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Everything posted by Fincarred

  1. Actually anti depressants like Prozac are destroying lives just like finasteride is. There are two forums dedicated to permanent side effects very similar to what finasteride causes. Big pharma is a monopoly worth billions of dollars. Humans lives come second to profit margins. We should expect drugs have side effects, fair enough. But people should know whether taking a drug could potentially affect the rest of there lives. I take your point and thanks for the sympathy. By the way, there are guys on propeciahelp that took the drug for over 10 years with no side effects whatsoever and months, even years later there penis to brain connection was lost, among the other horrible side effects.
  2. If you don't mind the risk of being impotent for the rest of your life and becoming the equivalent of a 50 year old menopausal woman at 18 years old then go for it. I took finasteride at 18 for the very same reasons that you propose. I wanted a nice head of hair so that my confidence remained intact throughout my university days. I bought myself some generic finasteride, rogaine, nizoral and i was away. I was impressed by this new world of pharmaceutical drugs to battle my hair loss and looked forward to having a healthy head of hair in my 20's. Guess what? Finasteride has left me with permanent side effects and i have lost my hair anyway. I had to drop out of a top London university due to not being able to study and generally being incredibly depressed at the fact that my dick no longer works and i have to watch all my friends living the happy, sexual lives that other young men are supposed to. The best thing that any young man can do about there baldness is to accept that it is not a disease, take a look at the hellish things that 90% of the rest of the world go through and just move on. If they can't do that, then they should look into hair systems. Tackling baldness with pharmaceutical drugs is a bad idea - period. Losing our hair sucks big time, there is absolutely no denying that. You can see today that going bald cracks even the most successful people today. Just look at Wayne Rooney, Lebron James and even the good looking bastard that is Jude Law. That guy has been a hat prisoner for the last year and he is one of the most desirable men on the planet. You just have to keep your chin up and make sure that it doesn't ruin you. If you have the confidence then shave your head right down to a grade 0. I shave my head completely bald with a razor every 3 days and i don't struggle to attract girls when i put myself out there. I have to admit that i am reluctant to flirt with girls anymore given the fact that my penis is pretty much dead. To summarize. I honestly cannot believe that any male that has seen the 'other' studies and the recent press on finasteride can possibly take this drug. Merck have taken down there Propecia and Proscar websites and replaced it with a helpline for side effects. It is almost comical that there are guys that have seen this and still take the drug. Why would they take the sites down if the drug is so safe? Some of you are spreading that Japanese study around as if it is legitimate and reliable. Are you fucking joking me? a study that shows 0.7% sexual side effects just as Merck are about to get sued, hahahaha. Anyone who honestly believes that study is either A) desperate to save their hair and lying to themselves to make them feel OK about taking finasteride or B) incredibly stupid and lacks logic/ common sense. Another hilarious thing about that study is that it was done in Japan; a nation that has recently received press for having a young male population that are completely uninterested in sex with real women. The bald NW6 Merck executives are laughing all the way to the bank!
  3. Just a quick question really, as it says in the title...
  4. US guys be sure to pick up Men's Health this month as there is a 4 PAGE article on post finasteride syndrome
  5. Finasteride gave me very severe permanent side effects. I quit the drug two years ago, so i don't really have any view on finasteride apart from it being quite a dangerous drug. It definitely can cause acne/ spots too. It's likely to be from a boost in testosterone or maybe even increased Estrogen. Higher levels of Estrogen in men do a lot of undesirable things. A lot of things can cause Acne but it doesn't take a genius to figure out that if you are using a hormone altering drug and you suddenly get acne - then that drug is likely to be the culprit.
  6. 5 MG daily? that is crazy but fair play to you man. Finasteride gave me a load of spots of my back and chest. Acne/ increased spots from finasteride seems common. Do you think it's simply a boost in testosterone?
  7. No links to outside sources can be used at all? none of those are promotional
  8. The Propeciahelp forum has many members that took the drug for years on end with no/ minimal side effects and eventually it got them or as they came off the drug for whatever reason they crashed and the usual symptoms set in. I only took finasteride on and off in small dosages for a couple of months and i never got major side effects when i was using the drug but when i quit for the final time, 3 weeks after my last dosage i was hit numerous side effects that are well documented during androgen deprivation. I have tried a number of natural and pharmaceutical remedies in the two years that i have been dealing with these side effects. High dosages of zinc, magnesium, digestive enzymes, selenium, thyroid supplements, adrenal supplements, yohimbine, tribulus, melatonin, pregnenolone, progesterone, niacin, super dose vit d, vitamin c, spirulina etc etc etc. I spent $3000 of my student loan on that sort of stuff and now i have had to drop out of a top university. I am the healthiest guy i have ever came across. I barely touch junk food, don't drink or smoke, stick mainly to organic vegetables and lean meat, use many herbs and lots of garlic and often drink juices like pomegranate and beetroot and yet my penis is completely dead, my thought processes and memory are a mess and i have the sleep quality of a 50 year old menopausal woman. I am not going to tell you all that you shouldn't use finasteride because it will cause permanent side effects. From what i can gather most people that take the drug do not have any major issues. However, i will say that anyone considering or currently taking finasteride should have a long and hard think about it and look into other studies/ journals aside from the clinical data that Merck set out, because there lies the shocking truth about using powerful 5AR inhibitors. The almost complete suppression of Allopregnanolone and drastic reduction of DHT (10X more powerful than testosterone) for cosmetic reasons is barbaric. If i knew what i know now, i wouldn't have gone near the stuff. At the end of the day guys, do you really want to be taking an anti androgen drug from a company that not long ago killed 60,000 people and did everything in there power to keep it on the shelves? look at what they are doing with propecia now; they have taken both the propecia and proscar website down and replaced them with links to the FDA to report side effects. This is damage control in preparation for the lawsuits. They are able to discretely ruin thousands of mens lives in the most horrible fashion and get away with it scott free.
  9. What is your personal experience with pharmaceutical studies? A large scale study such as the one in Japan could not be completed without huge amounts of money. If you honestly believe that Merck do not have the capability to influence those results then i don't know what to say to you. Merck have a terrible track record when it comes down to ethics and safety. Merck faces FCPA investigation - Business ethics and anti-corruption - Norton Rose Group Feds Launch Bribery Investigation into Drugmaker Merck - DailyFinance Above are two articles showing that Merck are very familiar with bribery in foreign countries. What would make the study in Japan any different? they need this study out there now more than ever; the law suits are pressing on, the media are picking up on permanent side effects, there is an overwhelming amount of negative stuff about fin online. The pharmaceutical industry might improve people's lives throughout the world but you also have to consider that is the biggest business, ever and money comes before humans lives. Merck killed 60,000 people with Vioxx. Do you honestly think they care about thousands of men having there sex lives ruined? well, there quality of life all round ruined. I will admit that permanent side effects are probably very rare but i believe the results from that study are complete bullshit. I don't care what anyone else says.
  10. Why does everyone focus on DHT suppression when it comes to finasteride causing side effects? it is probably nothing compared to the complete suppression of allopregnanolone. A very recent study has shown that MS patients have low allopregnanolone. That probably explains the life altering cognitive symptoms that finasteride causes. For anyone that's doubting me, do your own research on finasteride and allopregnanolone. http://www.biomedcentral.com/1472-6904/6/7 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0006899302022904 So, when you take finasteride, not only are you altering your hormone levels to that of a pseudohermaphrodite but you are also nicely shifting the balance of your neurotransmitters to an MS victim. I can't believe this drug is still on the market. With hair transplants becoming more and more popular and celebrities such as Wayne Rooney showing there success. There will surely be countless more lives ruined. I don't think the researchers that are investigating the permanent side effects will ever find a solution either.
  11. It is getting scary how many guys there are with problems from finasteride that are not on propeciahelp.com. I thought the 2053 users on there was enough. Are you a member of that website DS3? How long have you been off the drug? Things have slowly gotten worse for me. I have had periods where i thought i was getting better and this ordeal would be over but i end up just crashing again and the worsening trend continues.
  12. I hope so too because i am very close to ending it all.
  13. 0.7% affected by sexual side effects? I don't believe it for a single second
  14. Yes, i have been through them many times. My hormonal panel looks good, like many finasteride sufferers and testosterone does nothing for me, neither did addressing my slightly high cortisol rhythm and thyroid. As Dr. Crisler points out; finasteride sufferers often have perfectly fine hormone panels and yet show all the signs of hypogonadism.
  15. Did the OP ever recover? DS3 have you recovered? It has been very close to two years for me now and i haven't made any recovery whatsoever, in fact my condition has only worsened along with my quality of life
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