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celeb hair vet

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Everything posted by celeb hair vet

  1. I was reading another post about speeding up the remission phase of HT and it got me thinking about the top ten reasons most people never get a transplant? My own list 1. Stigma. Fear of people finding out. 2. Cost. Percieved expense. 3. Ignorance. have outdated perceptions 4. apathy. fear of taking a risk 5. pain. fear of surgery 6. interruption. interrupting work 7. uncertainty. dont know the result 8. remission. the waiting game 9. location. dont live near surgeon 10. bravado. 'men dont care about looks'
  2. everything i've read about that is that it is considered an unethical area of medicine right now. Not just from the perspective of the recipient but especially the donor. If it were legal, people would be selling their hair to the highest bidder. There would also be health issues including blood transmission controversies.
  3. why wait until you are completely bald and then a transplant is evident to everyone? Youre in the situation of being proactive so i would get the front done and then do another HT when you recede back. why wait?
  4. awesome. you can tell he is very compassionate to people suffering here. he has found his calling. this forum is great because of Bill based on my limited time here so far.
  5. sorry but i dont buy it. there is no generalisation on how stressful hair loss is to a particular gender. hair loss is.....traumatic.....for.....anyone....at first. some people get over it and find a simple solution and think nothing further of it. other people, men and women, greatly fear a loss of sexual and social opportunity which they percieve to be essential to a satisfactory life. you cant blame anyone for thinking this and it is not irrational if THEY think so. if anyone thinks their whole life is in jeopardy then the amount of stress is astronomical regardless of gender.
  6. shaved looks great. agree muscles help. anyone can develop those. women probably dont like the in between. horseshoe assymettry. if you have the horseshoe, it can look terrific just by using gel and combing back. its the framing of the face that matters! i totally disagree with guys on here who say that being bald keeps them from women. just a few changes here and there, and theres not much disadvantage!
  7. dude, dont get down. save up your cash and go see dr. hasson, cooley, or feller. Or any coalition doctor with experience in repair and who achieves density with a megasession.
  8. Its certainly not just the hair that matters to women although it can help. Its a muscular thin build, expensive tasteful clothes, a sporty look, and the "cocky and funny" demeanor that drives them wild. This has nothing to do with money for the most part. Throw in an air of mystery (be unpredictable and have a flair for the dramatic and adventurous) and they want to be right next to you. To top it off, ignore all the Oprah crap and be a man that no woman can control. This kicks her challenge mechanism in and then suddenly they're chasing you. The whole thing works the best when women know other women are calling YOU. Your attitude about this should be casual as if you expect it. Women love nothing better than to compete for you as if you're a prize. Keep the conversation light, intelligent, and occasionally wacky and sarcastic. Dont be afraid to tease her or even pick on her in a playful way. This gives you the upper hand. Remember guys, dont chase them. Make them chase you. When you find the right woman who's not overly materialistic and who is a "flexible giver"....and of course who is committed to staying healthy mentally and physically marry her. Dont be the first to commit. They see that as a weakness. And dont TELL her your feelings. Make her FEEL them. Women hate gabby men. They like strong, adventurous, confident ones.
  9. Lol, some of us here have learned some things the hard way. When we first undertake to improve ourselves we think that those closest to us should share in the joy of us taking risks. Truthfully, we fine out, it rarely works out that way. Yes, or parents love us desperately and would never betray us, but sisters and friends are another story. Inevitably, they tell THEIR spouses or friends. Then your circle, whatever it is, knows. In the end though, im a strong confident guy (i dont mean im arrogant just that i own my decisions) and I see changing my circumstances as a part of life for any strong guy. In retrospect i wouldnt tell ANYONE but if anyone asks now, i act like any reasonable intelligent person would improve themselves like i did and act like im proud of myself. Trust me, no insecure little sadistic weasel (the gossipers youre talking about) will have the slightest interest in bothering you after that. You've looked them in the eye and proven you're a better person and that theyre a sniveling little twit. ...as for random strangers who boldly might ask "did you have some work done" (this has happened to me a couple times) I like to play dumb and ask "WHY, did YOU have some done? Is that why you seem to know so much about it"? They scurry away like little rats.
  10. hair loss in others is a boon to the closet sadists of the world. you can tell when you're dealing with one when they try to jump your ride for a few laughs. when i meet one of these sadists i start to ridicule his most obvious imperfection as if we're playing some sort of ghetto insult game. believe me, he is not prepared for a man who will fight him and he'll back off quick. when he's retreating laugh at him
  11. lol, yep. Its the insecurity that makes people obsessed with other peoples hair. People with full heads of hair dont think about it and dont really care. Unless theyre ass holes and want to ridicule you to make themselves look better. When you're dealing with one of those, a show of force is in order.
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