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Everything posted by southbeacharchi

  1. No matter how great Dr. Rahal is, at least consult with the other couple of Doctors mentioned in your area....just to get a feel of how others operate and their results/pricing/office, etc. You can't have too many consults. I don't even know what Dr. Rahal's pricing is, when I guess if you REALLY are serious, ideally should not be an issue. To me, I can't see how price can't have some part in the decision-making process, especially if Rahal is incredible higher than the industry standards. This site is a HUGE resource. Keep searching for docs in Toronto and look at their work. You also aren't THAT far from some of the other best doc's in the US/World. Research, research, research, and don't simply go by the most hyped, there are always hidden gems that produce just as good results, sometimes lower pricing, sometimes a much less wait, and sometimes a lot vibe with your own individuality. I learned that myself. Of course Rahal is phenomenal!
  2. I think a lot of it is personal preference. I think you have to play and see what looks the best on you. I am only at 8 months, so I can't really get a definite answer for myself. But, so far for me, the longest it can be to where it is still able to be messy/stuck-up at least in the middle seems to work best. I tried growing it longer, right off the bat and I don't think it had matured enough to even possibly look good. I am going to try growing it out at the year mark. After all the babbling, I think everyone's hair is different and you just have to find what works best with your head, your type of hair, what you had to work with before, and how much you had done. Does this help in the slightest? Best wishes.
  3. Just checked out your website Sean and needless to say your results look amazing. And you got some great, good-looking thick hair to start with. I can also see why transplants grow in so straight, your hair looks really thick and straight. Mine is more on the fine side as far as diameter. One thing, you mentioned that you were going to take pics of the donor area after you had your hair faded, but I didn't see any. I was looking forward to see what that looked like. Keep me posted man. Looks great so far!
  4. Hey Sean, thanks for the reply and addressing the wispy hair issue. At 7.5 months you only have 1 or 2 whispy hairs? I think you are one of the few very lucky ones. My hair is naturally very straight, and I would say the majority of the 3000 plus grafts are not straight. From everything I have read, it take at least one cycle, usually a couple of hair shedding and coming back before they are full mature and straight. I'm jealous. And yes, I am looking forward to the "final" result, when the shafts are as thick as they are going to get. I'll check out your pics/blog. Thanks again.
  5. No love? No replies to my last question? Also, I won't be posting any 8 month pics...missed the date by too much and too busy with life right now. I will try to get 9 month. In addition to the question I asked in the previous reply to thread, I would also like feedback on whispy hairs...how long it took people for them to become straight like the rest of the hair. Thanks much.
  6. Hey there,

    Thanks for the comment on my hair blog. You had mentioned that you dealt with the curly hair thing the same way and eventually yours became straight like the rest of your hair...how long did that take? Was it just a matter of the follicles cycling through enough times? Couldn't figure out how to email you.

    Thanks much,


  7. You'll find avid Konior fans all over this site and he does produce excellent results. I have always said, and many agree with me, that Keller is equally skilled and one of the most underrated HT docs in the area - he simply does not get "buzz" the Konior does on this board. And Stuart, Dr. Panine's employee obviously is going to be pro-Panine, and we have all seen good results from him as well. People say don't let distance be an issues, and of course that is true, but you have access to some of the best right close by. I say meet with the ones you are thinking about and see what you how you feel about each, their results, and then make a decision. If you for some reason don't like any of those options, then expand your area of willingness to travel. But, that being said, i am quite confident you can be more than happy in Chicago.
  8. Hey 4johnybravo, My opinion doesn't really matter in the end. Of course it is your life and if something is going to make you incredibly happy and doesn't hurt anyone else...I say go for it, but only after taking into consideration what everyone else has already said on this thread. Just don't jump the gun, and definitely consider the "what if" scenario that Jotronic mentioned. Even if your whole family has such an incredible head of hair as you do throughout their life (you have no idea how much I wish I had that...lol) there is always a possibility of yours thinning and/or receding. If you have an unlimited amount of expendable money and know for sure that you will have a large amount of money in the future, like i said, if it makes you happy. And all the doctors you mentioned are the best. I would say meet and talk with each of them. There is a chance that one of possibly all, may not choose to want to do it, given circumstances...but at least you can meet them and see if they will or let them share their knowledge. As others have said, and as you seem to care very much about your hair, I would without a doubt start Propecia. It is a safety net that could help you keep from losing any hair that you may without taking it. Of course weigh the slight possible side effect risks and inform yourself completely about the drug before making that decision as well. Best of luck to you and I hope you find happiness with whatever decision you make.
  9. Looks like you are going to have good results. However, I wanted to address one of your main points in your initial post. You said: "Any rich lazy snob can go with the most expensive person in the most affluent area and tell you only stick with “the best” or you’ll be sorry (aka Dr. Keller, Dr. Konior)… sure if you have money to blow out your arse, don’t want to research, and you don’t have anything else better to do with your funds even if you could come close to affording it. I am far from rich, actually a graduate student while working two jobs (due to economy...won't go into that) and I also did extensive research. Of course it is all a matter of opinion, where your priorities lie, how much of a gamble you are willing to take, your "gut feeling" of any particular doctor, etc. First I hope you, and anyone reading these boards, of course have consultations with several doctors before selecting one. And I couldn't imagine that you would select a doctor based mainly on price, but to each their own. After stating that, I am in just as much of a financially difficult position as the next person. After I did my research and had multiple consults, I actually decided to go with Dr. Keller - one of the two that you single out as a doctor that is one of the most expensive and that a rich, lazy, snob would goto. I completely disagree. If you actually had done your research, you would know that while Dr. Panine is slightly lower-priced than Dr. Keller, it is not by much. I am not going to go into my personal reasons, but I felt that if I was going to spend thousands of dollars to literally change my life completely, I was more than willing to spend a couple hundred more to go with the doctor that I personally felt the most comfortable with, had no hesitations with, and walked in and out of that office feeling great......before I even scheduled the appointment. One reason I will say I chose Dr. Keller is that, and anyone who he has performed work on, or even has just spoken with, would back me up in saying that he is an extremely personable, friendly, and caring human-being - as well as his entire staff. He was willing to spend as much time answering my questions, addressing my fears (some rational...some not so rational...haha), and basically teaching me anything I wanted to know for as long as I was wanting to sit there. Also from experience, and speaking to several of his past patients (also a must-do before selecting a doctor) I know that he is a perfectionist and that he stands behind his work 100%. At a follow-up appointment, there was ONE HAIR that he mentioned that he wasn't sure about, and was actually about to pull out his FUE machine just to extract it. I told him that was not necessary. That speaks volumes! I think I've said enough. But I just wanted to address you personally on what you said and at the same time inform people to not necessarily go with the doctor I chose because of my incredible experience and result, but to choose a doctor after meeting with several different ones that they have previously rigorously researched. Just as someone should not be discriminated against because they don't have money or because of where they live....a doctor should not be chosen or discriminated against, just because their office is in a specific location, in a nicer building, or charges a tiny bit more. Make sure you look at the WHOLE picture and take everything into consideration as a whole. But, your results look great from so early on, and of course I wish you the best. I think you will be very happy, and in the end.....that is what most of us are searching for in this quest for hair that we once had...
  10. Really appreciate it JustOne. So, when people say your at about half diameter, is it really THAT noticeably different when the hair is at full maturity......from other's experience? I've read a lot and informed myself, but there are some things you can only find out from other's experiences. I can't visualize the difference in appearance with the follicle growing in diameter.
  11. Thanks orlhair1. I always appreciate your feedback and compliments. Hope all is well with you.
  12. Not really a lot to mention as far as noticeable changes.....maybe a little thicker. I'm growing it out a little longer, so it could just be that making it feel thicker. Perhaps more importantly, I am becoming more comfortable with the new hair. It seems at first I was nervous about if people would notice, would they ask...took more time to style it. As time goes on I am just more comfortable and definitely more confident. I have finally broken the habit of every time I would go out in the windy city, i would continually use my hands to "comb" my hair forward and try to spread it out to cover the receding parts. I am posting "dry hair" pictures now and will be following up with some wet hair pics since that is what I started with and I can see a difference also from that aspect. Thanks for everyone's continued support, feedback, questions (both in threads and emails). Take-care.
  13. yeah, the pre-op pictures can be found at the first posting on this thread, just click the link below: http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/eve/162223-hair-transplant-dr-keller-chicago-3170-grafts.html
  14. Again, I am going to try to reply to each individually within the next few days hopefully...midterms. First question from "jogger" I am not sure if it is "kosher" to post prices. If my doctor had the prices posted on his website i would definitely tell you. Anyone have the answer to if it is ok to talk about prices? Jogger, if you send me a private email, I can definitely tell you how much I paid per graft at the time of surgery, of course I don't know if they are still that same price. Would be glad to that. And if I hear back from any officials here on the board, I will gladly post on this board how much I paid. Just don't want to say or do anything wrong.
  15. Hey all, sorry for delays, had midterms this last week. I will try to reply to each one eventually. As always, thank you for the encouragement TakingthePlunge and orlhair1 - some of my regular follwers ! And thanks so much to chrisdav, Ventuoguy , England, and BadBeat for the compliments and input. It is always so encouraging to hear feedback from others. Even though I don't check it everyday anymore, it is always a continuously changing journey. Now I am at that point, where I know everyone is saying "only half way through" and "so much more to go"....but then you really don't know exactly how much to expect or what to expect. Exciting, scary, nerve-racking, happiness... nonetheless, And lastly, Hey gasto, if you click on the link I provided, you can goto one page of my main listing and see the pre-op pictures.....I think. I will check as soon as I post this and if not, I'll see if I can throw some up. And thank-you for the compliment. Hope everyone is doing great.
  16. Hey All, I wanted to post my results on an new thread, as the other one doesn't let people know it is a 6 month update, and new people searching for HT's that have had a chance to have some growth may not see it. So, as I said before. These were taken a little over a week ago. There is one teeny tiny area that I may be concerned with on one of the temple's but Dr. Keller said, and I knew this going into it, that I am still far from done as far as maturation goes and possible new growth. He also assured me that he makes sure his patients are happy with the results. Very comforting to hear and know. The donor scar, which he uses a double tric closure on, is amazing (see pics) Overall, I am so happy and pleased with the results. Could not have asked for a better experience and doctor. If you haven't seen my progress or want to check it out again, along with comments and input you can visit the main thread with all my photos from before to after at: http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/eve/162223-hair-transplant-dr-keller-chicago-3170-grafts.html If anyone is new and has any questions feel free to hit me up either on the board or email and i'll be glad to share my experience. This website and so many people on here helped tremendously from picking a doctor to all the questions I had even after I researched for months. Wish everyone the best.
  17. Definitely growing it out Vette. It already feels good to run fingers through it, when it is not frizzy....why did i just never cut it after the HT?
  18. Wish you great growth as well Sean and look forward to staying in touch and seeing your results. And thanks for your contribution of information RCWest. And you know....whatever one has is never enough.
  19. LOL. Well, first, thanks for the compliments and feedback....and the smile you gave me. And fyi, my bangs are not cut straight across, i know better, AND...that is not how I wear my hair. The doc combed around, inspected, and then snapped the pics.... I will take some pics soon of how I actually wear it. I think I am going to grow it long in the back, and short on top....and spike it up. But, thanks for the advice, just in case I did not know better. LOL...you a trip bro.. Stay in touch, and I'll keep following your progress. Best
  20. Looks great Corv. Since we are at about the same stage, I follow you and it helps. Although I have kept my hair fairly short, I think you may inspire me to grow it out a little again, for the first time in a long time. Just had my 6 month follow-up appointment. I posted my results in my initial thread and will have them in my photo area. I can't wait for my "pubes" to start straightening out a little, but overall it is such a small price to pay (time-wise) to wait for those to mature. A little hairspray or blow dry, and you can't even tell. Best of luck, and I am very happy for you.
  21. Thanks chrisdav, I appreciate the feedback. I forgot to mention that the doctor said that I am only at about 50% diameter right now, so the thickness of each hair shaft should double within the next 6 months or so. Also, I have been keeping it cut pretty short on the top and sides. I used a #4 guard for the sides (or 1/2" length) and you can't see any scar or line from the hair.
  22. Here are the pics that were just taken a couple of days ago at the 6 month mark. There is one teeny tiny area that I may be concerned with on one of the temple's but Dr. Keller said, and I knew this going into it, that I am still far from done as far as maturation goes and possible new growth. He also assured me that he makes sure his patients are happy with the results. Very comforting to hear and know. The donor scar, which he uses a double tric closure on, is amazing (see pics) I may also post some wet hair pics, just to keep it standard and for comparison for everyone. Overall, I am SOOOOOOO happy and pleased with the results. Could not have asked for a better experience and doctor. Now, to start paying off the credit cards I used to get this done....lol
  23. I really appreciate everyone's help and contribution. I was definitely was going to wait a year at least. Wanted to get input and hear other's stories. And Sean, I really appreciate the length and information in your reply. I am not sure as far as a measurement of area covered, but I do know I was given a final count of a little over 9000 total hairs. Does that help? And yes, it does seem that we had the same basic area covered. I think my receeding went a little further back and he didn't have to go down as far in the middle. You also had temple work? Are you happy with that area? Your results look really good. It's always hard to tell from pics, but did you not have to deal with the initial hairs being kinky, wirey, curly? It looks like yours came in straight/natural...or maybe it is how you style it.
  24. Hi All, I had my first HT last August, and coming up on 6 months post-op and have been on proscar divided by 4 for 7 months. The results have been great. I know that some/a lot of people experience a second spurt of growth around 8-9 months post-op. I seem to be on average about 1.5-2 months ahead of all timelines I have seen. I was warned I would always want thicker. And I do. Is there a possibility that I have all the hairs grown in that I am going to, since I seem to be ahead of schedule? I know they will mature and get thicker. But, if no new hairs sprout, I definitely want some more density. It's not as much of me wanting to have a full head of hair as quick as possible, but more of a desire to get all cutting and transplanting done. I want to start the final timeline of healing, hair maturity, scar healing, etc. as soon as possible....if that makes sense. Any feedback/suggestions/help/stories - donations to the fund for my next HT , would greatly be appreciated. Thanks everyone.
  25. Thanks chrisdav and orlhair1. I really appreciate your input and encouragement. It's amazing that even almost 6 months in, the questioning and doubt about the process still goes up and down. I think mostly because I don't trust my own self-perception sometimes and there are so many variables from patient to patient to truly know where you should be or what the results should be at any given point in time. Wish you both the best.
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