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Everything posted by jessie1

  1. Rod, Your comments are sincere and well received. I always take constructive advice inboard, it's all part of the learning and support process. I have always been clear to point out that my situation is by no means unique or extremely unfortunate, I have simply had a had experience with the industry. Afterall I'm a NW2 for gods sake! Rod, I suppose all my thoughts going into HT 4 are exacerbated by the doubt I have been left in after my Feller experience. When you get doc and patient advocate with different views on the result and left on your jack jones it's hard to forget. Anyway, sure I have photos and I will post a final experience with Feller Medical but i am concentrating on the future now and this is not what this thread is about. Hey it's just reassurance I'm after at the end of the day with an extra helping of support. I respect that I'm not on everybody's Xmas card list but I make no apologies for expressing myself, what's the point of this forum if you can't (within the terms of use of course) Jessie
  2. Shadow, Hilarious mate. Love how you put that together. I'm bloody giggling like a school kid........ On a serious note, point well made. Jessie
  3. Lovely job. Dense and very natural. This guy should be living the dream now......... And with just 27 years on the clock too. Let's hope he manages to maintain those thick locks Jessie
  4. Stuart, That is excellent advice and you have tapped into all of my concerns just there. I am extremely concerned to the point of brickin it for want of a better term. There are no certainties here and theres nobody more aware of that than me at this present time. The advice I received from Spex when I saw him to discuss my poor result was to hit my hairline and zone behind with a 2000-2500 FUT . There is definitely some disparity between your cautious advice and his. I have opted for less than this because I have factored in these concerns for my next op. This is where it's essential that your surgeon stands by you and fully assesses any unfavourable outcomes instead of leaving you in the cold with massive question marks.. I have had no choice but to figure it all out by my jack jones but that's done with now and I need to think positive thoughts whilst staying grounded and being extra cautious Jessie
  5. Alexdelarge, I understand where you are coming from mate and many others will. Going to the barbers means that I have to look in the mirror. I can't dim the lights or turn my head away to avoid seeing my very stalky and unnatural looking hairline....... And let's face it, concealers are a no no at the barbers. My last trip was awful, mainly down to the barber who came straight out with it in front of half a dozen guys as he was running his fingers through my hairline. My red face gave him the answer he was looking for. Do as suggested, search for a sympathetic barber: believe me, they have seen it all ......... and then some! I have two objectives for my next HT and one of those is simply to get a haircut at the barbers. Nearly $20,000 dollars down and barely a NW2 and you would have thought that the industry would have been able to meet my goal already yeah? Don't do anything drastic like I did. Simply find a barber that you are comfortable with mate. Jessie
  6. Capelli, I will reveal my Doc in a few weeks, after my surgery. Never intended to be annoying about this, thats why this thread is centred around advice. Plus, my character came under attack on this forum in another thread and I'm keen not to bring that negativity into my next procedure. Hope that clears things up. I just want a fair crack of the whip in other words guys and to sort my hairline out once and for all. Cheers for the ongoing support: Seriously need it!!!!! Jessie 1000 FUE Dr Feller Sept 2010 2 UK strips 2007 and 2009
  7. Sean, Graft count not confirmed as yet. I will let you all know once it's fully decided. Regarding your private message re swelling, got it mate. You are very thorough and meticulous Sean. Thanks for the effort, appreciated. Jessie
  8. Cheers for the kind words guys. Definitely worried about my donor area given the FUE for my last op. Would be great to hear from anybody who has reverted back to FUT after FUE. Well I have heard of 'third time lucky' but for me this will hopefully be 'forth time lucky'......... The last year has been awful and I would be lying if I said my confidence wasn't shattered to pieces but the back stage messages of support over the past 3 or 4 months especially have been inspiring ........But to keep us on thread would still like to invite comments regarding FUE to FUT Thanks guys, Jessie 1000 FUE Dr Feller 2010 2 UK FUTs
  9. Hi Guys, This is an unusual one and I think we could put this down to pre op nerves with an FUT HAIRLINE REPAIR procedure looming..... I just can't stop thinking about my past mistakes at the hands of this industry. Ok, here's the deal...... I've had 2 previous unsuccessful strip procedures in 2007 and 2009..... Then in 2010 I underwent 1000 graft FUE to my hairline with Dr Feller which also didn't work out. I've had consultations this year with reputable clinics during which I was asked why I decided to change from FUT to FUE given that I already had an existing strip scar..... Furthermore, a strip scar that could have benefited from a repair being that it was wider than the norm thanks to shoddy workmanship in the UK. My next procedure is FUT and the Doc plans to repair and use the same scar to harvest grafts: ie two birds with one stone. Again, a combination of poor research and poor advice lead me to believe that I would inherit an additional strip scar if I went for FUT again so thats what ultimately lead me down the FUE path for my last HT with Dr Feller. I could kick myself. Why did I go with FUE when I could have gone with FUT last time around and had my existing scar repaired whilst surely giving myself a better yield prospect, especially when we were relying on FUE grafts in a heavily scarred recipient area???? I mean, we all know the uncertainties of FUE which Spex was keen to point out after my last procedure, especially when grafting into existing scar tissue. Has anybody been in or heard of a similar situation to mine? Will my donor be at a disadvantage for my forthcoming FUT? Any reassurance would be great..... Cheers, Jessie 1000 FUE Dr Feller Sept 2010 2 UK strips 2007 and 2009
  10. Natalie, It sounds like you are more bothered about your boyfriend's hairloss than he is. Am I right in thinking that? It seems like you are the driving force behind his treatment plan. Although I feel that your intentions are good, hairloss is a very personal thing and can effect people in many different ways. Some people are not bothered by it but some are, and I mean massively .... low self esteem, depression, confidence issues and much worse. You know your man better than me but I would be careful about your approach to this. The last thing you want to do is give your guy a complex because of your view on hairloss. Jessie
  11. Sermono, You are in safe hands on this forum mate. Just keep tapping into the advice offered. My hairloss is pretty much confined to the hairline but unfortunately this is not an area which is effectively tackled by meds. Well, my experience has lead me to that conclusion and in fairness I haven't seen many success stories when it comes to hairline maintenance or restoration on meds alone..... Furthermore, I have been on FIN for 2.5 years and I'm not a big fan of it. I just take it because I'm frightened of the consequences if I don't. One thing I would say about FIN is that the clinical trials don't seem to reflect real life experiences of using the drug. I would say that personal experiences are much more credible and realistic than what the clinical trials would have you believe. Jessie
  12. Absolutely undetectable and simply amazing...... I'm absolutely blown away with how how natural this looks.
  13. Sirius, All the best to you: its early days and to say its frustrating is a massive understatement. I have an up and coming procedure and I wanted to know if you experienced any swelling? If so, when and how long did it last? I had bad facial swelling after my last FUT. The donor area looks great by the way, very well covered and almost undetectable. Is the scar nice and thin ? Cheers, Jessie
  14. I think we all are........ I'm particularly bored by the fanatical way in which they are written BUT they stay at the top of the bill for far too long because they keep getting fed instead of being ignored.......
  15. I would be disappointed if I saw no growth at 3.5 months but its still relatively early. I would be making early contact with your Doc though and drop in for a follow up. The Doc maybe able to offer suitable reassurance and this will encourage the Doc to keep a closer eye on your progress. The next couple of months should hopefully see significant progress... All the best, Jessie
  16. Rahul, Unfortunate story. There is plenty of advice available for situations such as yours. There are plenty of repair patients on here. I need a repair too. I have 50-100 badly angled grafts in my right temple from a previous HT. There are various techniques. I am not endorsing Berstein Medical but if you search their website they give quite a concise summary of graft removal/ repair procedures. I urge you not to rush into this. You need to make sure you are in the right hands. Acting hastily could leave you full of regret. You need to educate yourself. Others have touched on this and I know that you have contacted Dr Madhu but you should consider travelling outside of India (if thats possible) in order to go to the best. Another quick tip: look on YOUTUBE and you will see plenty of repair procedures. I came across a few videos from Dr Bisanga which were very impressive. I have also had a consultation with him which was excellent. Very informative and very professional. Research and educate yourself and try and make contact with patients who have undergone similar procedures and PM them. People will reach out to you. Jessie
  17. Hey Guys, Anybody heard how London got on? Did he manage to get sorted in the end? Jessie
  18. Runman, This thread will be allowed to continue, but I think it would be beneficial to elaborate on your story. I think that you are awfully brave to reveal your experience. I am inclined not to take sides either way as I don't know all the facts. I have been at the mercy of a terrible experience on this forum when speaking out about my bad experience with a coalition Doc and in fairness the thread was allowed to run its course and was never deleted. I respect that Bill has a very difficult job but I do feel that coalition docs are heavily protected. Having been openly accused of extortion by Dr Feller on this forum, it's a serious accusation to level at somebody. I look forward to hearing more of your story and Bill's response.
  19. StevieG, Are you a Liverpool fan by any chance? Ok, business. Regarding your short list above, I would defintely add to it... I am not particularly clued up with crown work since my hairloss is confined to the hairline at present. However, during my research I have seen some excellent crown work. As such I would definitely add SMG and Hasson and Wong to your list. It would be handy to know which technique you are decided on, FUT or FUE as this may (and perhaps should) effect your choice in surgeon given that some Docs either don't perform both or excell in a particular technique. For instance, although very competent at both, Dr Bisanga is considered one of, if not the top (IMO), FUE Doc in Europe. FUT widens the pool of choice. One thing that you need to be very comfortable on, in addition to the skill of the surgeon, is their aftercare service. In simple terms, if the HT doesn't work out for you , Helsinki is a hell of a lot further away from the US in comparison to Europe. This is where location does play a vital part of the decision making aspect Stevie. If you do Opt for overseas, which is advisable in order to go to the best, make sure you are comfortable with the Doc's reputation in relation to aftercare. How will they remedy the situation if things don't work out? These are things you need to be asking and researching alongside results, pics and patient experiences. By digging out poor experiences, as well as the many positive ones, will help you arrive at a more informed decision. A good tip would be to go beyond the forums and use your search engine. Based on my experience, as an overseas patient, I could not and will not recomend Dr Feller based on my result and aftercare issues, although he is very popular on this forum and has produced good solid work. I could not comment on Dr Mwamba as I have no little knowledge of his work. Dr Bessam Farjo is the best choice in the UK but IMO he is not your 'best' choice. Dr Bisanga, from your list, is in my opinion the best choice for you. I recently had a consultation with Dr Bisanga and it was excellent. Posting pics though would attract more forum support. Best of luck Jessie
  20. Hey Guys, Let's keep this civil and on track. The whole T&D saga with Corv is definitely wearing thin and in my opinion, having read many of his posts and followed his journey, I think he has been straight down the line. Has he been somewhat diplomatic, sure. That's a sign of somebody who communicates well and presents his opinion respectfully and with fore thought as to the Docs reputation amongst other reasons. Many forum members follow the same principals. In addition to this, in support of the above, having communicated with Corv privately and taken on board his in depth knowledge of the industry, I can say with honesty, not once has he tried to sell T&d to me, or any other product for that matter. Corv has been of huge support to me when I was left out in the cold and thats the reality of it. I don't always agree with Corv and I'm sure the feeling is mutual as we are all adults here and as such have different views, but he is genuine and passionate and his contribution to this community is testament to this. Controversial?... Yep, at times and why not? I think he encourages transparency, of huge benefit to the forum, particularly those who are just learning about this industry and the many pitfalls associated with it. Oh, and just for the record, I would never encourage anybody to finance a HT on a secured loan basis. I think he overwhelming majority of us will agree on that. Cheapest Doc in NY? ..... For FUT I don't think they are a million miles apart. I think Feller is $5 per graft but their websites will have all the current up to date info. I do not know of your personal situation, and money is an issue for me at present too, however I would strongly advise against basing your choice on the cheapest Doc, otherwise you run the risk of a life long regret and more dosh to correct the mistakes of the previous procedure. As a repair patient I speak from experience. Jessie
  21. Hairthere, I fully support everything that you and other forum members have said. Members should be able to share their comments without fear of being abused, insulted or intimidated, so long as their comments are genuine and submitted in a respectful manner. Speaking from experience, I know first hand how it feels to be completely violated by inappropriate, insulting and defamatory behaviour, not least of all from a coalition doctor recommended on this site. Behaviour that was not pubilcally condemed by the moderators despite being some of the worst comments I have ever seen on this forum. Shameful in fact..... Future, David, Bill, I, and many others , will support you in your endeavour to tackle poor behaviour on the forum as I know first hand how damaging and upsetting it can be. Hairthere: excellent thread. Jessie1 Dr Feller Sept 2010 2 UK strip procedures 2007 and 2009
  22. Yes, huge difference between 'take me out' and this new outdoors programme. He did have varying amounts of concealer from programme to proramme in 'take me out'. Sometimes it was very obvious as his hair looked chalky and I think even the line up of girls noticed as it seemed that they were spending a lot of time talking to his hair at times. Also, have a butchers at celebrity all star family fortunes without much (if any) concealer. I must admit, his concealer has been applied by a pro by the looks of it onthis new programme. Jessie
  23. Even with blurry pics, this result looks great. The density looks bang on and a significant improvement can be seen. I do detect a noticable contrast between the native hair and transplanted hair but that might be over emphasised by the blurriness in the pics and/or styling. A clear transformation however. This guy has every reason to be chuffed:cool: Jessie
  24. Capelli, Difficult one to call.... pros and cons for each. I flew back from the US and then had to face a domestic flight in the UK from Heathrow. It was very uncomfortable but in fairness the length of flight was probably a huge factor. If you have no connecting flight I would be tempted to fly. I arrived in Heathow pretty much at the same time of as a couple of flights from the middle east. Customs were extra tight and the process was very very intrusive and unpleasant. Far worse than customs at JFK which was relatively straight forward and painless. If you are worried about looking stupid with your cap on, you will get the odd few looks. I don't think this has anything to do with the cap, probably the fact that you will look like you have gone 10 rounds with Tyson. Serious..... When I looked in the mirror when I eventually got back in the house I looked like a different person. My face was puffed up and I looked like I hadn't slept for a week. There again, it was a long journey and many others didn't exactly look fit for a photo shoot. Plus, at Heathrow I was asked to take my hat off and I refused unless it was done in private due to telling them I had just had 'head surgery'. On each occasion they waved me through. I noticed that many people with religious dress were waved through or requesting private areas so I figured that I wanted to be afforded the same dignity, why shouldn't I? They will probably just wave you through as they can't be bothered with the hassle. Take advice from your Doc first and foremost though mate. Jessie
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