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Posts posted by Buzz2

  1. Hi All

    I still havent got round to putting some photos on but will do so asap.


    After checking more thoroughly, the area I need to cover is approximately 16 x 6cms, so a total of 96 cm2.


    So based on myself having average donor density (which I think I have or more) and having 3000 grafts, I make this to be approximately 6600 hairs . So averaged out, I make this an additional 68 hairs per Sq CM. The average hair count is 180 per cm2 , so Im adding more than a third of this, which I think will make a significant difference ? Do people agree with this and my calculations ???


    Just for for further info , I have lost just under half my hair in the middle region of scalp (the area im obviously trying to fill)



  2. Hi


    I have a question about number of hairs/grafts over a certain area.

    I currently have a bit of thinning throughout my top middle scalp area, quite a lot more so at the crown. The area I am trying to cover is approximately 140 square centre meters (7 across, 20 in length. My question is , do you think that 3000 grafts will create a significant cosmetic improvement ? Im looking to have approx 1500 in the crown and 1500 spread throughout the middle.


    My Surgeon will be DR Saifi in Poland who I have been in regular contact with and has been excellent. I am also in regular contact with many of his patients all of whom speak highly of him. At the moment he cannot commit to an exact figure until he has seen me in person, but im looking for 3000 as mentioned above.


    I have been on propecia for 4 months now and my crown looks a lot better than it does in the photo. When my hair is at a grade 2 in length I do not have noticeable hair loss.


    I'm guessing with 3000 grafts I will have an additional 6600 hairs approx ?. Do you think this will be good coverage for the area mentioned above.

    Any advise would be greatly appeciated.



  3. I havent seen this mentioned before , but donor hair in some people tends to be thicker than the naitive hair on the scalp (is in my case also)


    I had a very poor transplant many years ago and you can clearly see the difference in thickness between the transplanted an natural hair


    Im just wondering how a transplant can look natural when the hair may be different in width ?


    Can anyone explain ?



  4. Hi All


    Im due to have surgery on the 1st March, so Im very interested in this thread. Can you confirm that cutting down to a grade 3 would be sufficient and classed as a buzz cut. Im happy to do this but wouldbt want a completely shaved look.


    I did read Dr Hassongs post which mentions a grade 3 , but just want to be sure.


    As of yet Im still undecided on FUT or FUE

  5. Almighty


    Thanks for the photos. The scar looks good at this stage, hopefully it will turn out great. Everyone I know who has been to Dr Saifi have commented on how pleased they are with the scar.


    Keep me posted on your progress, lets hope you have good growth in a few months time. Im sure you will.

  6. Richie / El Nino


    I appreciate your concerns. He may be relatively unknown but how do you become known? By people going to them and documenting about them. There have been a few people on this forum raving about him , although I am only taking a few of them seriously as they have posted on this forum on quite a few occasions. Obviously I will not take note of people who have only posted the once. So im hoping that this person will reply and show me some pics before and immediatley after the op.


    I have been given extensive details by someone on this forum who I am in regular contact with. The pictures post op (his own photos and the clinics) look as good as anything I have seen. I know the final result will only tell. I am also in contact with someone who is 7 month post op, who has had great results so far.


    Im afraid costs do play a big part when it come to HTs for me and when you see pictures and have spoken to people that have been to them it does give you some indication of what they are like.


    Whether this means anything of not , the Docotor in concern (Marwan Saifi) was awarded a Diploma by the IHRS in January . I have also checked this on their website to confirm.

  7. Hi Richie


    Totally understand where you are coming from but I have seen pictures of at least 3 of Dr Saifis patients all of whom are very happy. I am also in regular contact with someone who has just returned from Wroclaw and has given me a very detailed report. So far everything looks excellent , but only time will tell.


    By the time I am due to go this person will be at approximately 6 months. SO will hopefully have a good indication. I know this is only a select few but surely if he was that bad it would of made its way to this site by now?


    Classic opening line though !!

  8. Hi


    Im glad this went well for you.


    I would appreciate seeing pictures if you can, as I am booked with Dr Saifi on 1st March after great reports from a coupke of people on this forum.


    All I have heard is good reports so I am very confident . However there are so many people on this forum being quite negative even though they have no experience of the Doctor. Im sure they mean well , but just want us to be careful.



  9. I know this has probably been mentioned many times.....


    I would be grateful if someone can tell me the chances of having shockloss follwing surgery. Is this something that always happens? Or does it depend on factors such as the surgeon , whether or not youre on Propecia etc etc ?


    Also, I have heard that shaving or having the hair short may reduce the risk??


    I have quite a lot of hair at the moment but am a bit thin in the crown area , so would like to add hair to this and through the middle to add some density.


    I would appreciate any comments or patient experiences.


    Fyi - I have been on Propecia for about 2 months now


    Many thanks

  10. Hi all


    I have been on Propecia for nearly 2 months now and have noticed hundreds of tiny black dots appear on my forehead. They are only visible when very close up , so nobody has mentioned anything to me.


    Is this a common occurance ? Has onyone else experienced this ??


    Before you ask , they are not blackheads !!


    Any advice is appreciated.



  11. Hi


    I totally understand where you are coming from , but I was getting to the point where I was prepared to get myself in serious debt to get the procedure done.(I think some companies play on that) Then i stumbled across Dr Saifi. Its good to hear that there has been no negatives comments about him at all. It may be because hes not well heard of . The only feedback ive had really has either been good or just be careful because of the unknown.


    If he was really that bad im sure it would spread like wild fire.


    If i go for the 2000 grafts he has recommended , it will be 3.6K chepaer than I have been quoted elsewhere. Providing the relsults are good ,which im sure they will be , that is a massive saving.

  12. I got the info from a couple of internet reports . The clinic he works appears to be the same where Dr Reddy operates also (Private Clinic Harley). Other reports also mention HS hair clinic (Queen Ann St Medical) Thats why I put "Believed to be Dr Raghu Reddy"


    Also, read a bit regarding Dr Reddy, who is apparently doing 3rd generation fue , what ever that is ??? Any ideas

  13. Thanks for the offer Tony, I may do at some point. I almost want to bring the date foward a bit. But need to save.


    Good Luck for next week hairtohelp2 . I'll look forward to the pics.


    I said to myself that I would only go for a Top surgeon who has a lot of good feedback on here , but for some reason im drawn to Dr Saifi and its not just the price.



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