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Everything posted by Montreal

  1. if that guy had only 1200 grafts i guess i could use 850 grafts
  2. this forum is like a business,i got a quick awnser in my inbox saying 8$ a grafts + 13% taxe,lol thats way to expensive but I am happy to know that i will not have a HT unless one day the prices realy go down,anyway the more you wait the better you are because the HT metods changes for better results and one day steam cells will be on the market.I taught Rahal had good prices... he is more expensive then alot of surgiens,most of them charges 7$ a grafts.
  3. i want to know how much would cost 1000 fue grafts with Rahal
  4. dam so you think i need 900 grafts wich is fine cus i want to have less than 1000 grafts but that will only give me 50% density... whats the point of having a ht it will look worst because the reste of my hair is still thik and strong.
  5. 2930 grafts so imagine all the ht that have less grafts but used to cover a way bigger region...that hairline needed 2930 grafts to look natural and this guy was not bald,prety much tells you that you will get a very un natural result that wont give you great density if you do a ht of 3000 grafts for exemple to cover bald spot.
  6. i need to cover 2 inch by 3/4inch on both sides how many approx grafts needed with good density?
  7. i send like 10 pics to Rahal and still was not enought to give me a number of grafts,they hask me to let me hair grow 2-3 weeks because i always buzz mine once a week.Don't realy feel like driving 2hours stay 30 minutes in ottawa and drive back 2 hours.i would like to get something around 900 and 1000 grafts maximum,i still want to buzz my hair even if i would have a ht so i dont want scars to be notice,anyway 1000 fue would be like 8000$ i guess still prety expensive,i would be ready to spend around 5000$-6000$ but not more.Condo car is more important.
  8. HT is still to expensive for what you get...+ you get scars sometimes i wonder why i think about ht when I can just spend the monney on a car or a house,ht results are not 100% satisfaction garantie.
  9. nice but if you look closely hair seems curly and dry... how can i post a thread here
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