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Everything posted by Bowser1982

  1. Yeah sorry to tell you man but it is pretty worn out. If you really do want to continue this journey I think A BHT/HT FUE would be in order. I don't think you can get stripped anymore with out it looking very thin in your donor area as it already looks pretty thin, But as i said I would wait to hit the 12 month mark and then decide on what to do after you see your full results. By the way are you taking any medication?? fin, rogaine?
  2. Np Sad, And thank you New I am just here to help now the same way everyone had helped me when i was a newbie.
  3. Ahhh and the truth comes out. Thanks for informing us whats going on with this case Spex. I didn't understand why he wouldn't of wanted to go back to Dr Feller when he received such a good result in the first place. I mean does he really even need 3,000?? From the looks of it he just needs a little touch up. Maybe 1,000- 1,500 tops not even that to be honest.
  4. The grafts don't settle in until 10 days post op. so by touching them, rubbing them or patting them can dislodge the grafts and cause poor yield. I myself just got an HT from Dr. Rahal and wont be touching my grafts until 14 days post op as instructed.
  5. I don't know man after looking at your donor area it looks like its getting worn out. I think the best route for your level of baldness and donor density would be a mixture of BHT and HT from whatever's left of your donor supply. The only good BHT/HT doctor that i know of would be DR. Umar in California. You shouldn't let traveling effect the doctor you choose to go with as its in the best interest of you and your self confidence. you are right tho and its only 5 months for your crown and i would wait and see till you hit the 12 month mark to see whats really going on up there.
  6. Is this last photo you posted before any of your HT surgeries?? If that's the case you're right I wouldn't be satisfied having used 5,100 grafts and getting those results. Did the same doctor perform both surgeries??? Do you have any post op photos for both surgeries?? Who was your doctor??? You do realize you don't have an endless amount of donor hair and you have already used up 5,100 grafts which is a hell of a lot. If you had both your surgeries with the same doctor I would definitely advise you look for another and pray you have enough donor supply left so that you may get some decent coverage. Even if the doctor trys to give you a discount i wouldn't go back because like i said you cant regrow the hairs that have been taken from your donor area already and your donor area only has so much to give. My doctors of choice would be DR. Rahal, Dr Feller and Dr shapiro, all in that order. best of luck to you
  7. 1 when should i start my work out - after 1 month you may do some light exercises walking/cycling should be fine. 2 if start cycling and walking on tread mill after 12 days will there be any problem- No you can not as you want to avoid all exercises for the first 4 weeks after surgery as it may widen your donor scar on the back of your head. 3 will my hair will have any problem with sweating- you wont be sweating because you cant exercise for one month post op 4 i am having some itching is there anything i can do for that- aloe vera, vitamin e oil or emu oil should help with that but i wouldn't touch the grafts until at least 14 days after the surgery to make sure the grafts have settled in 5 i use to take protien and pre workout like super pump can i take as i resume my workout- you can not do any heavy workouts for 3 months after your surgery but as i said you may do some light exercises walking, cycling only one month post op. taking protein shakes usually involves heavy workouts and that's a big no no for 3 months.
  8. Montreal I have read you asking this same question many times before in other threads and everyone keeps giving you the same answer. YOU HAVE TO GROW YOUR HAIR OUT IN ORDER FOR ANYONE ESPECIALLY A QUALIFIED HT DOCTOR TO TELL YOU HOW MANY GRAFTS YOU WILL NEED. Grow your hair out for 2 months and then ask that question.
  9. How in the world did he cover such a big area using such a small number of grafts??? Either way that's an amazing transformation. Big ups to Dr Meshkin and his staff
  10. Badbeat I hear good things about Dr Shapiro too. I wish you all the best m8.
  11. I was not using this thread to promote my doctor, I was just stating that he should not just base his location in the US for an HT. Tho you are right and we did not help him with the question he had asked and i apologize for that. I would definitely go with Dr feller in new york city but i see you already went to him and don't want to go to him again, may i ask why?? If thats the case then i would go with Dr Shapiro. He is one of the best HT surgeons as well. Again sorry for not answering you the first time, I just get a little testy when i read someone not willing to travel for a Good HT doctor.
  12. well with the amount of pictures you send the surgeon, wet hair and none wet hair, your head in all angles, I would assume a good HT doctor could tell pretty close as to what he has in his donor and on the sides. Unless hes sending them poor quality pictures but i highly doubt a good surgeon wouldn't have said anything about his poor quality pictures in the first place. I do agree with you tho on how could the doctor judge his laxity from the pictures seems a bit odd. I would consult with as many surgeons as possible, maybe you can post some of these pictures you sent these surgeons, So we can see what they are seeing, But like i said researching is KEY because this isn't a race to the finish line.
  13. Location should not stop you from getting an HT. I drove all the way from Maryland to Canada to get an HT from Dr. Rahal who is one of the best HT surgeons. I would highly recommend him and as i said before don't let the location of the Dr stop you from getting an HT from he or she. If that's something that would really stop you from getting an HT from one of the best doctors you're not ready for an HT.
  14. I would have to agree with everything Orlhair1 has said. 3,000 to 4,000 grafts can be done in one session by most top surgeons these days, especially if you have good laxity and donor density. I just had my surgery done by Dr. Rahal and I would highly recommend him as he is one of the best in his field. Always research as much as possible before you choose the right surgeon. I researched for about 6 months before I choose my doctor. Researching is key my friend and as i can see you are on the right track asking questions already.
  15. Me too, hope all is well Sean. I had my procedure done by the way. Now we are both playing the waiting game
  16. LMFAO, I look in the mirror every 10 mins too lol. I just can't get over having a hairline again lol.
  17. Don't be worried at all man you are in great hands. When you see Mike tell him Kenny says Chewbacca, lol he will know what you're talking about.
  18. Wow, if my results look anything like this I will be doing flips all over the freaking place. Dr. Rahal's work is truly amazing.
  19. Whats up guys, First off I would like to thank Dr. Rahal, Mike and the rest of Dr. Rahal staff For making this the best surgical procedure I have ever had in my life. I can not say enough about Dr. Rahal and Mike, they truly are pioneers in this industry. If anyone ever has to get an HT I really have no idea why they would choose anyone other than Dr. Rahal and his staff. they really go out their way to make every patient as comfortable as possible. I had FUE done on the 1st and i can not say enough about it. I think my new hairline looks fantastic and I can not wait to see what it looks like in the coming months. I don't have the before and after pictures taken by Dr. Rahal's office yet because they will email them to me on Monday, then i will post them. I have taken a few photos myself tho but they are not the best quality so i apologize for that. I had about 1,627 grafts put into my hairline. I don't have the exact hair breakdown yet as they will also email me that on Monday as well. Well here are a few pics, all comments are very much appreciated. thank you all for your support and as I said I will be posting a lot more pictures on Monday or Tuesday when the clinic emails them to me.
  20. Good luck man,you chose one of the best. I am getting my HT tomorrow and i am staying at the foxbar guesthouse, great place wouldn't stay anywhere else.
  21. this is it guys, I arrived at the foxbar guesthouse today awaiting my procedure for tomorrow. These are exciting and nervous times. I will be posting pictures later this week of the procedure. The guesthouse is just as nice as everyone has described, I don't see why anyone would stay anywhere else but here for their procedure. Well i am going to head out for a bit. Need to spend some alone time with my receding hairline as its the last night we will spend together, MUHAHAHA.
  22. Yes, I will let them shave it before the procedure. I have not cut my hair in 7 months, I believe i took those pics in my profile about 4 Months ago. You should see the huge fro I have on top of my head now, LOL. As for the quality of my hair, you are absolutely right, I have thick, course, curly, wavy hair. No one in my family is a NW7, the worst i would say is a NW3 or 4. Hopefully after this procedure and medication I can stop my hair from receding any further. Just 9 more days WooHoo. I really like the hairline you have chosen Sean, Its going to look Fantastic. Just think in 7 months you're gonna be by the pool side, margarita to left, sexy lady to the right and your Hair just flowing full in the wind. Dos Equis Man move over, Seans coming to take your place. Thank you all for your support and I will definitely Be posting Many updated photos. Stay tuned.........
  23. Thanks for the detailed experience with Dr Rahal Sean. It was very helpful with me being comfortable with my choice of choosing Dr rahal.
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