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Everything posted by southbeacharchi

  1. I think that is a great idea, and good point. Good-luck man and best wishes.
  2. Oh. I've never heard that, and actually surprised. Did they at least tell you to start out slow or with lighter weights/intensity? Trust me buddy, i know it is hard to wait to get back into the gym. That was one of the hardest things for me. I am always afraid if i take too long off I'll lose my strength/muscle quickly. But, I definitely wanted to get back into cardio, not only to keep weight off, but I wanted to get that blood pumping. In my opinion that has to help the healing process.
  3. Btw, I think 2 weeks is too soon to be hitting the weights. That is why I asked where you got that from as I don't remember anyone saying that in this thread, or actually reading that anywhere on the web and I researched it quite thoroughly.
  4. Are you sure you read all the postings carefully? I am not sure where you got two weeks from. I started cardio after a couple of weeks. I don't think I started back to weights until about a month, and at that point, it was at much less of a capacity and higher reps than what i was doing previously. If you read through carefully I think what most people say is that everyone heals differently and doing what I did is not a bad way to start. As far as what lifts/exercises you can do, would be most easily summed up by, you can do exercises in which you do not feel a pull on your head, neck or even upper back, or put pressure on your head etc. Seriously, go back through the posts. Everything has been said on this topic, we were even lucky enough to have a doctor/physical therapist chime in. Everything you need is addressed in this thread. I'm not sure of any other help I can offer. Everyone is different, in the end err on the side of caution. Since it has been covered so thoroughly, you may not get many more replies.... Best of luck.
  5. Hey MCR, Did you check out all the great information that was posted previously in this thread. It should give you a pretty good general answer to your question. If that still doesn't answer what you asked, reply back and I'll try to summarize a basic answer or better put, "a good overall general rule." Congrats on the HT!
  6. southbeacharchi

    4 months

    starting to see major changes....early
  7. southbeacharchi

    From the album: 4 months

  8. southbeacharchi

    From the album: 4 months

  9. southbeacharchi

    From the album: 4 months

  10. southbeacharchi

    From the album: 4 months

  11. southbeacharchi

    3 months

    These were the pics taken at the doctor's office. I wore a hat there, hence why my hair is sticking out everywhere, but hopefully you can see past that and see the great results so early.
  12. southbeacharchi

    From the album: 3 months

  13. southbeacharchi

    From the album: 3 months

  14. southbeacharchi

    From the album: 3 months

  15. It took me a while to actually get them up, and they were actually taken 5 days after the 5 month mark, but I don't think much changed. Any progress is getting harder to notice. I, of course, hope that everyone is correct and that I will experience still new hairs coming in as well as the thickening of what is already there. But, at this point I am very happy with the progress, trust me, not complaining at all. For the first time in over 10 years I have been able to actually have a hairstyle that was simply messy forward. And for the first time I am starting to feel confident. Not worried about who I am bending my head down in front of, not checking my hair and feeling it anytime the wind slightly blows it. It feels really good! Has anyone else, that has had temple work, had the same zits in the same place repeatedly for months? Just curious. It is like they won't go away and they are harder than the other zits....weird. And I debated whether or not to take wet hair pics. I started that way and felt like that is the only real accurate way I could show progress. But there is such a difference in look now when it is wet and dry. I may start taking dry pics at my 6 month check-up with my doctor.
  16. Just out of curiosity, i can't tell from the pics. Have the transplanted hairs fallen out? Or are you one of the one in a million that they don't? If they did, I would say you are pretty well on track and doing good. I also don't see a huge amount of pinkness, which you are lucky about, and if you do it blends in well with you skin tone. The pinkness was like a crayon line drawing across my forehead and was the main reason why i had to wear hats so much. Good luck.
  17. Let me start by the disclaimer i am not a doctor, but if you do enough research, at 1 month, your grafts are set in place and the beanies should be fine. Plus, you lucky in the fact that a beanie can cover your donor scar area and transplanted area, keep you warm, but also still allow the skin/incisions to heal and breathe. And as everyone always say, it would be best to run it by your doctor, to not only get his opinion, but if he give you the go ahead and then for some 1 in a million chance it causes problem....well....he told you to. Best of luck.
  18. I don't want to repeat, so...ditto to what they said above. But, if you are in no rush, it is not going to hurt to give this a full year, and in the meantime try Propecia or cheaper Proscar 5mg which you have to divide into 4 pieces - and Rogaine, to see exactly what level you can get to with the HT you already completed and through medication. Then, with your doctor reevaluate and see if another HT is what you want. Best Wishes.
  19. And, as always, thank-you orlhair1. Yes, I'm so glad I cut it. Thank-you for that advice and little nudge in that direction. It made a world of difference not only in feel, but I think the overall look. For the first time, I feel like I can comfortably go out without a hat and without a gallon of hair spray in my combed forward hair.
  20. Thank-you very much StaggerLee123, I really appreciate it. I'll be posting more and better pics for the 5 month coming up.
  21. I finally cut all my hair on top to the same length as the new transplanted hair. The photos aren't the best but I'll post better when I take 5-6 month updates. Let me know if you can't see them, and I'll try something else. So, right now, these pics are at 4 and a half months.
  22. Thanks as always orlhair1, I really appreciate it. I am going to cut it short as soon as I get back to Chicago after holidays. No one else?
  23. Here are two dry hair pics I said I would post. I tried to part it so you could see as much of the transplanted hair as possible, but it is getting harder and harder to tell which hair is which hair. The first one was taken just today, the second one, was taken a couple of weeks ago. Question: For those veterans, when did you all eventually cut the rest of the hair to the same length as the new transplanted hair? I've been itching to do it, but that takes away my security blanket of being able to just comb it forward over it. I would appreciate any feedback, suggestions, or advice. Best to everyone.
  24. Best of luck tomorrow. It is such an exciting time for you. And I agree that this website is amazing and was so helpful in the direction, research and ultimate decision in finding my HT doctor. Can't wait to see your results, I'm sure they are going to be great.
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