr Lindsey. Yes, my question was basically about maximum number of grafts you could take and what combination of strip, fue and mfue would give you the max amount. I'd wager there's more chance your patients would listen to that advice than your kids!
  3. To be fair, he also said this elite gives him leads into other rich and famous people... But I imagine it something like this: Gary Perrault's Office. Time has stood still for many months. Plastic coffee cups are strewn over his desk. Gary's looking at a silent phone. He undoes his tie slightly and flips through his rolodex. He picks the phone up and dials. (The phone rings) Gary: Hey, hey, er Bruce. It's Gary. How's it going? (comedy high-pitch voice the audience doesn't understand) Gary: Perrault... P. E. R. R. (comedy high-pitch voice the audience doesn't understand) Gary: So I loved your last movie, er, that... (comedy high-pitch voice the audience doesn't understand) Gary: Yeah, yeah. Sick Sense. Brilliant. Don't you think Jude Law would have been great in that? (comedy high-pitch voice the audience doesn't understand) Gary: Although he is thinning slightly, no... (comedy high-pitch voice the audience doesn't understand) Gary: Do you know Jude? (comedy high pitch voice the audience doesn't understand) Gary: (twirling the phone cord) Oh, nothing. No reason... I just wondered...
  4. Right, are you Clooney, Lucas or the late George Peppard? I think we should be told.
  5. There's always more because, you know, the human condition. But if I kept trying more I'd get specific and would start to target individuals, which I don't really want to do*, because we can all be stupid, impatient, greedy, mistaken, want to believe in wishful thinking, and think we know more than we do. The joke posts all basically boil down to some universal human vices. *(Except for YngDrReasonable, who was based on Blake, and done entirely out of admiration at his continued reasonableness) That said... ImPatient18 19:03:01s So Dr Unheard-Off suggested 1900 grafts, while Dr Mostly-Titjobs suggested 1950 grafts. Why the difference? ImPatient18 19:03:59s Really? No one? No one can immediately answer my hyper esoteric question?
  6. There is a cure for baldness: ACCEPTANCE!
  7. I'm not going to turn it into a joke. That's not why I asked. Besides, the 'jokes' were all rather affectionate leg-pulling. For me, planning a HT with one doctor but it being performed by another is definitely a cautionary tale. I would be pretty miffed if I was put into that situation. But then I'm probably higher up the anally-retentive scale when it comes to this :-) (Navy boxers from John Lewis, should you be wondering).
  8. Is that right about no bad reviews without pictures?
  9. I could have a bash at turning it into a joke. But you probably wouldn't thank me. Thanks for the answer. Another cautionary tale in the rather murky world of hair transplants.
  10. There's a theme emerging with yours, LondonHT! Serious question - what made you depart from Dr Feller for your fourth procedure? Presumably, you researched and didn't land on him by luck for the first three HTs, which begs my second question: how come for the fourth you ended up with a doctor whose name you didn't/don't even know?
  11. UnRequitedLove: I had my surgery with Dr Love yesterday and while I can have no idea of the result, I wanted to say he's clearly the best, most caring, nicest doctor in the entire universe. I found out he does some HTs for free on burns patients and his kind, azure-blue, Italian-lake-beautiful eyes also just screamed that he probably supports an entire deprived village in Mozambique. While he was doing my surgery he was giving blood from his manicured, lean, elegant hands - medical researchers believing his rare phenotype holds the cure for cancer - although he did look at me funny when I suggested we could go to Graeco-Roman wrestling classes together.
  12. I'm going to grab that as a strap line for my signature: "Better than a shitty click-bait site."
  13. It really must have been quite something to see when you had the consultation with him a few days ago.
  14. I don't know what a 'sticky' is, but I want one! Especially if I can eat it.
  15. Oh it's definitely no wig. Really quite impressive for a man nearing 70. https://eldiapason.files.wordpress.com/2011/04/mischa_3.jpg And I think we could all agree with hair that length, should he need a HT, the scars from either procedure would be covered ;-)
  16. Mischa Maisky isn't going to trouble any HT doctors, but this is two and a half minutes of unadulterated genius and beauty:
  17. A joke, you say... http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/eve/181125-ive-read-entire-forum-so-you-dont-have.html
  18. Pleasure, David. Your HT result is really starting to come through too. Really pleased for you.
  19. Haha. Thanks guys. Yes, it's not an exhaustive list. Please feel free to add more, chaps... I also forgot: MrStupidlyVain Hey guys, I know you really shouldn't after a HT, but I've been thinking: If I'm really careful, is it OK to go out in 50-degree sunshine / inject massive amounts of testosterone because I want my muscles even more disproprionately sized to my balls / wear a hat with the insides made of razor blades...
  20. Thought I'd summarise the boards. Just a bit of fun! RanjitMadeUp: Hey guys, have you heard of Doctor Unpronouncable in Ulaanbaatar? I saw his website yesterday and as I sit in his operating chair waiting for the sedatives to kick-in, I thought I’d ask about other people’s experienceeezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz… DrNewClinic: Hi, I’m just an Average Joe and definitely not Dr New Clinic. I wanted to share my experience of my fantastic surgery with Dr New Clinic, where I received 50,000 grafts and a handjob for just 5-Euros all-in… TheExpert: I may not have any ‘formal’ medical qualifications as such, but what appears to you, the layman, as some normal scabbing is quite obviously the start of Epidermodysplasia verruciformis, or ‘Tree Man Syndrome’. You must have a history of this in your family? PROFUEGUY: Isn’t it OBVIOUS that Dr Feller is a CIA-stooge, plotting to keep the AMERICAN FUT industry dominant against the PLUCKY and almost INDEFENSIBLE FUE surgeons in egalitarian, communist China???????? YngDrReasonable: Although in my head I’ve just spent five minutes repeating four-letter words interspersed with synonyms for ‘idiot’ while I read your post, I’m going to be totally and utterly reasonable to the point of irritation. So: Hey, that’s a really interesting post with some fascinating ideas! Although, maybe another way to look at it… Catastrophise13: Guys, yesterday I had what seemed like a perfectly good surgery, but I’ve thought about it more and now it seems I’ve made the biggest mistake of my life. My hair will obviously fall out. My wife will leave me. My kids won’t speak to me. And my dog will almost certainly be dead before I finish writing this post… DrNewClinic: Book my clinic today – I mean the clinic – and we give you free small can of paint to disguise you ugly bald head, worth at least $0.39. Gullible18: I came across this new product made of fish milt, old rope and gnat’s piss. It’s not FDA-approved and costs ?4,000 a month. Have any of you had experience with this product called Snake Oil? DrComplico: Doctor Complico charges 2.389 Euro for the first 39 grafts, then it’s a compounded 5% discount on all further multiplies of 39 grafts up to 2,000 grafts. Thereafter it’s a flat rate of 1.456 Euros per graft multiplied by Pi and divided by the number you first thought of. Not including taxes. MrBadAdvice: You are 18 and a Norwood 4, but definitely won’t progress any further. You should get 5000 FUE grafts in your hairline, then proceed with body hair grafts to fill in the frontal third. After that, you can get all the grafts that you want from your bumhole. NOT THAT YOU’RE LIKELY TO NEED IT! Finlabia: Greetings from Finland! I just wanted to warn about my experience with Finasteride. I took one 0.5mg tablet and overnight it gave me a sex change. We really should be told about this. Although on the plus side, I now have lustrous hair and a great set of double Ds. CannyBloke: Although I seem quite reasonable I’m really telling you that you can’t say or think what you said because it doesn’t chime with my opinions and values. This seems even more reasonable to me because the personalisation of the internet has led me to believe my views need never be challenged and I should never be offended, even in the mildest sense, though I can be offended on behalf of others, even if I don’t know they are offended themselves. Tuck me in now, please, Mommy. Houdini29: Fancying myself as a young Bruce Chatwin, I thought I’d earnestly share my experiences with Dr Botchit, including the money-exchange, taxi ride, a flight-movie review and a detailed overview of the methodology I used to count the coco-pops I had at breakfast. At about the three-month mark you’ll never see me again, leading you to wonder if I had a great experience, a terrible experience, or got a job on C-SPAN. TRUEFUE: Look. If any proof were needed at all. I found this picture of a guy in Paris who had a terrible FUT result and scar…
  21. Mickeydw, sorry to hear about your result. I'm not sure I follow the clinic's response. Are they saying the transplanted hair is going through the hair cycle and has fallen out due to it? Are they saying your 'safe zone' hair isn't resistant to DHT? (And/Or that they took grafts from NW zones 6/7)? What do you think they are telling you? For me, this highlights come of my secondary concerns about going to clinics in your non-native country, such as possible language barriers, distance barriers and no clear idea of the medical/legal standards. All things that matter much more if it doesn't pan out as you hope.
  22. Thanks Dr Lindsey. Thanks Dr Bloxham. Questions for either of you. On the average, how many total grafts could you get from stripping out, then getting mFUE? How does that compare with stripping out then FUE (I know you'd argue the yield from such grafts wouldn't be the same - but just humour me!). And would it be possible to strip out, get mFUE, then also some fue?
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