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Everything posted by southbeacharchi

  1. Congrats on the 5k time. I was actually going to follow-up and ask about it, but post-op got sidetracked. I was able to make it 5 days, then I had to start running again. The skin back there isn't tight, so I am pretty comfortable. I am lifting weights for first time tomorrow.....going to start with lower weights, higher reps. Thanks SO much for the de-training effects information. That did put my mind at ease greatly. Are there ANY "safe" chest excercises? Why is it said to not do anything that puts your head flat against a bench, just because of the position it puts your head....stretching the back? Thanks all and happy excercising.
  2. Thanks so much David. I really appreciate the affirmation. I also appreciate all you put into this site to help people. This website and people like you greatly helped in my research and ultimate decision.....and is continuing to help me any time something happens and i freak out (thinking is this supposed to happen, is this ok, should i do this) etc. lol. I will keep you all posted. Best wishes.
  3. I definitely agree about Dr. Keller RC. I am hoping that my progress and results of his work speak for themselves and change that underrating. Very few of his patients show their results on here or post. Thanks for the encouragement
  4. thanks aaron, thanks for the reassurance, but the pinkness is the least of my worries right now.....mostly because i am lucky enough (grad school break) to not have to go anywhere or worry about the appearance. i am worried, even though i am past "the window" that grafts will come out, that i'll do something wrong, that they won't grow in, etc. etc....i could list 400 worries. that's just my personality. best wishes and thanks for the assurance and input.
  5. i've been looking through many many many posts for days. maybe i am doing it the wrong way. can anyone teach me how, or refer me to any specific posts with examples of short haircuts in the back showing the strip scar...ranging from shortly post-op to later after healing? thanks so much
  6. southbeacharchi

    9 Days Post-Op

    After Doctor visit. Staples removed and remaining crusting oil/massaged off. All pics taken with hair soaking wet out of shower.
  7. southbeacharchi

    From the album: 9 Days Post-Op

  8. southbeacharchi

    From the album: 9 Days Post-Op

  9. southbeacharchi

    From the album: 9 Days Post-Op

  10. southbeacharchi

    From the album: 9 Days Post-Op

  11. Just had appt. today. Had staples removed and scabs/crusts oiled/massaged away. It's a little pink, but Dr. said all grafts looked great and he thinks it is going to be an incredible outcome. Wet hair, right out of shower, no-dry pics.
  12. Thanks newhairplease and and a hairdown, As far as mederman, i've read a lot of reports that say it just doesn't work any better than petroleum jelly. And I actually used the graphcyte spray for the first week, doc gave it to me....well included in the price, and i think it helped a lot. I can't afford the whole kit, especially since i already in essence paid for the spray. But thanks for the ideas. Keep em comin.
  13. thank-you Thehairupthere, what about after staple removal? i've been reading that still keeping the wound moist helps heal and helps reduce appearance, for instance, using vaseline.
  14. Thanks orlhair1. Looks like you are going to have a great outcome as well. Shapiro really did a good job. Now we both are in the waiting game.
  15. Hey all, I tried searching the threads and couldn't find anything directly addressing this. I have been doing research on how to minimize scarring from the donor area incision. It seems like a lot say neosporin for first week and then just petroleum jelly and that they key is to try to keep it moist. Has anyone done this? Experiences? Other suggestions? Feedback? I put an email in to my doctor just now and will see what he says but wanted to throw it out to you all as well. Thanks much.
  16. thanks hairthere, really appreciate the feedback. wish you the best,
  17. oh, and corvette, yes....i started propecia, well 1/4 Proscar (can't afford Propecia) about a month before surgery. thanks for the observation and tip. you know self-perception is so amazing. i always was only worried about and only thought my receeding hairline was the problem. before consultations i would tell the doctor, "no, the top and crown are fine." then i goto the consultations and they take a comb and a mirror and i was blown away. i've told everyone i know that I will not go bald...i will fight this every step of the way.
  18. thanks aaron and corvette, i really appreciate feedback as to how it looks, everything taken into consideration. i know it is way too early to draw any conclusions. now begins the waiting game...from what i read, is the hardest part. corvette, i checked out your pics....really good looks. do you happen to have any immediately post-op pics....or "scabby" pics as i have begun to call them. hope you both are doing well.
  19. Edit Please note: Periodic updates including pictures - 2 months through 15 months post-op are later in this post, make sure you check out the other pages. And from now on, I will be posting the updates with pictures on this thread (I didn't know what I was doing when I started this, one of my first threads. Original thread: As promised, here are some before pictures followed by some after pictures taken 2 days after the surgery. I received 3170 grafts, but need to ask for the exact breakdown of singles, doubles, etc. I was supposed to receive 3000, but they harvested an extra 170 and gave them to me for free! Many were placed in the receding sides, but he also did some temporal work and added more to the entire front middle. Sorry, don't know all the lingo. As far as the procedure goes, I would have to say that Dr. Keller and his ENTIRE staff have to be the nicest people in the business. Four technicians, the nurse, and Dr. Keller were there with me throughout the day. I was constantly asked if I was ok, feeling ok, hungry, thirsty, needed anything etc. To illustrate how nice they are, I got off at the wrong train station, I called to tell them I may be a little late. They asked where I was and told me to stay there. The doctor gave the nurse his car to come pick me up! I promised to document my experience with Dr. Keller, due to the lack of patient experiences and documentation so far from patients of his on this site even though he is a recommended doctor. I reviewed and researched extensively and from the results I saw of his, I could not see why he was not spoken about just as much as other local doctors such as Dr. Konior and Dr. Shapiro (not in Chicago, but close enough). So far, I would rank him just as good as them and feel that he is one of the HT world's biggest secrets. I will keep updating as time goes by. I now need to go prop myself up in that uncomfortable position to sleep.....I can't wait to sleep normal on my side again. lol
  20. southbeacharchi

    2nd Day Post-Op

    Post-Op pictures after receiving 3170 grafts, with wet hair.
  21. southbeacharchi

    From the album: 2nd Day Post-Op

  22. southbeacharchi

    From the album: 2nd Day Post-Op

  23. southbeacharchi

    From the album: 2nd Day Post-Op

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