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Everything posted by southbeacharchi

  1. Thanks a lot orlhair1. Sorry for not replying earlier, but it was finals week. I really appreciate the feedback. I'm going to try to get a couple of dry hair pics. It looks a lot better and fuller of course dry. If I don't post again before, Happy Holidays everyone!
  2. you jumped from 18 weeks, to 20 weeks in just a week? and that seems to be a quite a bit of difference in length for 1 week of growth..... the last pic looks good though.
  3. I think that is/was a question that has gone through everyone's mind that has had a HT. It would make things so much easier if there was some indicator that early. Sadly, as all previous posters said, it just takes time....a long...long time... But, saska, the good news is, is that it gets easier as time goes by. I remember for longest time, looking in the mirror first thing when i woke and several times throughout the day to check if there were any changes. Now, 4 months later, I may glance at it, but really don't even pay attention that much anymore unless it is a month mark. Hang in there, and try to enjoy the process no matter how slow it is.
  4. Ok, here are updated pics four months post-op. I'm trying to keep them consistent, wet hair, same angles and light. Let me know what you all think. Again, I am amazed at the results so far. I might try to take some pics with dry hair next time. I will also do a separate post with the 4 months as the subject, with additional pics and link it on here. The pimples are FINALLY dying down. To me, my right side seems less dense than my left, but I am sure it will all even out. I know it comes in spurts and unevenly. Best wishes to everyone.
  5. All the people in this thread and all others I have read at least waited a couple of weeks before going back to weights. I mean, you don't even get your staples out until day 10-12. I was back to training hard after a month and my scar looks great. I think N-6 made a good point that it is hard to make a blanket rule for when to return to lifting and which intensity. Everyone is different. I agree you should always ask your doc, but then again, some docs, in my opinion are overly cautious. In the end it is your head, hair and scar....and your decision. You mentioned that you don't really care if the scar stretches, except if it affects your donor supply. I can assure you that a wider or stretched scar does not reduce the number of donor hairs...they are still there - just have a space in between them. But, I bet if you really think about it, you don't want a visible scar in the back, or at least highly visible scar. Even if your hair is longer in the back....if you go swimming or sweat hard, you don't want people to see a line from one ear to the other....you know? Ask your doctor how your elasticity is as far as your skin goes on your head in the donor area. Do you have any other scars from the past? Did they heal well? Also as N-6 mentioned, You are obviously going to have the most elasticity with your first HT...and more than likely can return to exercise more quickly than say, if you are on HT #3, where your scalp is going to be more stretched and tight. Hope this helps. I know how important exercise/lifting is to some of us and others don't understand. I also think that my returning to cardio.....after week 1, actually helped in the healing process - gettin that blood pumping.
  6. I think that sounds like a good plan. I guess I didn't say that, but yes, I definitely started out actually around 50 percent of weight. I didn't just jump in. Sorry, don't have any suggestions for exercises - don't feel qualified to give them if I did. good-luck man.
  7. For my strip I was cut from above one ear to the other, and that pillow kept the pressure off that as well.
  8. There is no need to wait 3 months. Please read the "post-op exercise" link that put in my post above. As Radius also said, I think there are many other factors that can affect it. Each individual heals differently as I am sure diet can affect it as well. I am a gym and health freak and eat all the right foods. Again, I was doing heavy lifting about a month after, and my doc said there is no stretching. Everyone should read the link above...Especially what the doctor/rehabilitation specialist says.
  9. I got an inflatable neck/travel/airplane pillow at target I think for five bucks. Had a soft cover. It worked awesome and kept me from rolling around at night. I also used a few pillows to raise me up overall.
  10. There are many threads in this forum about excercise, but check out this one at: http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/eve/160044-post-op-exercise-3.html An occupational therapist and s couple of guys that knew what they were talking about weighed in on the conversation. From everything I researched and read about it, I was back to lifting light weights and cardio after a couple weeks, and back to full work-out routine a couple weeks after that. And my doc says my scar looks great.
  11. As I did earlier in this thread, just wanted to post on here that I put up my 3-month pics from my doctor office check-up. So if you are interested, there is another thread located at: http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/eve/163715-3-month-update-hair-transplant-dr-keller-chicago-3140-grafts.html that has the pics and update. Thanks everyone for all the nice comments, encouragement and help. Hope everyone is doing well.
  12. Oh, the hairs will definitely get thicker - well, I HOPE so, at least they are supposed to. They are just baby hairs now, and all of them haven't even started to grow in (some of the cycles). It is still VERY early. Half of them are still blonde/white baby stage. Everyone, thanks so much for the compliments, at this stage, so far...I couldn't be happier. We'll see, but I am excited like everyone says, for the next 3 months. Happy growing to everyone, and good luck with your HT uzy as you had yours done around the same time as me.
  13. Dr. Keller was very very pleased, and I am as well. I thought, and he verified that I seem to luckily be progressing ahead of schedule. These are pictures that Dr. Keller took. Please note that my hair is not styled! lol I woke up, put a hat on, and grabbed the train. But, hopefully you will get the picture. He also stated that the trichophytic closure he performed looked great and that there was clearly at least two rows of hairs already growing through the scar. The scar on the sides is skin color, but in the back it is still pink, understandably. I'm very excited. Let me know what you all think and don't hesitate to ask any questions. Hope everyone is well, and as always, Happy Growing.
  14. Hi 450rex. I asume you are talking about my existing hair. It's hard to say, but I do feel like my little "strip" of hair in the front thinned out a bit. I think I did experience some, but with the extent of the amount that was transplanted, and that it was transplanted on either side of my existing front "strip" of hair and within it, I couldn't imagine not losing some due to shockloss. With 3000+ incisions, that is quite a bit of trauma to the area. I did not notice any shockloss around the donor area/incision.
  15. futbol, many of us have answered your question many times. i am not sure what you are wanting to hear. I have been at full weight-lifting level since a month after surgery...and i'm fine.
  16. Hey everyone. Just an update. I am just shy of 3 months, and I will be going back to Dr. Keller for a check-up. I will post the official pics from his office. But as of now, my transplanted hairs are growing like crazy!! I think I am pretty well ahead of schedule. The edge of my hairline keeps coming in more and more. Like I read somewhere else, it comes in spurts it seems. And even though last I posted I was only two months out, i was still anxious about the donor scar. Well, even since then, each side of my head where the scar extended to, has pretty much vanished. It is still pink in the back, but in some spots skin colored. And many of the hairs are growing through the scar - I can tell mostly from the zits along the line...lol. Still taking Finasteride and started taking Biotin a week ago. Might as well pull out all stops. I think that's about it. I really contribute my fast growth to a great doctor, eating healthy, good care/hygiene of donor and recepient sites, and the good amount of exercise I do, which of course increases blood flow to the head. Hope everyone had a great Halloween!
  17. Thanks RC. I got the NOW brand on amazon. Been on it for a week now.
  18. It's funny how people have elminated the phone as an option to converse with other human beings. It could be this or it could be that, in any case, I would file it in the back of my head and you should contact at least a couple other doctors just to have something to compare to. All over this website it is said, get multiple consultations with multiple doctors. I had three set up, but actually only went to two, but if I had never seen the first, I would never have realized how much of a better fit the second one was. You also go in having one impression, and after seeing office, or conversing with doctor, walk out with a completely different impression. This is a MAJOR decision...call the one, and contact a couple, it can't hurt, right?
  19. haven't been on rogaine yet, but i had to stop propecia a week before. i know that is now what you asked, but i thought someone else might come across this thread and find it helpful
  20. I deleted a post with 7 week pics and put up my 2 month, as mentioned prior. Also, my link does work now.....Thanks Bill!!
  21. Thanks so much Bill, I really appreciate it. Best wishes.
  22. Funny, I just logged on to post the same thing. I am starting the brand "NOW" Biotin today. Good luck to you ziggy
  23. Did you read my reply? You can check out my album at two months out, but again, you have a darker complexion, so the pinkness shouldn't last as long or be as noticeable. You are not having that extensive of work done, like i mentioned, just grow your hair out a little in front and comb it more forward over it. And foundation...done. No big deal. As far as shock loss goes...again, you aren't going to have that much of a possibility of that, unless he does a lot of work inbetween the hairs you already have, not just the front.
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