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Everything posted by Montreal

  1. I always wonder the same thing,maybe they are told that the result are not so great...
  2. steroides is for losers and I see alot of them completely bald.
  3. protein is supost to be good for the hair.. anyway if you take steroides,creatine or what ever well you are a cheater douche bag,why people can't train naturaly ?
  4. the vitamine E oil is for what? is it rahal who give it to you? looks like a clean job.
  5. it breaks my heart to here that dr's ruined some lifes.
  6. damm Feller is supost to be one of the top Dr in HT and he failled.I guess alot of patient with top doc's get horible results but we just don't here about them.Thanks for coming out,because I guess most of the people with bad results don't even talk about it has there life is pretty much ruined.
  7. tell Wesley if he needs somebody else for this experience Im the perfect candidate for fue
  8. intresting... because i just learn something bad about FUE,we all know it's not scarless but they say it's pretty much undetectable,the problem is if you want to keep your hair buzz and have a nice tan on your head,well all the scars wont tan so you will see full of white dots,it's realy to bad for me because I was willing to get a 1000 grafts fue..
  9. after 1000 grafts,why did he decide to go for 238 more and did he charged you for the extras ones?
  10. This is not like other surgery,if you get a breast surgery you will get breast the size you want them,if you get a nose surgery you will get the shape you want,If you get HT you just don't know what you will get..and it's more expensive
  11. the more you read about the hair industry the more you realise it is a big lying business taking advantage of desperate men.first of all they sale **** products like rogaine minoxile etc.. all products that will never make your hair grow back,only in some casses will slow down the process of losing hair.Hair transplant is full of bad results and complication that people never here of,I see people here going back for a third transplant thats how bad the first one's went.I read people regreting having HT because the results are poor and they are stuck with a big scar.Anyway you realy have to choise the top dr but again he can fail has I read people disapointement with top drs.For me Rahal would be my guy because I live 2 hours from is place,but the more I read I just learn that anybody can get shock loss after a HT something the DRs don't talk about,you pay so much monney for a HT,what you get in return? a big scar that is horible that if you dont like your Ht your prety much screwed because you can'not have your hair short anymore,possibilty of shock loss,that means you will lose hair! so sick.. you get new hair that you payed for but in exchange you could also lose some.Most of the time you will not be happy with the density or the final result,so HT is a big big risk that can also change your life in a very bad way,make it 10 times worst than before you got you're HT.
  12. do you need a prescription to get biotin?
  13. what you meen some HT can go wrong?? what are the chances?did Rahal ever failed?what if it never grows do you get your monney back?
  14. those the person who runs the guess house also lives there?
  15. I beleive that numbers of grafts doctors charges you could not be the exact amount,maybe some dr will want to take advantage because you will pay more,it's something that is hard to count so I bet you anything that 70% you dont pay for the right amount of grafts.
  16. the foxbar seems fine,there is also a hotel for 89$ a night not far from Rahal,it's across a cemetery and I don't know if it's clean.
  17. try coconut oil wich i would also try on my scars if I ever do FUE.
  18. Gingerrogers,yesterday somebody posted a thread called 14 months and hair curls,check it out it's just one exemple out of many more.
  19. whats your problem I see many people complaining about the way the hair is growing after a HT.People need to be better informed
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