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Posts posted by Buzz2

  1. Hi All


    I have asked this question before but didnt get a reponse. So I would appeciate any feedback


    Is the final result the same or better than the results seen just prior to the transplanted hairs being shed.


    I ask this because at 2 weeks post op my hair looked really good. Obviously now its all shed and im back to pre op stage.


    Im hoping that the final result will be better , but I just want to know what to expect.


    Cheers guys

  2. Welcome back Tony.


    Glad all went well for you, got a lot of grafts again. Im hoping for the same next time as the scar wont be as bad !!! Im not going to say anything about Portsmouth as Im a Southampton lad !!! Big game in a few weeks !!!


    Anyway, back to the hair.... look forward to seeing the pics.


    All my transplanted hair has now shed, back to the pro-op stage. Luckily though , I havent had any shock to existing hair.


    God knows how you managed to fall asleep though !!!!! I was a good experience , but not that good.


    All the best , keep in touch.


    And you Ding Dong !!! I know youre reading !!!!!!!!!

  3. Iwoke up - Im sure ill be ok, glad everything turned out well for you. Ive got a bit of donor shock as well beneath the scare line.


    Young doc - Im sure in the hands of a good surgeon, small amount of work it will be ok.


    Id rather have 3 smaller sessions than a large one if it meant avoiding shockloss in the recipient area. The only draw back is the cost !!


    I used a bit of the wifes make up for the donor area , no one has said a thing.

  4. Hi Sean


    Thanks. I dont, thats one thing I didnt mentioned to him about the actual hair count. Its something that they dont do at this stage. The techs let me have a look through the microscope which was quit cool.


    They did advise that there were plenty of 3's and a few 4's aswell , which was good. They also advised that my donor was above average density, the only reason I lost so many grafts was due to the scar. I did get refunded though !!


    I also have plenty left for future, which is good as pending the result I want to go back to address mid/crown.


    The healing is excellent in the recipient areas , all scabs off by day 7 and no redness at all.


    The scar is healing well, but still quite visible at a grade 3 at this stage, possibly a little bot of shock underneath the scar line, with that is its very slowgrowing.



  5. Hi All


    When is the time that shockloss normally ocurrs ? I am currently 2 weeks post op and some of the transplanted hairs have shed , Id say about 50%. My naitive hair is still intact.


    Ive heard that 5 weeks is the maximum and if this is reached then its a strong possibility that it wont happen.


    Can anyone confirm this.



  6. Hi Mate


    I did mention this site. Although we didnt talk about it to much. I kind of got the impression that he does have a look on here a bit from time to time. He said if I do post anything make sure I mention the good and BAD points


    He seems to be booked everyday , so if he is interested in being on here I dont think its for the reason of gaining extra clients.


    I asked him anout his client base and he said approx 50% English the other 50 split between German & Polish.


    Thats just goes to show that so many people in the UK go ahead with something like this without going on forums etc as the only mentiones ive seen have been on this site and thats only been about 10 people. Luckily all the reviews have been positive.


    It took me ages to

  7. DIngdong


    Its always you that replies !! I reckon they all have it in for Dr Saifi and they only reply on the Coalition docs!!


    Im in Warsaw now. My wife is Polish and we are spending another week here.


    Back to work next Friday.


    Hope yours is coming along ok, but reality is that you wont see anything for another 6 weeks or so




    Ps Im going to a Hairtransplant do in London on the 5th may for a laugh.All the tops docs are there H&W, Shapiro , Feudini, Farjo. Where you based ??

  8. Hi All


    Something I need a answer on.....


    After a week or so the transplanted hairs are on show before they shed.


    What I need to know is, is this what it will look like when fully matured ??


    A week after my transplant its the best hair line Ive ever had, but Im curious to know if thats what the final result will look like or will it actually be better than this.


    I know many people have said that straight after the transplant the natitive hairs look weeker than norm and you should expect them looker fuller after 8 months or so.


    Hopefully you will understand what im trying to explain, slighty drunk on a friday night



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