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Posts posted by AB2000

  1. 1 hour ago, Icicle said:

    I understand all that but I’ve come to terms with what’s happened and I don’t want any adverse opinions or reactions that might upset me. I just want to share my experience and try to warn others from visiting them. I don’t think they should be making money off people when they are in a vulnerable state especially when they are not providing an adequate level of care and transparency. 

    Down the line hopefully you can get back to the forum and let people know how the end result goes.  It can take up to 12 months for all the transplanted hairs to start growing out.  It will be stressful  between now and the six month mark but it's out of your hands.  Hopefully you'll get a decent result at the end of this.

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  2. Hi DK, 

    I short, if you are looking for 4- to 5k grafts including from the beard then yes, you should be a able to get a good results with Dr. Umar.

    Since I began posting my surgical results on this forum in 2014 I don't recall seeing other patients share their photos.  When his clinic was still a recommended surgeon on this forum one of his staff was periodically posting images and videos, which went on until a few years ago.  I am unsure why he is no longer recommended, nor do I know how often such a thing happens.  The only one I'm aware of is when Dr. Bhatti was removed, due to the behaviour of his rep on this forum.  In the case of Umar, we don't know unless Melvin or someone else brings it up.  Perhaps it's down to something as simple as the clinic not wanting to continue sponsoring this forum?

    Pre-2014 when I was looking up past results what stood out was the number of repair jobs the clinic did, as well as being one of the few at that time with a fair amount of documentation on their body and beard hair transplantation.  I read that Umar also had talent with styling the hairline so I did wind up having my procedures out there in L.A.  There were a couple of negative reviews on here that stood out.  One of them the patient was angry claiming that his hairline was made too low than what he wanted.  I am unsure how truthful he was being but it was clear he was having mental issues and was probably not a good candidate for such a surgery.

    The other contention was the thread asking for feedback on whether Dr. Umar should become a recommended surgeon.  Melvin does a great job keeping the discourse on here grown up and respectful.  Back then it was a different story.  In the thread in question one of the people acting out was actually another doctor.  BHT was looked down on back then.  But Umar's work has helped pioneer and mainstream this type of HT option for us.

    In my five different trips, I have found the work to be very consistent.  Having had 14k grafts at this point, never once was more than 1,500 done a day.  Sometimes less than a thousand were moved.  If I booked for 4,000 grafts then it would take 3-4 days.  The work was meticulous and not rushed.  I'd rather pay what I did at this place then go across the world where they do megasessions but have higher transection.

    From 2014 to now, the location has shifted twice.  The first time I went to a tony building on a pier near a yacht club, then to a medical centre nearby, and now it's at a stand alone building in the same general area and renamed the Dr. U Hair and Skin clinic (DrU.com).  Each time it was dual purpose, with both hair transplants and dermatological service being provided.  I noticed that the social media links on the old website, for the DermHair clinic, appear to be out of date.  There are youtube videos, but a lot of the more recent ones include the skin care side of their business and fixing Acne Keloidalis cases.  With the two sides of his business, the new building, he probably has a lot going on.

    A few years back he had a newer surgeon there for my surgery at the time, being trained.  He wanted more help because of the case load.  I haven't seen her in my two times travelling back since.  With the marketing of the uGraft, Umar has done a couple of workshops training other physicians.  The idea of the tool is to make the extraction simpler and handle harder cases, such as myself, where the hair grows out curly at a sharp angle and it at a higher risk of losing grafts with regular FUE punches.

    As to your last question, I haven't read the Yelp or Glassdoor reviews, but have spent about 15 days in total on their surgical beds at different points of time.  While I would not describe Dr. Umar as unfriendly, he does have some characteristics that stand out.  He is a very focused person.  He can also be stern with his staff.  The doctor knows what he is doing in the surgical room and expects the people with him to be efficient and on top of things as well.

    Each year I return for a more hair work photos and video are taken before the procedure.  A couple of times he was unhappy with something (maybe the angle, the focus, can't remember now) and would be blunt about how he expected it to be done.  Another time he had the techs redo the placement of some of the grafts, which again he was unhappy about.  He didn't lose his cool, but it was a reprimand.  Each of my surgeries typically include each of scalp, beard and body donor and these were mapped out by the doctor on where they needed to be placed.  Younger people nowadays are not as used to someone being direct with them in that manner, so I think that is a factor.  Another is that Los Angeles is a large city, not far from Beverly Hills, and there is probably more demand for medical technicians than who is available.  But in all that time under the hair punch did I feel that Umar was not getting the result he needed from his people at the end of the day, even on those days we wound up staying late.

    If you do wind up going with him the work on your scalp will be thorough and the yield the best you can expect.


    • Like 1
  3. 5 hours ago, Z-- said:

    I've only seen good results from Eugenix.

    Darling Buds is controversial if I remember correctly -- I'd avoid at all costs. ASMED declined in quality, but was pretty incredible 5+ years ago. Bicer is a solid choice in Turkey.

    Good luck!

    There used to be a lot of posts of Bhatti results here on the forum.  I was thinking about going with him but opted for a surgeon stateside.  It seemed that when some of the results went negative on Bhatti all of a sudden, and when he was removed as a Recommended doctor that no more new before/after photos were shared here.  It's hard to say if his service has gone back up or not.

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  4. 3 hours ago, aurasphere said:

    Thanks for all your feedback everyone! Eugenix is currently quoting me some really high prices - if I want it done with Dr.Sethi/Bansal its aroudn the same if not more than what I'd be paying in Canada? They're also charging an 18% GST - is that common?


    Is there exclusive package still good? I know it mentions senior doctor and no involvement from Dr.Arika - but I've heard people on here say Dr.Arika was involved for those that took the exclusive package.

    Aura, you didn't fully reference which pricing option you were quoted for.  I think you might have asked about the Super Premium Package.  If that's the case, then it appears the only difference is the doctor doing some of the implantation herself, with the rest done by techs.  I think what you will typically find in the industry are the implantations all done by techs, with the doctor doing the extraction and slit making.  Since Eugenix does more of a direct extraction to implanting, by cutting out the techs for part of the latter it would be more of just the doctor doing all the work and I would guess it would take her longer than if more people were simultaneously doing the transplant?

    Right now, the conversion from Indian rupee to Canadian dollars makes this Super Premium package cost $5.89 in your currency.  The regular Premium package would cost $3.54 per graft CND.  Do you really need the Super Premium?  I'd ask around and find out from people if you really get any different end result.



  5. On 1/23/2022 at 6:24 PM, digi23 said:

    Pekiner's instagram has no posts and the Neohead Clinic links make no reference to him.  Is he not practicing at the moment?


    Also, I noticed that his personal website is scrubbed: https://drpekiner.com/


  6. There is a link on the home page to the site's recommended surgeons.  Between the list there and the case study posts of both patients and doctors in this forum you should get a good list of doctors you might want to see:


    Spend time on the forums and see which doctor names keep appearing.  Identify and avoid hair mills or places without a decent number of before/after results.

    Not really sure about notable surgeons in Mexico - there could be some - but other non US places you can look into are Europe, Turkey and India to expand your options.

    Hard to say for sure from your first two photos but you might find someone who can find about 2,500 scalp donors.  There are a number of places that can effectively mix beard grafts into the mix, getting you another 2-to-2,500 more grafts.  An overall number of four to five thousand can improve the appearance of density quite a bit up front and midscalp though it won't leave much to help your crown.

    If you are thinking about SMP ask whichever clinic you wind up going with on if you can do ink before a procedure or if it's better for their efforts if you hold off.

    • Like 1
  7. On 11/7/2021 at 3:36 AM, bald-and-bearded said:


    It reports low transection rates of 5% from the beard area and 10% from the chest, abdominal areas. I couldn't find a number for other areas. It attributes a part of the success to the tools used (UGraft, UPunch).


    It appears that data was from a sample of 122 patients from 2005 to 2011.  The hand tool referenced was the UPunch Rotor, which must be an earlier generation of what's now the uGraft.  Since the latter was designed to improve the extraction of body donors and afro hair, transection should be improved since the time of the study.

    When I had limb hairs used to add density to my thinning nape area, this is what was used.  The skin on the arm and back is harder to get through, but in my case it appeared the grafts were able to survive the transplant.  My nape has greying hairs and I can see where the dark body hairs are growing out in contrast.

    An interesting detail from the article, at least at the time of the study, 45% of the patients coming to the practice for hair restoration were receiving BHT's. 


  8. My understanding is that growth in the crown is slow going compared to other parts of the head.  As in, it might take the 12 month mark before they begin sprouting in a significant amount.  You are on month eight.

    As RHT mentioned above, 1.1k grafts are not very much for such an area, either.  Patients can sink a lot of donor hair into the crown before getting appreciable results.  That's why in some cases it's best not to bother.

  9. On 10/28/2019 at 9:49 PM, bkenn said:

    ...Please, I need some help. I have my wedding in Nov 2020 and I cant look bald then.





    I came across this thread from 2019.  I think the most useful advice to someone in his case would be to use hair fibers if he doesn't want to look bald for the time being.  This type of hair loss would be suited to it since he still has coverage and no slick bald spot.

    The OP, bkenn hasn't been back since, but he was trying to get ideas for a cost effective surgeon in Turkey.  Can only imagine what's happened since then.

  10. On 1/29/2022 at 4:35 AM, Rafyht said:

    I just did a hair transplant. 2600 grafts used. I’m 25 and balding. I’m sad because I checked the reviews of that clinic and it’s mixed opinions. I spent 2000 Canadian in turkey. Here’s an images 


    Hopefully you picked one of the better clinics in Turkey and not a hair mill.  Let's see how this plays out.  If the transplant doesn't meet your expectations a year from now the cost was not $2,000, it was the 2,600 grafts that would be wasted.  Donor is finite, money is not.

  11. If down the line you start having temple and front hairline recession than nape hair might be an option, as long as there truly are no signs of your neck area "balding upwards" in a NW6/7 pattern.  If you start to have strong hair loss back there then there is no point using it as donor since it will not stay permanently anywhere else it gets transferred to.  I'd wait and see if you actually do suffer hair loss and re-assess at that point.  From what you've shown there doesn't seem to be anything to address right now.

  12. This was an interesting find in my youtube feed.  The clinic where I went to in L.A. is bringing in a number of HT surgeons for a three day workshop in March for instruction, demos and lectures.  There's familiar names for the instructors including Bisanga, Bicer and Pekiner, among others who might be known to some patients in the forum.  Apparently there will be work done on cadavers, so if anyone wants to donate their body to science someday, you never know where it might wind up.  Obviously for medical professionals only, but I wasn't aware that the surgeons might teach each other like this.





  13. 1 hour ago, tony71 said:

    HLC came back and they can do 1800 grafts for the front.  But I’m sure they can do more than that.   

    Not sure which is better choice Euginex or HLC?  I know Euginex has experience with Norwood 6 but it seems so does HLC.  Euginex is further from me while HLC I can get on a nonstop flight. 

    Usually when a clinic indicates they can do X amount, that means they are only willing to do that X amount.  Don't assume you can force them to do more than they are comfortable doing properly.  They don't want to waste donor if they are not confident in it working.

    From what you wrote it looks like Mwamba is the only place willing to go up to 6,000, which even then won't do a huge amount of baldness reversal.  But it would be better than 1,800 grafts.

    • Like 1
  14. 23 hours ago, mmokin said:

    im amazed by how much body hair you were able to use, your definitely a pioneer

    did the hairs change there characteristics over time from your experience to more match scalp hair or did it still feel like it had the same characterists as when it was on your beard, chest etc

    After the first surgery I could tell apart when I felt what was a chest hair growing out of my front hairline (finer) or beard hairs coming out on top of the crown (more scraggly).  At this point, a year and a half after the fifth procedure, I can't tell the difference through touch.  Whatever state the transplanted hairs were initially they appear to more closely resemble native hair.  In my case however, it wasn't that much of a journey for body hair to match my scalp hair, as my hair naturally grows out with some kinks and frizziness.  I think if I had fine hair and moved a lot of beard hair into fill areas I'd still be able to notice some difference.

    One thing I do notice is that with subsequent HT's is that my body bounces back much easier.  It's as if my donor and recipient areas have learned what is going on and the amount of flare up I had from the first time hasn't happened again.  The body hairs have been doing well growing out in their new real estate.

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  15. 4 hours ago, Mattk494 said:

    What about the people who go to Eugenix? Are they typically older and that’s why they don’t neeed multiple surgeries? The high Norwood cases I mean. 

    I think why some of us got a bit upset on this is because both the clinic and various patients of Eugenix have been posting several results in these forums the past couple of years.  Compared to any number of other surgeons out there across the world this one place has a lot of concrete results to go by, and they appear to be very consistent.  If you check out the "Hair Restoration Results Posted by Patients" and "Results Posted by Leading Hair Restoration Clinics" sections there are several threads with Eugenix stories.  Per patient it doesn't seem like there are several surgeries, often a single or sometimes a follow up.  The size usually range from 2,000 to 4,000 grafts.  If you are heading in with 5,000 you will get about as good a result as you can, but your native hair might continue to recede.

    When I started my first transplant I still had some frontal hair up top, but between then and now the native hair has gone away and I'm only left with transplanted ones.  Which is fine if the surgeon anticipates your future hair loss pattern and governs the surgery accordingly.  I don't know for certain about the effectiveness of Fin to stop hairloss as I've n ever tried it but the place I went to for my HT's said the medication won't stop the loss in the long term.




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