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Everything posted by spreadlocks

  1. Whoa. Looks really good already. Looks like you are going to get a killer result. Your scar already looks paper thin too.
  2. Thanks a lot man. I'm 8 days out now. Just about to start the waiting game. Your write up really helped calm me but he procedure seemed to go swimmingly. Really smooth. Just wanna get these staples out now for a comfortable nights sleep : ) I actually made a topic on my procedure here too http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/eve/164595-1st-hair-transplant-dr-feller-2000-grafts-400-free.html I really hope to be where you are man. Your hair looks really damn good now.
  3. Hi Guys. Sorry to bump an old thread but do you take all 3000mg of your msm at one time in the morning or do you spread it through the day? My capsules are 750mg so I will be taking 4 a day. Would I be better taking all 4 when I wake up or 2 in the morning and 2 at night? Thanks
  4. spreadlocks

    2 Days Post op

    2 Days post op. 2400 grafts with Dr. Feller, NY.
  5. spreadlocks

    From the album: 2 Days Post op

  6. I would say you look to be on track for a good result at 3 months man. It all seems to have started filling in nice. Plus you probably picked the best time for a HT as you should be seeing some great results by summer : )
  7. I've been at it again. Hahaha. These are from this morning after washing my hair. 5 Days post op. It's not perfect but it's not awful. I think I can maybe cover this up. Just need to check that it's ok to wear hairspray from 2 weeks post op as that will hold this ulta combover in place. Just worried that the hairspray can get on the recipient area grafts and affect growth.
  8. spreadlocks

    Attempting to cover up HT. 5 Days Post op.

    Hair styling techniques with native hair : )
  9. Hmm. There seems to be conflicting opinions on this. I was only thinking of using the sprinkle type concealer. Toppik basically. I was thinking of using it from 2 weeks post op though. Another thing to mention is that I was my hair every single day without fail. Confused now.
  10. Ah RCWest. Sorry for the misunderstanding. I didn't have any miniaturisation in my Donor area. That is thick as hell. I meant that I thought that I only had miniaturisation in like the front couple of centimeters of my hairline whereas I actually had it as far as a third of the way into the top of my head : ) Thanks a lot Spex. Again, you are a lifesaver bro.
  11. Toppik would definitely see me through. I can cover a lot of it but just with big gaps. Can toppik possibly hinder your results though by potentially blocking the grafts in the recipient area??
  12. Got some but unfortunately I work in an office where that is not possible. Just realised that the combover ain't gonna work neither Has anyone tried a wig? Would that be detrimental to the HT?
  13. Just had my ht a few days ago. Unlike many others though, nobody had any idea that I had any hair loss as I had very thick hair at the back and middle of my head and pulled that forward. I obviously now have a gaping shaved down patch on the front half of my head. For 2 weeks post op I am fine as I am off work and can stay at home. After that I would like to try and hide my HT results if possible. Has anyone used any good techniques? Super combover, concealer, wig, hairpiece, etc. Any other good techniques that anyone can suggest? Also has anyone used any great coverup stories? Any good ideas? Thanks
  14. Thanks a lot for the good words guys. The swelling is now in my eyes and I must admit I feel pretty weird looking in the mirror. Actually the toughest thing for me is that the odd long hair from the back of my head keeps coming forward and tickling me in my recipient area. Because I can't touch that area it's driving me mad : )
  15. Thank you man. Although my hair was badly thinning at the front the actual hairs themselves are really thick if that makes sense. Nobody has ever suspected me of losing hair. Even the doc. I am just sick of the combover, using enough hairspray to eliminate the ozone layer and avoiding rain or wind at all costs. No idea what I'm gonna say when I go back to work in two weeks though. For instance, this was taken about 2 weeks ago so how the people at work are used to seing me : o Need to think of a good lie.
  16. spreadlocks

    1 Week Pre Op

    1 Week Pre Op
  17. spreadlocks

    From the album: 1 Week Pre Op

  18. And 2 days post op that I took myself. I have lots of sweeling in my forehead today though so that maybe makes the HT look a little higher.
  19. Like most guys I noticed a tiny bit of hair loss in mid to late 20s which got worse nearer to 30. I started Finestride and managed to stabilise that (I'm nearly 33 now). Around that time I almost booked a HT with a UK clinic with virtually no research but due to forums such as this one and the clinic having a particularly unlikable salesman I managed to avoid that one. Over the last few years I have been strongly considering a HT and last year decided to take the plunge. I had online consultations with some of the top guys and then finally got in touch with spex. I am aware that this is probably going to sound more like a love letter than a write up but I can not say enough good things about Spex. For one I have never known anyone as efficient at replying to texts, calls and emails. No matter what the question, or how many questions there were he always gets back immediately which really helps put your mind to rest. On top of that, although he is passionate about Dr. Fellers work he made no attempt to try and "Hard Sell" me at all. In fact, the first thing he said was that both of the surgeons I was considering were great and would do a top job. This was a real contrast to the HT salespeople I had spoken to in the past. I decided that having that contact and Dr. Fellers countless, consistently good results made him the choice for me. On Monday I got to the Docs office and met him at 7:45. He said that I was really displaying a masterful combover and at first glance it didn't look like I needed a HT at all : ) It wasn't until I pulled my hair back that the true story showed. Originally I wanted to go really aggressive with the hairline filling in the temples too (as I imagine most people would want to in a perfect world). The doc however explained to me that I had a decent amount of miniaturisation on the hairs back in my head and that I would be better off using my grafts to increase the density further back, thus saving further HT's in the future. He also said I maybe want to consider more grafts which was unfortunately not possible due to financial reasons (I had paid for 2000). At this point I was feeling pretty down which I am pretty sure the Dr. Feller could tell. He then explained to me that we could easily work around the centre of my hair (which will be the last to go) and still achieve maximum density. This really made me feel a lot better and much more at ease. He then drew the hairline on and again I thought it looked good. I must say that Dr. Feller has a very good way of a) explaining things in a very straightforward way and B) making you feel completely at ease with what is happening. He has a rare quality of making you feel very comfortable that you are in the hands of a professional but at the same time relaxing you with a few jokes and a casual manner. By the time we got in the operating room my original concerns had subsided and Dr. Feller had assured me we could really increase the density around the hairline. He showed me some other examples of what we could aim for and explained how we will be using state of the art techniques to achieve maximum density. My head was shaved and I was administered the numbing injections which didn't bother me in slightest. I have many many tattoos so needles are no biggy. The doc worked around the back of my head with the technician and within about 20 mins he said "right done". I literally felt nothing. So little so that I was unaware of when he was working or not. All through this part of the procedure I chatted to Dr. Feller, telling jokes, talking about random day-to-day things and even touching on a bit of politics. It was all very casual and I felt completely at ease. Next up Dr. Feller made the incisions in the top of my head. For this part he explained that he would not be talking as he needed maximum concentration. This was fine with me and I had a little snooze. Again I had no real idea when he was working or not other than the strange sound which is hard to describe unless you have had a HT. Again this part felt quite quick. Maybe 45 mins if that. Next up the technicians place the grafts into my head. I am pretty sure not enough gets said about the technicians because they really were excellent. At one point I was struggling to sit still as I thought I just had a stiff neck. Without me saying anything one of the technicians explained that she could see I was struggling. I told her that it was just cause I had a stiff neck. She explained that although I thought it was that it was a stiff neck, it was probably a little pain from the staples. She adjusted something and instantly I felt great again. She obviously knew what she was talking about. I chatted to all of the technicians throughout the whole procedure. One of them, had some free credit for a Eupropean airline which had to be used by January and she even offered to give me it. They really had a great bedside manner and again I felt completely at ease. Here is the good bit. Once the grafts had been placed, Dr feller came back in and explained that he had been able to harvest another 400 grafts on top of the initial 2000 and that if I wanted he could also shave down the middle bit and place these grafts for free, thus eradicating the need for another procedure in the near future. I really couldn't believe it and I was massively grateful. I think that the doc understands how much this affects peoples lives being a HT patient himself and genuinely wants to help. He also explained that if he makes me look good I then make him look good which is bang on really. I can not thank him enough for this though and I massively appreciate the generosity. He shaved some more, made the other 400 incisions and the technicians planted the grafts. All of this went quite quickly and the whole thing was finished before 14:30. (Ah yeah. They also got me a sandwich for lunch and the roast beef on wholemeal I had was really good. Nice rare beef thinly sliced with tomato and mustard : ) Finally I was given all of the aftercare instructions, some medication, a tool to remove the staples and a baseball cap. The doctor showed me some of my photos and away I went with my new HT. I also received an email from Spex the next day wishing me well and telling me how the doctor had said the procedure went well. Ultimately I had a first class experience with Spex and all of the staff at Feller medical and I would definitely recommend them. Now here comes the hard part eh? Best get remastering that combover because there is a lot more area to combover now If anyone has any questions about going to NY please hit me up. I can remember lots about the transport, hotel, where I ate out, the food I bought in etc.
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